Game is about angels and demons

>Game is about angels and demons
>Go to Hell to fight Satan
>"Why would you harm me, when it is God that caused your suffering?"

Other urls found in this thread:

Asuka a best

Satan did nothing wrong.

>Play bayonetta 2
>kick the shit out of EVERYONE's ass

>You fight God to end a cycle, only to continue it

>go to hell to fight satan
>he's got his dick out

I need exp from Mid Boss before i take on Final Boss.

If they make a 3, then we're going to be killing Hell's Ruler, or "God". I hope her colour scheme will be Green.

>Tfw you can't even argue because Satan is right

>game is about angels and demons
>Stephen Hawking canonically has a higher power level than YHVH


>>game is about angels and demons
>>Stephen Hawking canonically has a higher power level than YHVH
wasn't he just out of that system entirely

>There's no games to side with Satan to kill God

> be anime character
> be best girl
> ...

>western game
>church is your friend, gives you buffs and stuff
>last boss is satan, again

>japanese game
>church is evil
>last boss is god, again

who was in the wrong here


>Game is about Angels and Demons
>Angels are the biggest assholes to humans and believe they're inferior, while only doing their job because the orders from God
>Demons are bros and just misunderstood

>Devil was God all along!
Is there more eye-rolling moment than this Japanese favorite?

But it's the truth.

A small fire being contained may seem harmless.

It's not always the case

Have you ever read a bible? god was fucking evil and cast out Lucifer for childish fucking reasons.

I don't argue that it's one of the worst offenders here. I'm asking whether there are moments more cringy that that or not.

How comes evil god has good son? Shouldn't Jesus usurp God's throne or something?

Except that's wrong you retard, some SMT routes do that.

Jesus was raised by humans, so he was good.

>He thinks his God is loving and cares about him

God is just a great big celebrity, while you're a fan among billions, your life means nothing to him

Do you know how heaven could be? Just rich or famous assholes that God liked to view, even if they sinned worse than Hitler, he would allow them into Heaven, while you praised him over and over to be sent to Hell for something tiny.

Just think about that

Hell, YHVH is the final boss for both routes in IV Apocalypse.

>Have a PC
>Want to play SMT games

Sigh, is there ANY SMT games for PC? Can I emulate? What games do you guys recommend? I'm really into the demon/angel stuff

Jesus is God. He is also the Son and Holy Spirit.

You haven't read the Bible.

>god made a bet with the devil to see if man would still praise him even if his life went to shit
>god absolutely destroyed this mans life
>still praised god, probably out of fear more than anything
>god took that one as a win

Nah god was evil.

You certainly haven't

You can emulate just about everything. 1 and II both have translated ROMs for SNES. 3 is easily emulated as a PS2 game, end even IV and IV Apocalypse can be emulated in Citra, the 3DS emulator.

They're all great, albeit 1 and II are very dated for what it's worth.


I've emulated Megami Tensei 1 and 2, Shin Megami Tensei 1 and 2, and Persona 1 and 2. If I had a PS2 emulator, I could emulate Nocturne, Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2, Persona 3 and 4, and Raidou 1 and 2. You can most certainly emulate SMT to your hearts content.

I recommend Megami Tensei 2 and Shin Megami Tensei 2.

Persona 5 (not actual satan or god though)

>lifetime of suffering
>mattering, at all, when compared to eternity
congratulations you missed the point of Job

>Tales of Zestiria is about you being what is basically the reincarnation of Jesus in a world where people are no longer religious
>Tales of Berseria is about you and your group of demons killing the original Jesus cause he's a dick

[Citation needed]

>is there ANY SMT games for PC? Can I emulate?

There are some SMT on PC, but all the good ones you can emulate just as easily for psp, ps2, snes, DS, etc. SMT Nocturne for PS2 is probably a good start since it's really good and has a simple story. Lately Sup Forums has been jerking off to SMT Strange Journey for DS, easy to emulate. I'd recommend Persona 5 because it is the most stylish and polished of them all.

How about a game where you're chosen by Lucifer, turned into a demon, team up with other demons and go punch god in the face?

I miss that Lucifer. His design and theme song were so damned good.

And if he did break? If he stopped praising god?
His entire life would be shit, AND he'd spend an entirety in hell.
The judeo-christian god is a fucking psychopath. I'd sooner take my chances with worshipping Odin.

You never actually punch god in the face though in Nocturne.

SMT II Law and both Apocalypse routes

I liked Louis Cypher. He was very dapper.
You punched Kagutsuchi, which is like mooning YHVH through a web cam.

Kagutsuchi was just an entity to rebuild the world periodically so YHVH didn't have to get up. It's like breaking god's hammer or something. He probably didn't give a shit.

>you break the cycle
>turns out you breaking the cycle and somebody else starting up the cycle again is all part of a BIGGER cycle
aaaaaaaaaand that's when I stopped watching Dark Souls fan theory videos

>Fighting against God
>Summon Satan to shoot God right in the fucking face

stebbit up

when the cripple gets up

Are you for real?

And what happened to innocent people God killed while testing Job? His family? The didn't go to heaven just because they were collaterals in the divine game of stupidity. Fuck YHWH.

>end even IV and IV Apocalypse can be emulated in Citra, the 3DS emulator.
No and 3 works pretty shitty just like about any 3d game on ps2 emulator.

>And what happened to innocent people God killed while testing Job? His family?
This part always gets me when that story gets mentioned. Few people even seem to give a shit about his family. They got totally fucked over by this deity all for testing Job, and they're basically just footnotes. Fuck you, Yahweh.

It's true though, do you even gnosticism

All these games can be emulated easily, furthermore, when people say "I'm replaying SMT", MOST of the time those guys are emulating.

Everyone is fucking emulating.


It's a difference between old and new values.

Back then life was seen as cheap in addition to the patriarch of the family being the only person that actually fucking mattered.

The New Testament is very different for a reason; society had changed by then.


Her death was necessary for her glorious rebirth

>1 and II

[autistic screeching intensifies]

>trusting satan
Wew lads

Better than trusting a god who doesn't exist.

>Satan exists
>at the same time God doesn't

the existence of god is a ruse to discredit satan

I suppose if he means the natural inclinations of mankind that have a negative effect on other people and yourself, then yeah, Satan exists and God doesn't.

>Asuka > Rei
>Rin > Saber
>Triss > Yen
Why is Red-chan always superior to White-chan?

Humans can have good inclination too though, thankfully

Satan can not exist without god

Does god exist in Bahamut? Satan did but nobody says anything about god.

Not nevcessarily with what I was refferring to. Satan literally means adversary, but he's not an adversary to God, he's an adversary to man. He is only an adversary to God if God loves his creations (and he does). We're pretty much on this Earth to be subject to chaos and overcome it (natural disasters, diseases, etc.), Satan is here as an agent of chaos to stir the pot, turning mankind against itself. It's just like the Divine Powers in Apocalypse said, Lucifer is a scapegoat, here as part of God's plan to be humanity's adversary.

Satan may want to be God's adversary, but he's so petty that he can't just not do "his job", and has convinced himself that if he keeps doing it he'll win someday. Because the alternative is also a win for God, what with all those souls actually making it to heaven, I mean come on.

Anyways, take any literal beings out of the equation, and we're left with people doing bad things and people doing nice things. God doesn't actually represent the nice things people do, while Satan has always represented our adversarial relationships with ourselves and others.

tl;dr: If you don't believe they literally exist, Satan has more symbolic precedence than God.

>"Why would you harm me, when it is God that caused your suffering?"

Oh don't you worry Satan, that asshole's next. Still, I gotta kill you first, need that loot you're hoarding.

all redheads have the personality of trannies though

>Falling for Satan's stupid tricks

There is not a single good videogame that has you fight God, angels or Satan, or has you go to heaven or hell

Fucking bottom of the barrel trashy RPGs with little to no gameplay are the only games that do this. sMT as a series is awful

>Game is about angels and demons
>Go up to Satan and slay him 10 times over
>Restore faith across all the world and mankind alike

Is there a better game premise than this?

>dante's inferno

>tfw no game where humanity teams up to btfo both the holy side and the evil side and become the kingdom of men

Satan is an adversary to God but cannot achieve direct fruition of his plot so he turns to misleading God's creations as the next best thing. Turning mankind against itself so much as to make them doubt their faith in God is victory enough.

>God doesn't actually represent the nice things people do, while Satan has always represented our adversarial relationships with ourselves and others.

I'd argue the exact opposite of this. People can easily be shitty to one another without having to rope in an existential basis for it, whereas the really good things that people do are prone to leaving one so dumbfounded that it's easier to believe some otherworldly essence took hold and created a better outcome.

Game about angels and arch angels. You are told by god to go after the deadly sins wich are angels turned bad. You absorb their power when slaying them. You are the arch angel Lucifer. After having killed all deadly sins you have become crazy with power. You decide to challenge god. He's the endboss and after playing a while you notice that you barely can damage him and he heals himself. You realize that 1 hit from him takes 2/3 of your life. You lose the fight and he throws you to the depths and so you become the fallen angel.

That's the Diablo storyline.

You forgot bayonetta.

I've just finished Nocturne on the emulator and it never dropped below 60, even though I have a potato-tier PC,
Try not playing on a microwave next time.

You know it wasn't amazing but El Shaddai was a good game.

What did she mean by this?

>the grim reaper comes to take you
>fight death and decapitate him with his own scythe
>now I get to exact revenge in the afterlife
>this is what Christians actually believe

>Rin > Saber

>Implying Rodin doesn't rule Inferno

besides, God/Jubileus was done in Bayo 1

>They had to cut out the story of Rodin regaining his angelic power and had to shove the fight into the game as a special boss.





What did she mean by this?



The whole mankind killing God or God is evil because bad things happen to people or Satan is really misunderstood is getting old.

You can't blame your suffering on the maleveloence of Hod because an omnipotent being most likely doesn't have the same man made morals as you or even cares about them or even you for that matter.

Next, how can you kill that which is omnipotent? They can't be God then otherwise

And I won't Satan is evil because Satan isn't. Satan has a job and Satan does it because that's required of them. Satan isn't twiddling his thumbs and trying to find ways to get you to do bad things

The whole RELIGION IS BAD is tired

>Nice Try Satan but your lies won't stop me

>Rin > Saber