>Space game
>Planets come in different climate types and not a single one is as diverse as Earth
As a Sci-fi fag this pisses me off.
>Space game
>Planets come in different climate types and not a single one is as diverse as Earth
As a Sci-fi fag this pisses me off.
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I feel you Op
Muh snow planet
Muh jungle planet
Muh desert planet
Someone come up with something new
worst of all is how they usually dont take life, radiation, magnetic fields, gravity or even fucking atmospheric pressure into account
How alien do you want it? Lovecraft or Kirkbride alien?
>Hurrr I'm angry that nobody enjoys my sillyhoo planet idea where everyone walks with their faces or some other retarded bullshit.
It sucks, but climates and lifeforms aren't likely to be all that crazy.
Tolkein crafted the biggest world and his shit was just medieval drama between humans, short humans, skinny humans, and ugly humans.
well that's what makes earth so special innit
>Space game
>Every planet, moon and space station you go to has the exact same gravity and atmosphere
but thats realistic
look at the planets we know about they are all the same climate except earth
>Space game focus on the macro scale
>Find all the small stuff way to dumbed down
>Space game focuses on the micro scale
>Don't feel like you're in a very large universe
>Space game focuses on both
>It looks like this
That's a NASA hoax, they are big stars and Earth is a flat plain
>all the aliens look like recolored humans
>Space game
>Black hole is a solid sphere/ball
Well what shape do they have then?
>lifeless planet
>has plants
>developers can't be arsed to put basic things in games
>this faggot expects different climates on planets, gravity, radiation, magnetic fields...
>The planet is very likely tidally locked, with one hemisphere permanently facing towards TRAPPIST-1 and the other shrouded in darkness. However, between these two intense areas, there would be a sliver of habitability – called the terminator line, where the temperatures may be suitable (about 273 K (0 °C; 32 °F)) for liquid water to exist.
>Even, from the close in proximity of TRAPPIST-1d, about 50 times closer than Earth is from the Sun, the planet receives less than 1% the visible light Earth sees from our Sun. This would probably make the days on TRAPPIST-1d never brighter than twilight is on Earth. However, that still means that TRAPPIST-1 could easily shine at least 3000 times brighter in the sky of TRAPPIST-1d than the full moon does in Earth's night sky.
>Space game
>Black holes are real and not just a mathematical convenience that are as real as magical pixies who run the rain factory in clouds.
I think the problem here isn't the shape but the fact it's solid. Black holes are a singularity, which is beyond microscopic and the sphere you see is the void of blackness called the event horizon which you should be able to fall through to your doom.
This is one of the biggest sources of my existential angst, as strange as it sounds.
>blackholes has the shape of your mothers anus
Desert Planet = One that hasn't been terraformed like Mars
Water Planet = Theoretically believe to exist on one of Jupiters Moons
Ice Planet = Dunno Pluto I guess
Volcano Planet = Venus
The problem is that none of these support life in the slightest.
Why not just find massive Black hole n survive event horizon?
You think you're being clever but Earth is rapidly becoming a single biome planet thanks to rising temperatures and desertification, mass extinction and homogenisation of human culture.
You realise there were periods when the Earth didn't even have Ice Caps right?
>Earth is rapidly becoming a single biome planet
literally impossible
Yeah, it was a tropical planet then, but you're not gonna see that shit again because human activity affects more than just the air temperature.
Halo did it right
the event horizon is just the line where light doesn't get absorbed into the hole anymore. those weird bright shapes around a black hole
>tfw all planet surface is uninhabitable desert except for several impact craters where the atmospheric pressure is high enough to harbour life
Why there are no games set in cool settings like that?
What game is that
Aurora aka dwarf fortress: space edition
I didn't know this was a thing. Pretty cool.
>Implying Earth in past times had the diversity of biomes as it has today
Carboniferous Earth was swamp planet and Permic probably had a mix of desert and arid zones in general.
Is it possible that humanity is the most advanced civilization in the entire universe? Aliens do exist, that's a fact, but is it possible they're still in their incredibly primitive stages? Maybe we have cavemen tentacleheads at one place and medieval lizardmen somewhere else.
I don't know what a real life alien would look like so bear with the examples.
Who knows?
Probability alone suggests that there might be a race more advanced than us, but that could be in the next galactic cluster over.
It should look like a lens, reflecting the universe around it.
You mean like Spore's space stage? You can run into other species that are taking the same evolutionary path that yours did, only their in the earlier stages.
You can drop technology on their planet and increase their development speed, and when they reach the age of space they love you for it, but they're not powerful allies because they don't have much territory.
Don't worry buddy, Mass Effect Andromeda takes your audience into account. There are several "Golden Worlds" which meet the criteria for livable planets for each species!
you don't seem to get it, humans need to believe there's something out there better than us, stronger than us, smarter than us, etc. It gives us something to strive towards. If we discovered we were truly the only intelligent life in the entire universe a lot of people would simply just give up.
We will never meet aliens, but our robots might meet robots built by aliens.
>Lifeless planet
>Has robots
Wait, no, still accurate. :^)
Grox... detected...
>tfw no "hot" rain forest in monhan
Deserts and volcanoes aren't the only hot places, Capcom
Why is the moon crescent shape if earth aint round retard
>tfw future of the universe is the endless war between von neumann probes, until the heat death of the world.
I... that gave me a headache
>planets only have one animal/race living on it
I...I shall consume.
Consume...Consume everything.
What about a jungle snow planet because we deleted the snow planet in the remake
blame star wars, which ripped off the "1 planet-1 biome" thing from dune
If every planet had every ecosystem why would I ever bother going to a different planet
This isn't philosophy retard I was just talking about facts you little shit.
it is a fact, go to any random person and ask what they would think if earth was the only planet in the entire universe that had intelligent life
Why are you arguing with a retard pretending to be a retard?
What the fuck does this have to do with my question? "Abloboloo we want stronk" is completely irrelevant.
Not really, even mars has polecaps.
Mars is colder than Earth tho.
I loved that game... that was the game of my childhood..
If Mars were bigger it could support life.
The problem with Mars is that it's too small and lost all its atmosphere, not that it's too dry.
I still have the CD in front of me, I kind of want to install it and make my galactic empire great again.
Well the point was that all known planets have the same climate planet wide, which is not true.
You should play No Man's Sky! It's got everything!
I mean to an alien, all Earth animal life would basically be variations on a theme.
>oh so you guys did the whole bilateral symmetry thing that's cool
Fuck me. Andromeda felt more alive than ME 1-3. How could they fuck up that much.
>go to hell
>realize it's undeground
>mfw hell is as diverse as earth, just in the mantle
>actually believes homogenization of human culture is possible
>can't even spell homogenization right
kill yourself
All animals on earth seem to have some shared traits one way or another if you look hard enough.
I just want to know what the originals of every species originally looked like
>homogenisation of human culture
That's a strange way of saying "muslim conquest" filthy kafir.
I've completely forgotten what this game is, but I love the concept. They should add an alien spaceship complete with entirely outlandish controls.
Mars isn't too small, it's too light and has a barely active core to hold the atmosphere/protect it against solar winds.
Yeah listen to my friend Sean Murray and buy his amazing game, No Man's Sky! And while you're spending money please consider buying Fallout 4 with the season pass for hours of fun.
The universe is huge and light is a really shit-tier communication method across anything bigger than a star system. There could be a human-tier technological civilization forty light years away from us and we wouldn't know because it's not like radio waves can actually make it that far without diffusing and being drowned out by background radiation.
The only way we'll know if other civilizations exist is if we actually go there or if we see their megastructures occluding the star.
It can if you reduce it to the lowest common denominator (i.e. consumerism) and then ignore the ethnic/religious conflicts that flare up when people stop being good goyim.
Why don't we re-melt the core with a gigantic bunker buster hydrogen bomb?
Also they don't even consider why something is cold, etc.
Like they forget about star distance or gravitational pulls etc.
All hail our iron core.
>hell is just like earth
>earth is just like hell
>we're already in hell
makes sense desu
I ain't no science expert, but when the movie Interstellar was released I heard talk about how the black hole in that film was the most realistically depicted black hole in film since the CG for it was made with a program that was running gravitational equations that calculate how light would bend around them.
Even then, I think they still changed the image a little bit to make it nicer on film, but I think this is supposed to be the gist of what a black hole looks like.
why can't we just pop it in the microwave for a bit? 45 seconds, tops might wanna stir it up a bit and stick it back in for another 15 if you want
Well you don't have to have all the labels turned on at all times.
7.2 when
Yea that part of the movie was good, too bad the rest was total dogshit
>it can if you have a drastic change with no explanation of how the change can possibly come about and completely disregard human nature
get the fuck out, faggot.
To be fair, there was a plan in the works to H-bomb mars' poles.
>go to heaven
>heaven is as diverse as earth, just in a very high altitude
>>it can if you have a drastic change with no explanation of how the change can possibly come about
But I'm literally describing the modern West.
Deracinate everyone, give them cummies and television, shame anyone who doesn't like the situation, and when one of your imported workers decides that being a deracinated consumer is a bad scene and blows himself up, no one will care because they're all still deracinated consumers who refuse to allow themselves to make the in-group/out-group distinction.
Repeat until all opposition to consumerism and interest-slavery is eliminated, then don't go to space because you ran out of resources giving everyone cummies.
how would you explain all of the anomalies in space relatable to black holes?
>drop a monolith to exalt them into space age
>only to immediately declare war,
destroy them with my vastly superior weapons and conquer their homeworld for that sweet 9 cities spice production rate.
>this is somehow a realistic to an anime poster
also, no you didn't explain yourself. shaming doesn't even change behavior on a scale like that you Ayncuck. If you're gonna bullshit your little dystopia at least build it realisitically. It would require one body of extreme power with pure consumerism as a goal, and would involve a lot more eugenics than just "shaming"
Learn to actually perceive your environment than pretending we're going full george orweill just because WAAAH SJWs
Even in the Carboniferous era there were huge differences in the type of forest depending on latitude as well as variety in marine biomes, parts of the world were glaciated, there were the typical mountain biomes etc.
And while Pangaea had a predominantly continental climate it would still have extensive coastal temperate areas as well as again huge variations in types of continental climate depending on latitude
just because something is arid, doesn't mean it's the same biome, compare the great deserts of our era, there's a major difference in biome type between the Sahara, the Gobi and Antarctica
its kinda funny how badly humans crave some kind of legitimate excuse to use their nukes that won't fuck them over
like an alchoholic who swore to only drink on specal occasions that then tries to turn every slight good occurrence or trivial anniversary into an excuse to throw a party
>shaming doesn't even change behavior on a scale like that you Ayncuck
Correct, no it doesn't, it reinforces social norms.
What are the mainstream social norms as regards to cultural mixing, user?
there IS a legitimate use for our nukes, it's called project Orion
unfortunately several anti-nuclear treaties make it impossible despite being literally several hundred times more efficient than conventional rockets
>b-but, radiation in space!!!
Alright I'll bite
Google Venus, please do
If you've legitimately never hear of what's going on there, that should be a fun 30 minutes
Most people I know appreciate foreign cultures but cherish their own. Even the leftists.
I hope so
Survival of the fittest is a fundamental law of nature
Whoever finds the other first wins