30 fps

>30 fps

Other urls found in this thread:


I don't care, to be honest.

Fucking really? The graphics don't even look that good.

wait really?
what's the point of remaking them then?
even the ps2 crash games managed 60fps

That's on the Pro. Look forward to cinematic 24 fps on your OG PS4.

Gonna need to see a source on that, OP

>1080P 30FPS on Base PS4
>1440P 30FPS on PS4 Pro

who the fuck wanted this shit other than furfags?


60fps isn't cinematic enough for Naughty Dog.



Preorder cancelled

What a fucking joke

who fucking cares

I thought this was Activision doing the remakes?
Didn't ND lose rights to Crash or some shit when Sony bought them out?

Op hasn't played a video game in months


Good. 24 fps looks more cinematic anyways

This. I thought all the fps fags didn't play on ps4 anyways.

Wait for the PC version.

BotW is 30 fps and I loved it.
I don't see why I wouldn't enjoy Crash at the same framerate.

Naughty Dog is not involved with this

its a platformer which requires far more precise and fast inputs

Imagine mario in 30fps


You mean, like Mario 64?

I mean, they are staying true to the original if this is the case

I fucking told you 1440p and 4k was a meme.

I mean one of the later marios. It is kind of hard going back to 64 after you play 60fps mario

Remasters should improve the base game, no?

Pc version will have 60 fps for sure

Are you sure it's not 30fps only in 1440p on pro ?

>its a platformer which requires far more precise and fast inputs
>Imagine mario in 30fps

>I mean one of the later marios. It is kind of hard going back to 64 after you play 60fps mario

Not him but Super Mario 3D Land for the 3DS is one of the later Marios and is 30FPS.

>Remasters should improve the base game, no?

They are adding QOL features to the games and new stuff to be fair.

The original pal versions of these games crash 1-3 where 25 fps anyway so why are you all gomplaining if its staying true to source.

Crash is a platformer for babies though so it's ok.

>gained 5 fps since 1990s

I mean.. it's 2017 and we still haven't got 4k 60fps yet? What are console plebs playing at?

original games were 30. Makes sense to me to keep it the same.

>PC fags needing to justify their expensive pc rigs than having a console

haha jokes on them for having too much money to spend on their hobbies

>original games were 30. Makes sense to me to keep it the same.

May as well just re-release the PS1 version with no upgrades if that's the case. The whole point of a rrmaster is to make it amazing. Graphics, resolution and FPS.

Console shitters are truly holding us back.

It was? Never played it, played 3D world though, it was smooth and great feeling compared to 64

ITT: people actually ridiculing a game for lacking the luxurious "muh perfect performance with Crystal clear technology". People actually dropping their pre-order for this just proves a point I made days ago; y'all are spoiled and you can't tell me otherwise

4k they said
60fps they said

Mario 64 was 22fps

>It is kind of hard going back to 64 after you play 60fps mario
Wut? I play 60 FPS games all the time including Mario and I still love Mario 64 to death and play it regularly.

Yeah but don't you think it feels worse? Especially on the original N64

60fps is not "muh perfect performance", it is the standard. Anything less is a sub-par product being priced the same as a better one.

how fucking incompetent are these devs?

>People actually defend this
Theyre remasters of fucking 20 year old games and they can't be made to run at 60fps? Just what in the hell are the devs even trying to do?

Nope, it plays just fine to me. Playing NTSC on my CRT.

why do you need 30fps? why not 240p/15fps?


Since when? Are we suddenly the fps police? When is anyone going to shred animation for doing 28?

>expecting 60fps on a 4K console in 2017 on a fucking remaster that doesn't even look that good is being spoiled
Sonybros at full force today I see.

There really is no excuse for this, no matter how shitty the PS4 hardware is, the remaster of The Last of Us runs 1080p/60fps. This is just dev incompetence and/or laziness.

You have no real response so you pulled out the logical extreme as an argument. As usual.

Lol, me a sonybro. They wouldn't have me.

greatness awaits

>pc cucks actually think the human eye can see above 25fps
sony wins again baby

>b-b-b-but nostalgia!
Nah nigga, your PS4 should be touted as "muh superior console". Failed here.

why not keep the same sub-hd resolution too?


Based Sony

This is #4theplayers

Real response to what? Calling people who expect higher standards spoiled? Aren't you doing the same if 15fps is not enough for you? 30fps is not acceptable for a 2017 game.
Calling someone spoiled over a consumer product is retarded in the first place, video games are items of luxury, playing them is by default "spoiled".

Yes, but complaining about it like this thread is about is even more spoiled, like bitching that your precious dish lacks pepper so you throw it out.
Also, yes
>Food analogy

Doom runs at 1080p 60fps as well.

Crash has no excuse being 30, it's small, incredibly linear levels with simplistic cartoony graphics. There's no complex AI, no complex physics engine. Crash Bandicoot is the simplest possible form of a 3D game, not reaching 60fps when tons of much larger and much more complex games have is shameful.

The loading times as well, from the previews we've seen they look quite long. Which is stupid when other games can load areas with more content than the entire Crash trilogy seamlessly. I guess it's just a small dev team with a small budget.

>yo yall dont understand how good this looks this looks amazing like this is i would assume its 4k 60?
>yeah this is enhanced for the ps4 pro its not actually true 4k its uhh 1440p
>okay 1440p its cool
>and its running at 30 frames per second
>nah it doesnt matter at this point

If my precious dish lacks pepper depending on the restaurant I'd either grab some off the table or get the chef/waiting to get me some.
Is gaining 60FPS that simple? Food analogies are always fucking stupid.

My point is people bitching in this thread are the people who don't bother with that at all and just leave with even tasting it

Playing double's advocate here, Id software are fucking wizards when it comes to optimization so it isn't a fair comparison. Still, 30fps is a joke.

>Is gaining 60FPS that simple?
Yeah, I can run Crash at 60fps right now.

>BotW is 30 fps
maybe on the start screen

Just wait for 2020 when people defend 10 fps

>people give money to sony

Not even 60fps on PS4 Pro

What a load of shit.


You must be new

>not buying your video games frame by frame

the fuck sony

if they arent getting those features, what reason is there to choose the new one over the originals?

Lacking pepper isn't automatically inferior.
Bad performance is automatically inferior to good performance.

>What was acceptable 21years ago is acceptable now

You're cancer

>assblasted sonybro want his game for him and only him
seriously, fuck sonybro and nintendobabby with their exclusive. Exclusive are a plague in the gaming community, it apply to every console. Why can't we have a centralized platforms where you can play every single game known to man?

>linking to neofag

>2€ per frame

This desu.

>Makes sense to me to keep it the same.
No it doesn't you blithering idiot. Might as well not have remastered it all and just slapped it on PS1 classics (When will that be on PS4?) since it makes sense to keep it the same.


You mean 1 Euro.

>game from 20 years ago remade for current hardware
>still 30fps
You CANNOT make this shit up!

>30 x 2 = 40
Are you retarded?

>games run at 30fps
>60fps is dlc


Stupid question, but how does programming a good framerate work? Why are some developers able to achieve good consistent framerates while others aren't?

It's a conscience decision on the developers part.

At least BotW has an excuse, it's an open world game on last gen hardware.
N' Sane trilogy is a literal straight line and based off a PS1 game, no fucking excuse, NONE.

30fps is actually harmful for your eyes. u get headaches and eye strains if youre used to 60fps

That's like saying regular bottled water is harmful for your stomach after you're used to drinking Fiji brand water

Here we go again.

its like saying breathing is harder if you move to a higher altitude

it is harmful with all that flouride

Doesn't even R6 Siege get 60 fps on PS4? And that game has physics and destroyable environments out the ass.
How the fuck can fucking Crash not get 60? are the devs retarded

No? BotW do not have any excuse for not having 60fps? It's the fault of nintendo for having shitty hardware and don't know how to optimize their games dude.

It's not like BotW is a technical masterpiece. Soundwise and gameplay wise- It's amazing. But technically? It's a terribly ugly game. Horrendous drawdistance, with some sort of haze/fog that makes it even more ugly, terrible washed up texture, a very bad lightning and trie to cel shade the game which gives shit ton of bloom sometime and nothing at all at the same time. Character are like the sun.
The shadows suck and the vegetation suck.
But the worst of all of them?

It's the anti-aliasing. In BOTW, you got ALIASING EVERYWHERE!
"Last-gen hardware" is something like the PS4 and Xbox One. I don't ask for a game like uncharted 4 because it's impossible in open world format, but i ask for a great game with good technical capabilitie and graphical detail, and nintendo FAILED to do it.

The hypocrisy is real thought, because Super Mario Odyssey, on the other hand.. Look really good, so WHY BotW look like shit? Maybe it's the Wii U. But i blame the console hardware for this.

Hub-world type of game are considered the same as Uncharted 4 because they're semi- open world. So i don't think it's because Mario Odyssey is a smaller games.