So what happened to the CEMU hype?

So what happened to the CEMU hype?
Is Z:BotW playable/enjoyable now?
Can non-NASA PCs run Z:BotW at all?

CEMU thread!

The underage trolls got distracted by some other crap and forgot all about it.

It's been playable for months. You do need a pretty good PC if you want good framerates

The problem is BotW is a bland experience which isn't made a lot better by a higher resolution. I wouldn't play it again if it was 4K@60fps. There's zero replay value.

This. Fuck open worlds.

I'm still waiting for it to be optimized as hell. My pc is kinda old and I worry that it will never be good enough to run this. I can run Wii u mario game at 60 fps, so I still have hope I can run Botw like that too someday.

Fuck Zelda fans in general.

>So what happened to the CEMU hype?
People can play Zelda now so no one gives a shit about it anymore. They just wanted to be able to brag about playing the new game without giving Nintendo money, and now that the novelty's warn off, no one really has a use for CEMU anymore.

Fuck You in particular

A bland experience?
Not in my case. BOTW is the most fun I've had with a game since my childhood (about 20 years ago). And I'm someone who doesn't like open words generally. But fuck me, this game did it. It's amazing.

Still a lot to do. Crashes, some effects missing, particles artifacts.

You need a modern Intel i5/i7 to achieve 30FPS but you still gonna get stutters and drops in some areas

Fuck you right back

Tween PC queers are this desperate to play Nintendo games.

That is because you are a manchild.

How is Citra, the 3ds emulator?

Progress stagnated so they could milk donations. You all knew this was going to happen.

Nah he's someone who appreciates good games. You on the on the other hand, are mad because you have some delusion, irrational need to hate a video game company. Oh my.

Stay mad salty child!

>BotW is a bland experience

Cry baby spotted.

>The problem is BotW is a bland experience which isn't made a lot better by a higher resolution.
I disagree.
Discovering the beautiful world of Hyrule almost entirely unrestricted felt adventurous and was a lot of fun to me.
>There's zero replay value.
I absolutely agree.
This is why I'm not interested in the upcoming DLC. A harder difficulty mode? Well, I don't really feel like replaying the game with slightly harder enemies just to revisit all 120 shrines whose locations I've got memorized by now. Boooring.

Because I'm too busy playing it. The only annoying thing is that is crashes randomly (can go hours without one, other times I load 5mins in and I crash...), some glitches textures (transparent textures don't work), and for some reason it can't display pictures taken by the camera.

I'm on the final Divine beast, and the game is amazing imo. It does have a to of faults though, which are obvious, so hopefully they adress them in the next game.


Is it still laggy from when I first played it?

Oh wow, this thread surely won't be entirely shitposting... Aaand it is

I'm the 2nd post above yours-- I have a 4.5ghz 6700k w/ CEMUHook, and yeah I still get drops now and then, whether it be combat (when lots of shit is happening, normal encounters are fine), towns (if you go/fly through them too fast), etc. The worst for me actually were some of the stables for whatever reason.

But in general I'd say like ~90% of the time it's 30fps. So hopefully the next build will have more performance improvements to close the game a bit more.

20 FPS on 6700k no OC. Is there a chance I can get 30 with OC?

I don't know about that i think if don't show so progress people will start dropping there patreon.

my i5 can play it near flawlessly with around the same performance as a wiiu, but in 4k

What does CEMUHook do?

removes the games internal vsync. BotW uses double buffered vsync, so if the game isnt running at 30fps constantly (e.g. a momentary drop to 29), it'll drop down and lock itself to 20. it basically lets you play at 30fps, and also lets you view cutscenes.

I just tried it but it's still almost locked 20 FPS Tower cutscene worked now, though.
Is it just my CPU? I have a 6700k like you but not OCd.

NO! You didn't like it!

People are playing it. It's just meh though. Fun for a few hours but quickly gets boring and dull. After about 10+ hours you've basically seen everything with the small occasions of somethings different to do later on but not worth visiting

did you actually enable it under Options? It's the GPUFenceSkip thing.

Oh, I thought it was enabled by default because the tower cutscene worked this time.
Now it's 30 fps.
What a blessing! Thanks a lot, man!

This. I think though it's due to oversaturation with open world games.

it's getting better

No problem, imo it's basically required atm. I recommend using Rivatuner to lock to 30fps, + adaptive vsync (half) in Nvidia control panel for the best possible 30fps.

Whole gaming industry realised open world meme is what sells. You can thank people like pic related for this


It's near perfect now and the higher res I'd say makes up more than what the bugs retract from the experience so it's even better than the switch.
If you have an ok CPU and you're not retarded and overclock it to 4.5ghz you're able to play it fine at locked 30