what other 3rd person action games would you recommend besides the souls series
This game is fantastic
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Bully Scholarship Edition
Atmosphere was great, actually pretty spooky.
Gameplay sucks though. Way too easy.
I'd say Platinum too but for some reason the bosses in their games don't quite have the same feeling that Souls ones have.
You would have to be literally fucking autistic to think BB gameplay sucks.
Max Payne 3
Assassin's Creed Black Flag
Uncharted 2
Gears of War 3
The Surge
It does. No thought required. Just anime speed lines, almost infinite stamina to use the massive parry windows and dodging i-frames.
Im not a fan of the weeb shit either, but come on BB has very competent and decently designed gameplay. You cannot deny that.
>I haven't played the game
He isn't wrong though. Dodging using up almost no stamina is a mistake. Combat would be less bland and more intense if you had to actually be aware of your stamina bar when needing to dodge.
serviceable for the kind of game it is
far from good though
It has nothing to do with weeb or otherwise, I just didn't enjoy the gameplay. It's far too forgiving when you can parry enemies and bosses from a mile away and teleport/fedora tip at basically no cost to stamina. It was just fast paced, and a lot of kiddies like that I suppose.
Oh wow, this impeccable defense.
It's actually pretty shit and basically the exact same as other shitty Souls games.
You basically just have to watch one webm or two and know the whole game.
Doesn't help all bosses and enemies play the same in Souls games:
>wait for telegraphing
>dodge with 30 iframes
>attack twice
Doesn't matter if boss or random enemy.
I can understand that casuals pretend to like it, though.
The combat isnt bland. BB isnt dark souls, the stamina bar being so useful is what makes the game unique. And despite that you have to be aware of your stamina bar, especially in PVP.
You actually have to be to believe any From game has good gameplay or game design in general.
Most of the Kingdom Hearts games
Fast paced doesnt mean its not good. It makes it different but not bad.
Didn't you know you actually can't look up with bows in real life? You get electric shocks if you try.
Oh, you're one of "them".
I guess it's subjective. I thought it was bad because you didn't have to be as tactical.
You would actually have to be fucking retarded to not admit Miyazakies level design is almost the best in the industry. Name better level design than first half of DS1. I would like to see a game where there is better level design than in the souls series.
PVP is BB is fucking dreadful.
Worse than fucking 2kat shit.
You actually got parried in PVP? LMAO fuuuuck you must suck god damn.
Stamina management is certainly not nearly as prevalent as DaS II but at least we can all agree it isn't stamina-might-as-well-not-even-be-a-mechanic souls III.
*tips fedora*
haha lmao git gud amirite
Kill yourself.
I played it, it was fun. Nothing super competetive but it was fun, when you could set it up properly that is.
Genuinely curious what games you think have better combat
Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden 2.
Devil May Cry 1 and 3, and 4.
These are both franchises which excel at just great second to second combat, and has tons of great bosses. Both extremely fluid and you feel very "in control".
Platinum Gamesb is also good, but only if you're fine with a lot of set pieces and cinematic moments, IMO they mix it with the gameplay well; but I understand why people dislike it.
Who cares about your subjective fun?
PVP in that game was just as brainless as the rest of the game. Fucking complete scrubs could just parry spam to high heaven because the game enabled it.
Nice memes niggers. But seriously parrying in BB pvp isnt that reliable, not only did I not get parried alot, but i couldnt pull parries off myself. Unless some insane obvious mercy blade r1 spam was happening, combat was just too fast for parries.
Why, so you can call it shit like it's some kind of counter-argument?
Nobody cares.
any real action games
Nioh if you actually learn to play it and don't just cheese shit
Original Dark Souls is still solid as fuck.
Sometimes, but if you went against smart players it gets pretty tactical. Emphasis on sometimes tho
>combat was just too fast
*side dashes 20 times in a circle*
Bloodbourne is easy as fuck. That's why people can platinum it at the speed of light.
Only babbies who started with Dark Souls hold it in such high regard. It's the most casual entry next to DaS3.
Its easy to platinum but its on par with the rest of the series in terms of difficulty
Ok, yeah thats a good way to avoid getting parried, not sure what the fuck your trying to say lmao
It's an easy plat, but then I could plat Demon's in 2 days max, and dark souls in little more.
Regardless of that, the game is more fun to play, and is the fastest paced in the series.
I don't think the guy you're replying to was complaining about Miyazaki or level design at all.
Much less the beginning of DaS1, which is the best in the series. Suggest you take a good look at the .webm in his post.
>Bloodbourne is easy as fuck. That's why people can platinum it at the speed of light.
It's an easy plat because you don't have to grind for random drops, or waste your time killing 50 players in different covenants to get the required items.
>and is the fastest paced in the serie
Must really stimulate you ADHD.
So you can't think of one?
And no, just want to know what you like so I can understand why your taste is so different from normal people
Nioh suffers from the same issues as BB tho, dodging and blocking are super strong and enemies have limited, predictable Movesets (amplified by the low enemy variety). It also has significantly fewer Movesets than BB
That said, yea, Nioh has better combat
Oh come on, BB is an improvement over Dark Souls combat wise. There are certain things I prefer in dark souls (slower pace, simpler weapon Movesets) but BB has speed and better enemy variety
I'm sure being able to hide behind shields for every encounter really stimulates your...well, I mean your...
Oh right yeah, it stimulates nothing lol.
>easy to platinum
>makes the game itself easy
let me guess, you have Down's syndrome
i gave you the benefit of the doubt but you've never made a good comment with that webm. just get a trip already.
>almost infinite stamina to use the massive parry windows and dodging i-frames
This is my biggest problem with the game.
I dropped the game for several weeks during my first time playing it.
>get to BSB
>heard how everyone has problems with this boss
>decide to just parry
>literally stand still the entire time
>get poisoned
>ignore it
>don't budge
>keep parrying perfectly still
>mfw I actually won
>having a shield as an option is a bad thing
Another problem with BB is lack of options. Your only option is anime speedlines.
Yeah, because the option to have a ridiculously good shield while *still* being able to iframe roll spam through every attack sure makes the game feel challenging.
My original point is being able to dash that much with no punishment is retarded.
I think bb's unlimited stam dodge and party windows are much easier than hiding behind a shield
having a gun for parries was the biggest mistake this game made
You can get punished, its called the r1 button. Its pretty useful when you want to inflict damage on an enemy, try it sometimes.
But you can do the same thing in the souls games, and this is paired with the fact that every enemy has slower and more predictable attacks. They've only tried to change this in 3, and in doing so added massive iframes with low roll costs again to balance it, so the game doesn't even get any harder.
>But you can do the same thing in the souls games
None of the Souls games allow you to parry the enemies from miles away nor do any of the games have i-frames that long at such a low cost of stamina. Stop lying to try to defend your only reason for buying a PS4.
what i learned since playing the souls games is that there's no easy" or "hard" bosses. it all just depends on how you play. that's why opinions on the difficulty differ so much.
like if you always lock on to enemies, you'll have a harder time against bigger bosses than someone who never locks on.
calling bb too easy is ridiculous, not because i don't believe you, but because you don't seem to understand that you're the minority
*dash 10 times* *r1* *miss because they dashed* *dash back 20 feet*
>you're the minority
Where are you pulling these statistics from? I know a lot of people who agree it's the easiest yet, but still enjoy it a lot.
holy shit same thing happened to me
ended up selling the game after the dlc dropped as it has fuck all replay value
>ended up selling the game after the dlc dropped as it has fuck all replay value
weird, same for me
Yeah you obviously havent played PVP, holy shit.
>Where are you pulling these statistics from?
His ass. I see a lot of people who try to pretend BB is challenging in any way. I think it's buyers remorse or the that can't admit they're casuals who love it because it's such a forgiving game.
That and it's the reason a lot of people bought PS4s.
I actually had 5 other games in my list when I bought mine.
Instead they allow you to parry them fro up close, as if the difference somehow matters. Meanwhile, every single enemy hits softer, slower, and with bigger breaks between chains.
And through every chain you can spam roll, or block through the entire thing, because the stamina cost isn't high enough to stop that being effective. When you can roll through the largest midir combo and still have half a bar left with hardly any end investment, rolling is cheap and easy, get over it.
>Stop lying to try to defend your only reason for buying a PS4.
Oh did this suddenly turn into a console war? I own everything I want because I can afford it, sorry you're poor I guess?
the batman arkham games are good.
>Meanwhile, every single enemy hits softer, slower, and with bigger breaks between chains
Not in DaS2.
>because the stamina cost isn't high enough to stop that being effective
It still costs a decent amount to roll in any Souls game, it's at least a noticeable decrease compared to dashing around in BB where the bar barely flinches with each dash. For most enemies taking more than 3 hits will easily break your guard in DaS2.
>Oh did this suddenly turn into a console war?
No, I have a PS4 too. It's just apparent that this game was your sole purpose for buying one, which is why you feel the need to defend it this hard while struggling to pull the Souls games down in doing so.
Only people who don't find BB to be child's play are babbies who started with post DLC DaS or DaS2.
Not an argument
>"Lol invest adp and you can literally never get hi: the game"
>No, I have a PS4 too. It's just apparent that this game was your sole purpose for buying one, which is why you feel the need to defend it this hard while struggling to pull the Souls games down in doing so.
I have had a PS4 since well before BB was announced, but it seems you are very persistent in assuming that must be the case because I defend a game you don't like.
I've played every souls game in order since DeS, and the only one that brought anything new to the table was BB. At least 3 tried to take notes from it, but following the souls formula that still meant "rotate right to win" was viable for every encounter.
But please do continue projecting because you can't actually refute anything.
None needed. The Batman games have trash combat.
You are just delusional if you think the PvP is anything other than trash.
Why would you play any souls PvP?
>I have had a PS4 since well before BB was announced
That's even worse, you bascially bought it for no reason whatsoever.
>I've played every souls game in order since DeS
lol sure why not I'll believe you
>and the only one that brought anything new to the table was BB
Only one what? Souls game?
BB is not a fucking Souls game. DaS2 brought plenty of new things to the table.
You could still circlestrafe to win against lots of enemies in DaS3 by the way.
this thread is about fun games, I never mentioned difficulty at all
Because Dark Souls' PVP was actually enjoyable.
>That's even worse, you bascially bought it for no reason whatsoever.
Because I had money overflowing and friends to play with?
>lol sure why not I'll believe you
Don't know why you'd have reason to doubt but okay w/e.
>BB is not a fucking Souls game. DaS2 brought plenty of new things to the table.
DaS2 brought retarded farmable bosses, broken hitboxes, broken ADP gains, broken soul memory, ugly areas, nice helmet designs and a bunch of mediocre shit. The only thing the game remotely improved upon was PvP, which is now arguably the best after major patching.
>You could still circlestrafe to win against lots of enemies in DaS3 by the way.
Did you even read my post?
this is what any souls related thread devolves into, sorry op. if you need evidence, just look at literally every single souls thread made in the last 8 years