Damn, RS2 died fast

Damn, RS2 died fast.

RS2 have more people playing than RS1 anyway


Whoever the huge faggot is that tried to force this Squad vs RS2 meme needs to neck himself.

>squad retards have to go into every single RS2 thread to push their shit game

Probably the biggest red flag you can get that the game is dead and there is something wrong with it

It's literally one guy falseflagging using the same image every time

There are more people watching Squad on twitch than there are people playing the game.

There is more than 100 times the amount of people playing RS2 than watching it on twitch.

Really makes you think.

No wonder the squad community is so fucking terrible.

>majority of community uses mics
>everyone plays the objective
>everyone has a good grip on the game mechanics

literally the best community, least casual, most talkative, in any multiplayer shooter out there, fight me faggot

Too bad it's a shit game with snails pace development

I agree development is slow, but the game is already great.

it's one guy, probably on the squad dev team.

>most obvious attempt to make Sup Forums dislike a game by falseflagging
>tripwire drones still fall for it

I hate both games, shilling one at the expense of another is pathetic

whatever you gotta say to make yourself feel better for buying a shit game, brudda.

Why are RS2 babies so toxic? I know RS2 is a huge letdown after even RO2 was a letdown after Ostfront but come on, stop hating

The RO fanbase is pretty terrible in general and this is coming from a guy who loves those games. They have a really annoying habit of telling anyone who criticizes anything even if it's a blatant problem like the poor hit register issues with RS2 at the moment to go back to CoD and Battlefield.


That's like a staple for any game though. Try to raise awareness about bugs in DotA2 or GW2, or WOW or BF1. Motherfuckers will come out of the woodwork just to say that bug does not matter, or is a feature, or w/e else.

Not sure what you mean. Ever since the first RS2 threads started popping up there was some guy spamming Squad webms and trying to hijack the thread for his dead game. Maybe since then it's been turned into a meme but you faggots deserved it for spamming your shit where it doesn't belong

>using twitch as a way to show how alive a game is

Why the fuck is there suddenly this Squad vs Rising Storm thing going on? They're nothing like each other. Is some memester forcing this?

Yea actually

>It's another an lao episode
For fucks sake

>playing commander
>arty has been ready for a minute now
>squadleaders refusing to update marks despite my requests
>radiomen fucking off at frontline
>stuck at radio at spawn so can't get my own mark
>"wtf TL where is our arty do your job or get off"

> updating my marks regularly
>tl never uses them but no biggie, he's still dropping arty
>my squad is dropping enemies and I'm being a good spawn point so job is still being done
>sl1 says "I feel like I'm the only sl updating marks" and "I'm the best sl on this team
>tfw scoreboard goes up and my squad has double the points of his


Some guy is trying to shill Squad in any way he can since he has no one to play with because no one is willing to pay $30 for a boring unfinished game.

Both games are overshilled trash.