Happy birthday user! Here's that vidya figure you wanted.
ITT: Terrible vidya or vidya related gifts
Expert Mode: No Battleborn
Happy birthday user! Here's that vidya figure you wanted
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What the fuck they made Aloy retarded and ugly
Really? I don't see a difference
>that ogre hand
so is it just fatties who fall for the special edition meme?
that guy is pretty normal sized last time I checked
someone please post the geralt statue, I need a laugh.
got you famicom
thank you. It gets funnier every time I see it
That dead island torso is amazing, but you just can't display it.
Are those pointy helmets a result of LOD or just lower poly count?
>they changed PS3 to PS4
Amazing, I'm pretty sure the original before that was
>max settings VS min settings
>that dead sland torso is amazing
shit taste desu
I raise you
I mean not that the game looks good either but this isn't doing it any favors
remember the time some dude hotglued a battleborn figure and sent a pic of it to Randy?
oh shit, this is good
My favourite video on youtube.
that was actually a good response from randy, he made the guy look like a fucking idiot.
not related but somewhat related, so I looked up a vid to see what the geralt bust looks like but ended up finding this bizarre sounding guy open up the witcher 3 special edition and the guy sounds like a pirate youtube.com
too bad most of the time, Randy doesn't have that kind of subtlety
Seriously unless you're getting the MC figurine pack, don't get any dark souls preorder specials.
kotobukiya's artstyle is so god awful.
good stuff
better than Andromeda I guess?
>yfw Nintendo stepped up their game on Amiibo quality and CE versions of their games