What are some good character creators? Post creations.
What are some good character creators? Post creations
Other urls found in this thread:
>spend hours making your character
>never look at it again in-game
had a guy in our guild who played on of said ugly character
Jesus. Is the game filled with these type of characters?
nope, most people play completely normal characters
that is, before the game died
had some good threads with Sup Forums over this thing
I wanna be the girl, anonfriends.
Don't get me wrong, I love being a man but a lot of times I want to be the girl as well.
It's saddening sometimes.
I'm a well-adjusted, successful person.
>Spend hours making a character
>Spend hours watching other characters fuck it.
shoes so beautiful and brave
Did they make new character models for Eve?I don't remember females being that ripped.I like it.
dumb phoneposter
Ugly haircut
Can't get enough of Eve lately.
>try to jew people extremely hard
>they refuse to play your game
Im glad they get what they deserve. Such a promising game, only to be milked dead
Except guys can orgasm without ejaculation or refraction, "endlessly", just like girls.
Hello Honey Select.
>it's the Sup Forums becomes a pretend doctor/astronomer/lawyer/... episode
Why are you so obsessed with sex?
I can read up on multiple orgasms without a doctorate, user.
post your referral link already shill
A character design like that would fit in perfectly in the Dragon Ball universe though
>EVE referral link
Just post an email. Referral links are against the rules.
How am I obsessed with sex if male and female biology are ~99% the same, and user is talking about girlshit while probably being oblivious to his own capabilities? There's literally no other reason. Guys can be good at anything.
there's a blast of nostalgia and a half
I wish you couldn't.
It's not about things you can do.
It's about the female body. You can want to try having a female body without craving the sex part, you know.
What are you on about? Some have been enjoying ejaculationless orgasm for over 10 years.
I'm telling you that the male and female body are almost exactly the same. It's about stretching and lifting early for maximum gene expression.
Wut game ?
Space spreadsheets, The MMO
EVE Online
WWE games have a wonderful character creator, too bad about the rest of the game
Just came into his thread. The first thing that popped out at me after reading a few comments is how much of a gigantic, massive faggot you are. Dude, grow up.
I would love to play this crap if it weren't for that cancerous community...
Not an argument.
Zbrush is the best one.
That's what I said to your mom when I was fucking her sopping wet pussy by force and she kept saying "don't cum inside"
I said "not an argument" and blew my jizz in her
I would report your post, but you're probably a janitor and would just get the thread deleted.
Might as well learn to paint if we are talking about this kind of learning curve.
Looks to me like you lost the argument. He wins.
Him shitposting isn't winning anything. He's obviously upset.
Probably this, but Zbrush can get you a job..
>tfw satisfied with a character and don't feel like making more
You're obviously butt blasted since you're still talking about it and he's gone
>you can create hot females
>you cannot see them in the game
>never again
wheres the titty slider
bdo you look at your char all the time its third person plus when idle it changes cam to look at you, plus huge focus o n outfits/customizing appearance with items
>you can create hot women
>there is a 20+ catalog of underwear to browse
male orgasms is just ur dick spasming
there was a guy who has a condition of orgasmic like 600 times a day after he slipped a disc in his spine
i wish there was a game that had a really deep character creator and after you created your character it gets killed in the first minute of the game and the game's like, "okay now you're playing this generic premade character instead"
>male orgasms is just ur dick spasming
Except for full body orgasms.
Get good at what? Not my fault some dude just completely asserted his dominance on you
Cancerous community how?
If you haven't played the game you probably think the game is full of wannabe evil masterminds who want to be in the next pc gamer article about an epic heist or whatever. It's actually full of a totally different type of faggot, people who are scared to lose their space money so they never take fights that aren't 99% in their favor.
The game is full of faggots who pve all day and dock up if you go to their system to try to kill them, unironic "haha I stopped playing my videogame so the nasty man didn't pvp me :^)"
It's gayer than gay and the game would be one of the best if 95% of the people playing it weren't cowardly shitters.
No, if you want to fight, go in a fucking arena and fight. This type of retarded things are what kill MMORPG. No wonder the only two doing goods are WoW and FF14.
>learn ejaculationless orgasm
>some guy gets upset
Oh no that kid's real scared for his buddy
Modded Skyrim
>I want a spoonfed fighting arena so the fight is fair
fuck off you entitled cunt. Grab a cruiser and go roaming
Full of cunts, kids, retards who will bully someone who doesnt spend 12 hours a day playing the game if he ever dare to venture outside etc.
Free MMO are at least FREE.
>full of cunts
post your loss mail loser
The what ?
thanks for proving you don't play the game at all
I don't know about your guys' little arena pissing contest, but WoW overstated sub numbers for years with Chinese timecards. PS, China is 75% of the internet, so it would logically foloow that EU/NA only had a combined 3M subs.
Back to arenas, EVE could use a really localized PvP area, because FW is often pretty empty.
I used to. Finished before my trial run out because of all that cancer.
sounds like you fucked up and are basing an entire game on 2 weeks of trialtime
>more than 60 hours of playtime where i run into more dicks than in 2 years of playing other MMO's combined are somehow non indicative of the community as a whole
Bitch plz.
boku no threadreading
Yeah I havent been doing that :^)
pls spoonfeed me this one time
I'll give you pats or whatever currency you'd like in return
t. Dark Souls
modded Fallout 4 is better
The character I created there is still my favorite of them all. Unfortunately I don't have any screenshots after hard drive died and I haven't reinstalled the game because it's really not great, but she will always live on in my memory.
Tried recreating in other games but nothing ever came close to that perfection.
is honey select not the best character creator thing
Yeah sure buddy
I liked the creator in TK17 more than in Honey Select, even if the models were less detailed.
I want a game that is literally just a character creator.
Is Honey Select easy to download and use, because my pc got spam attacked when I tried.
BDO has a great character editor but the game is boring as shit. I feel the same way about EVE but I'm pretty sure that I just don't "get" EVE while BDO is genuine trash.
>because my pc got spam attacked when I tried.
where did you download it from, xxxhentaitorrents.ru ?
...and if I wasn't a complete retard I would have posted a picture
Kinda looks like a pokeball.
hot milf, more images of her please
Not really? It's easier and more accessible to use the morphs in FO4 but putting in the time to learn ECE or RaceMenu in Skyrim would get you a much more unique character.
>community makes a game
Pretty sure the gameplay and skillful input make a game like EVE.
Semi - related but I think I strangled something decent from the fucking awful GTA-O Creator
Dragon's Dogna
>community doesn't matter in an MMO that is boasting about how 95% of their content is community made with strict player only economy, wars etc.
Come on nigga, i get it that you like this game but stop talking shit.
>Faggots that make female characters so they can pretend to be them
Disgusting. Only acceptable options are:
>Paragon of masculinity
>Silly but still setting appropriate (Not )
>Hot waifu character just to stare at, NOT self insert as