Why does everyone ride this franchises dick so hard? it's a hack n slash dungeon crawler with tough enemies

why does everyone ride this franchises dick so hard? it's a hack n slash dungeon crawler with tough enemies

I have a friend who literally considers it the holy grail of gaming. why won't people calm their tits

Dark souls 2 and 3 are bad games, rest is godly.

its the only game on console that isn't a point and click fake fps adventure

it's fun_______________________________________________________________________

More like the other way around.

Dark souls 2 is the only mediocre game in all.

>it's a hack n slash
Come back when you've played the games instead of watching youtube vids

Came to post this.

Das3 is good.

Das2 is shit but only because of how the combat encounters were designed.

From tried only with 3 games
DeS - amazing atmosphere and full of god tier ideas, despite being little rough in some mechanics
DaS2 - return to the kf and dungeon exploration, if you love shit like this game literally made for you
Bloodborne - literally 10/10 game, everything is good about it, atmosphere, boss fights, chalice farm if you autistic enough
DaS was just poorly made des ripoff without anything new and ended up being worse in literlly every aspect
DaS3 is boring and uninspired garbage with shit tier gameplay, can't even name one good thing about it

Its unique and fun, really

there are a bunch of clones now, but it stood head and shoulders above most rpgs for a while

DaS3 has the best boss fights overall compared to any of the other Dark Souls games


Based on the reputation it's garnered people either force themselves to like it or pretend to like it to supplement their masculinity and give themselves some semblance of uniqueness to them but it's funny because people are all cookie-cutter:

>Likes Dark Souls
>Drinks coffee black
>Eats steak rare/medium rare
>Eats spicy food

I pretty much roll my eyes when people tell me they do any of those.

rather worship dark souls 1 than ds3

Because they have a degree of what could be defined as "subtlety". They are also very honest games from a gameplay perspective - barring Bloodborne and DS2 - in that failure is usually your fault, thus they can give a very rewarding experience. They aren't really hard. Even Bloodborne, which is the most rigid and punishing, isn't hard at all. What it comes down to is the fact that people are easily pleased, and the games keep it simple and shiny.

Which gets shit on because you can always just summon 3


to help yo

This franchise is harder than the games most people play, while also being very accessible due to EVERYTHING in and about the games being catalogued on both Fextralife and wikidot.

All this available information for the games means that people who only ever play the more popular and easy games are able to finish these games and brag about how they finished a game often touted as being difficult, even though they followed a guide.

Honestly, no
Even if you don't want to include bloodborne, des/das/das2 at least tried to have different style bosses, every boss in das3 is just giant humanoid with a sword
Miyazaki perfected bosses in the bloodborne, all felt different, all were fast and dangereous, after that das3 looks pathetic as fuck, failed to live souls legacy and failed to live bloodborne fast gameplay legacy

why would that matter? even if you summon only one player you're completely mitigating the entire challenge.
summoning for the first kill was always for faggots.

>DaS3's boss fights are humanoids with giant swords
>DaS2's aren't


What are you talking about? The combat system and encounters in 2 were fantastic, completely done over, it made the game more skill based and forced you to try and go about encounters a different way than just holding up your shield and dancing around until you get a backstab. FromS showed very efficient Innovation, granted I still think if miazakuru would've tagged along in the development, the game would've been twice as good. All the games are fantastic and all of them have their own, while annoying, minor flaws that shouldn't ruin the game for you.

Fuck off, running around should be a valid tactic, but in das2 I always end up against 5-6 mobs if I try this

Dark Souls is a unique series. Now all that needs to be done is to improve the formula.

Well said, the only games out that even stood amongst the Souls games at the time (in my opinion) were New Vegas and Skyrim. I still don't think there are any new RPGs that have offered an experience as rewarding. Can not wait for E3. Let's hope for the 0.00001% chance of Bloodborne II

a quality opinion on Sup Forums?
it cannot be!

I respectfully disagree. While I've only played 3 for like 2 hours I've spoiled a lot of it on YouTube. That being said, I think bloodborne offers some of the best boss fights of the entire series.
But my opinion might change once I play through 3 by myself.

Indeed if you like shit DaS2 is for you

Look at this idiot who thinks he's doing more than hitting R1

But I like coffee

>if you love shit like this

Bloodborne is an over-hyped piece of shit only liked by kids who had never read a Lovecraft story prior to playing

>Eats steak rare/medium rare
>Eats spicy food

How are those not normal? Especially the steak, how do most people order/cook their steak if not medium rare?

Inb4 faggot contrarian answer of
>well done

1. You're an over opinionated douche
2. The series is great and you obviously haven't played them or you just suck or you're a casual noob who plays nothing but Madden "Two-K" and "Calla Doody" and thinks any game that's in depth and individualistic is lame because you're shallow.
3. People have been drinking coffe black since it was invented. sorry that triggers your autism bro.
4. Rare steak is unhealthy, dont recommend eating it regularly but it's damn good.
5. Just because you have a bitch mouth doesn't mean spicy food isn't good.

Stop complaingin about popular opinions and being so judgemental you sound like a goth teenager.

Way to sound like a total bitch while thinking you're making some great comeback post

Fuck you. I do all of those things but NOT becauseI'm a try hard. Maybe you're just not a supreme gentleman and have Plebian taste.

you realize the irony of this post right, you're calling him opinionated because he doesn't agree with your opinions

Most Bloodborne bosses were on the same level as 1 or 2. They weren't very impressive barring a few like in every other souls game

Lol it's not like they removed it completely they just made it so that you can go about it in more ways than originally thought possible and along the way forces you to do that so you don't play the whole game one way! So it doesn't get repetitive! And I'm not trying to shove my opinion down your throat, I'm sure you have a very good reason to have your opinion about the game and your experience might have been different and maybe dissatisfying.
But I will defend the shit out of the combat system/encounters in 2.

Manus ripoff that was called cleric beast alone is mechanically better than all des-das1/2 bosses, and half of the das3 bosses

Decent games in a world where decent games are very rare.

No he isn't lovecraft dickrider. Most bosses are mediocre in Bloodborne

Oh no, my feelings. An autist had to try and sound tough. Way to bump this retarded thread user.

This. Just because they keep fucking attacking doesn't make them "mechanically better".

The more I bump, the more anons see what a pansy bitch you can be on Sup Forums
Works for me

Problem with DaS3 (and BB iirc) is literally every boss having 2 or more phases and at times resurrection is shitty design.

Here's a radical proposition, have the bosses go all out without fucking waiting for health to drop below a predetermined amount.
Leave multi-phase shit to a chosen few special and/or secret boss fights.

Quality of the games would skyrocket.

>hasn't played the game
>thinks he has the right to an opinion
And this is how YouTube killed gaming

why do you think it's shitty design?

>Two phase boss fights are somehow worse than one moveset through the entire fight
This logic makes no sense to me. Once you fight a boss once it's easy to get an idea of the moves for both phase, so what's the big deal?

I've done ds1 and I'm going through ds2 dlc and I have to say I really hate how they nerf magic more than necessary for the dlc in both. I literally run out of casts going from one bonfire to another.
They force you to go melee.
That's bad design.

Ds1 had boss fights without second phases. It was boring because the bosses died fast.

Amazingly fun and rewarding games. People who don't like it probably ruined everything by watching their favourite like and subscribe bots complete it.

>the bosses died fast
most didn't unless you over leveled and upgraded your weapon too much

Haha bro you totally got him with the calla doody joke :^) only losers play sports games!!1 upvoted

Welp, that's it then. Sup Forums is so totally up it's own ass now it unironically hates DaS.
Neo-Sup Forums was a mistake.
Fuck you redditors for ruining this site with your Sup Forums brand low effort shitposting.

Watch as the autistic retards climb out of the woodwork to suck Fromsofts dick and thier roll roll attack simulator.

The blackknights sword killed everything for me. Two phases are better.
Bosses getting more desperate as their life drops is logical.