Post cute video game characters

Post cute video game characters.



Incredibly overanimated, clearly made to appeal to autists and children


Cat bunny.

If you don't think that lizardmen are cute you are objectively wrong.



I want to marry and have sinful gay sex with a Lizardman

What's with her head?

>Like reptilian races in games
>They're usually either the bad guys, or you never get to play as one or have one in your party

>Sup Forums actually liked this terribly animated noodle sticks for limbs character back when Wildstar was coming out

Almost as bad as the game itself.

>game has lizardmen
>They are always aztec inspired


>game has lizardmen
>you can marry them
Too bad about the human feet but thats just my autism and Todds laziness



Lammy is cute, I want to toke up with her.


They're hideous trash, everyone knows Skaven are cuter

Skaven are aids infected scum

Skaven are cute but they seem like they carry 20 diferent types of fantasy STDs.
Also I'm not familiar with Warhammer lore but the one time I interacted with the rat boys they seemed very intent on killing me

wait. is this an undercover furfag thread?


Well it could be if you want it to


PC version when???

That's not even video games

Enough furfaggotry Sup Forums, tell me your favourite fetish(es)

Oops wrong pic ;)

Cum inflation

ratchet is quite a cutie imo

No user, this is for video games related images.

Chubby (read: fat) guys

On the 8th of this month I believe.