How do you European bros feel about German and French becoming the new preferred foreign languages...

How do you European bros feel about German and French becoming the new preferred foreign languages? Will you still play games in your native language or english?
or will you play them in French/German instead?

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Thats hardly vidya related even if you shoehorn something vidya in it

>not playing in Arabic

>German and French becoming the new preferred foreign languages?

>German and French

You mean Arabic?

I play all my video games in Hebrew.

He's asking you in English, so there's that.

le 60% face

What the fuck language do the Irish speak then?

Its kinda cool actually although they arent that many voice actors


You got new jokes for a change or will your presence have to suffice?

Good luck teaching German to the Irish

as a german I call bullshit on this chart
who the fuck wants to learn german?, it's useless

Travelling around Europe this very second... Yeah English is winning bro.

Mwf Serbs speak better English than me
No face cause on mobile

That chart is utter bullshit. Everyone here and everywhere else is leearning English first and mostly ignores the second language of choice unless they really, really have a thing for said nation.

Brace yourswlf. Now he will say


Isnt that epic? XDDD

The EU collapsing or getting overrun with Muslims is just as likely as America ever reaching 90% white again.

I thought German was the second most spoken language in Europe

Or maybe I forced myself to believe that as you had to know English and German to work for Nintendo of europe

This. The majority of French and German people I've met speak English really well.

Learn German or French....

I'd rather learn Russian *spits*

the chart is not bullshit, bongs left the EU. remember brexit?

It is. But you sont need it to communicate with foreigners. English is the lingua franca

>he hates himself
It worked guys

Was this made by a salty Frenchman or something?

I swear it's always the French who scream autistically about English being the preferred language of Europe.

The mean UK left us so we wont speak english anymore, haha I liked Germany more anyway b-baka.

I am Russian and can fluently communicate in English and French, as well as comprehend written and spoken Japanese.

Playing or watching something in Japanese instantly gives the anime vibe, I can't get rid of it. That's why I switched to English in, say, Dragon's Dogma, because the image of a medievalesque fantasy world gets absolutely ruined.

French is also ill-suited for fantasy RPGs I feel. I had some fun watching Dofus, but it felt really weird.

Russian is also mehfor vidya because the actors are 146% dogshit.

Can’t understand German, but I played Gothic 1/2 with subs, it was alright. Also played Witcher 1 in Polish. Definitely are more "suited" phonetically than French/Japanese.

OP is a faggot btw

We're not out yet.

>German and French becoming the new preferred foreign languages
English is and always be the lingua franca of europe.

They're also the people that insists on not speaking English out of principle.

Frenchmen are such assholes.

Every time I try to speak those languages I want to puke.
They're fucking terrible

Do you get upset playing STALKER voice actor wise? Or it is pretty good for you?

>hating himself
>being able to think rationally
theres a difference retard

It has only been the lingua franca for 200 years.

You shouldn't as English has a lot of its roots in both.

Is and always be, not was.

English is a pleb disgusting language. I wish europe would speak french or german or a mix of both

Video games are haram.

That doesn't mean that I have to like them.
I hate latin and yet my native language is a latin one

English is easier and that's why it's better.

It is. It's the native language of like 6 European countries.

I don't think it will happen unless the US changes what it speaks. The English Dub/Sub Translatkon will always get the most attention.

fuck that, im not learning a new language, i didnt spend all that time learning english to learn nazi or fag language because britbongs are retarded

>literally a language for casuals

>understanding a german on every day communication level
>be in work
>user, you can speak german?
>well, yes
>we got a some equipment spec in german, could you translate it?
>got document
>it's fucking orgy of "rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz" and similar unholly abominations of the words longer that the page width

So where's the one that says 'English as preferred foreign language'?
Oh wait, that's the whole map. Shitty bait image.

Wtf is this fake image?
And dumb questions?

>Yuros so butthurt about Brexit that they're pretending they're actually going to learn something other than English

There are only a handful of long words and they are never used.

I will play my games in japanese like kami-sama intended

>this thread

What about Italy you fucks. Italian is fun and easy.

>learning a language from a failing state
I won't learn greek either

I'm to lazy to check that chart but to be fair Germany is not only one of the biggest industrial superpowers of the world but literally the economical motor for Europe and, at this point, sole financier of the EU.So i guess from a economical point of view it might not be to bad to learn the language of center of commerce in Europe.
Then again i thought all Germans speak relatively fluent english anyway.

>or a mix of both
That's exactly what english is, user.

yeah, you just yell at others and flailing your hands around

As if France is in a better position or Germakistan

I tried learning russian.

That shit is hard.

>i thought all Germans speak relatively fluent english anyway

there is literally no reason to learn a language like german, they all speak english

yuros complain about native english speakers being monolingual, but whenever you actually try to learn a language they just speak to you in english

In Norway we learn either german or french in school, alternatively you can choose something else if you can find a class (japanese, spanish, russian etc).

german are actually secret masterminds.
If you google it, you'll find charts indicated that out of every country in the euro currency zone, Germany is the only one that grew their economy. Literally every other country there got buttfucked.
Italy literally lost 75% of their industry.

And guess who's behind the "force everyone to take refugees" initiative? Germany.

English literally is a mix French and German with some other influences user.

Germs try to destroy Europe for the third time, and they might succeed this time.
Germs are the true enemy of the white race

you must be pretty plebian yourself for speaking it

>Germs are the true enemy of the white race
>what is ww2
This all wouldn't have happened, if you let us win.

germany is so desperate to fuck over the rest of europe they're wiling to fuck themselves with refugees just to force everyone else to do the same.

Because, again, germany is in the best economical position, so they can absorb the horrible socioeconomical disruption caused by the sudden influx of muslims better than every other country in europe.

english is not seen as a "foreign language" in most of western europe anymore, it's just a second, absolutely not-special language.

so I assume the question there was "whats your preferred foreign language other than english", or people just assumed that english is known by everyone and thus not really foreign.

You had your chance fuckers but you decided to side with the jews, TWICE, and now it's too late.
This time we take you all down with us.
This is the future you chose.

Germany never invented anything. They have no culture whatsoever. The shit of europe. I would prefer to speak spanish and I hate spanish.

>Germs and frogs butthurt again that their language isn't the language of Earth
t. Pole proud to speak English fluently
God bless the USA and save the Queen

In all cases Germs ruin everything. Versaille wasn't harsh enough

>Germany never invented anything
He says typing on a computer invented by a German.

>Germans try to get rid of invaders
>Germans let invaders in


I need some flags on Sup Forums just for his post

>try to do whats necessary to force a unified european superstate that is able to oppose the commies and jews
>zogbots stop it
>somehow germany are the bad guys
Again, you had your chance.Time to burn this shit down.Merkel 2018.

>bigosnigger calls anyone butthurt
Oh, the irony.

>german as preferred language in Poland
co kurwa

Are you still allowed to play video games in Euopean languages under Sharia Law? No seriously, are you?

Don't you have a car to be stealing Mikolaj?
We really should invade you again, don't bite the hand that feeds you.

This, German and French are dead languages anyway.

I've been to Germany twice. Great place full of great people but very much the archetypal expectation of what Europe looks like.

I come from England btw.

Why flags? You could just ask where I am from.
I'm Italian.

You have to speak german to apply for gibsmedats in Germany.

>weaker economies getting exploited by stronger economies through legislation and bureaucracy
It's actually amazing Poland is developing at all considering how fucked over it gets by German 'investments'
Or maybe, (((German))) 'investments' is more accurate, considering I'm mainly talking about the media, banking, and insurance industries

Words aren't as precise as IPs.

Still mad because mussolini was so stupid?

You mean the hand that feeds me scraps while taking all I manage to make myself with the other?
Fuck off Hans, your time will come yet, be it by means of our tanks or the guns of your Muslim 'brothers'.
The irony is that it's true. Germs are growing more butthurt by the year, ever since their Fourth Reich project started to fucking collapse.

>rafting to Australia
That's metal

Lol Poland is like the Florida of Europe minus the gators and Zika.

here's the thing though
france wasn't actually weaker than germany
but they still got fucked by the eurozone

the french actually had a visionary who say that it was a bad idea, and was very opposed to joining it. Too bad he eventually lost.

You don't learn English in Norway? When I was there every single person I met spoke good English, does everyone just learn it as a matter of course?

You have to speak arabic or turkish to apply for gibsmedats in Germany.

FTFY, you welcome

Germany keeps your shithole afloat, you are parasites who just take but don't contribute.


I never play games in my native language if at all possible, the localizations are always horrible and translated too literally

And you are still mad because Hitler was so stupid and a drugs addicted? So addicted by drugs he couldn't even see his imminent defeat.

the french are genuine assholes (not even meming) and german is too cucked to be taken seriously, i'll just keep using english as i've always have been

Now you made me sad.

>mfw the butthurt Poles ITT

English is the international lingua franca and will remain so. Given that I mainly play online I'll speak English. In terms of dialogue etc., perhaps I'd use something other than English if that was the original script language, but in most cases I'd go with English anyway.

This whole thread is about languages other than english, everyone learns english but we get german/french as well.