What Switch games are you bringing to your summer party Sup Forums?

What Switch games are you bringing to your summer party Sup Forums?

I might just set it up to play netflix


ARMS right now.

Kek, I would rather bring my vita and some real games

I'm too poor to go out with people, play my switch in bed for days

If you think supporting socio-economic concepts outside of your own is "wrong" then you're on the wrong side of history.

I liked the console, but fuck off.

>comics in 2017

How does Sup Forums cope with this?

>a girl
>a girl with short hair
what's the problem

she was ugly in 2013 too

Didn't that cap end up being a nazi?

they are called Sup Forumsmblr for a reason.

Because she actively made herself look worse.

>Left:before western games
>Right:after western games

the same way Sup Forums does, LOTS of shitposting

How come bronies can keep their shit on their containment board but Sup Forumstards can't?

That's a subjective topic. I prefer shorter hair because as someone who had long hair in the past, I know that it's inconvenient and retarded.
It's also less pleasant to touch.
All those tattoos she got are pretty bad though.

>support (((communism)))
>not willing to work actual work
>just wanna do the easy "art" jobs and request big money
do they know they are the first to die in communism??

please don't call us bronies

>>not willing to work actual work

She's a chemist major and works for DOW Chemicals as a lab tech so stop spouting bullshit you faggot.

I see Sup Forums has learned to start threads with something other than "what are some games where"

Naw dude you just don't understand! It's gonna be just like Robin Hood! They'll take from the 1%, give to the 99% and we'll all be rich and happy, don't you see?!

communism is a spook

the amount of barney posts recently says otherwise

>literally no barney posts at the moment
>literally multiple Sup Forums threads up right now

Really makes you think.

>this exact moment is indicative of total posts over a period of time

wow nice sample size faggot

Here's two more Sup Forums threads up right now. Show me a single brony thread or go kill yourself.