Games that Sup Forums told you are shit but they are actually fucking fun

>Games that Sup Forums told you are shit but they are actually fucking fun


whoever told you it was shit has hopefully died

>Not always doing the opposite of what Sup Forums says
Enjoy your buyers remorse

Best weapon coming through

didn't the chinese portshit sweatshop fuck up textures and shadows in the "remaster" while not bothering to fix any of the bugs that have existed and been known for 10 years? good job, levine.


>he didn't use the Wrench on everything

yeah its quantifiably worse than the original

>there are people who never experienced the sublime power of a wrench build

But BioShock is shit.

It's literal fucking garbage compared to the games of the same genre that came before it.

People only thought it was "woah.... so deep!" at the time because it was babby's first shock game on Xbox 360 when they were 11 years old.

System Shock 1, System Shock 2, Deus Ex, Arx Fatalis, Thief 1, Thief 2 are all leagues above bioshit when it comes to the "Immersive sim" genre.

reddit spacing


I 100% agree with your post right until you mention this immersive sim garbage, even if warren spector himself calls it an immersive sim he's a faggot

Fuck this neo/v/ for thinking that bioshock is good much less fun.

That's why I put it in doublequotes m8. I don't exactly agree with the term myself but if that's how the genre is defined then whatever.

>game is literally broken

>literally broken
how so?

>corrupting saves at random
>random crashes
>runs worse than the original
>devs dropped it and never fixed any of that

Stay away from the remastered versions.

FFXIII and sequels must be the guiltiest pleasure ever.

>I came here to laugh at you

>mfw wrench build + Incinerate!
This is also why i hate Bioshock Infinite. They removed everything fun about Bioshock to turn it into CoD with waifub8

Some people on Sup Forums seem to think that formatting your post for ease of reading means you're from Reddit. They'd rather see giant blocks of text with no spacing and, presumably, no grammar, because it confuses their tiny, autistic minds.

The game is good but Remaster version? Really my nigga?

Is there anything that the remaster does better than the originals other than increased resolution for consoles? I've seen some comparison shots and even though some of the newer models have more polygons to them, they lacked details that were present in the original models. How the fuck do you even accomplish that shit?




Nothing. It was made by chinamen

I wonder if they screech loudly whenever their teachers write things on the board with proper spacing too.

>Okay user, please take down these notes

Doesn't Sup Forums call all games shit?

Only if they're popular.

>shit plasmids
>shit hacking
>all of the levels are basically a straight line
>barely any exploration

Fuck Infinite

Only if they aren't made by an unknown developer in north korea and you have to pirate it and hire a translator for you to play it

>you can only carry 2 weapons at a time

But that game is shit. Couldn't play it for more than 2 hours.

Bioshock is a great game and a decent followup to System Shock 2.

Bioshock 2 is a good game that does a few things better but overall lacks the wow factor the first game had.

Bioshock Infinite is shit and the most disappointing game of all time.

>walk into new area
>beep, bonk, bep
>where's the fucking camera
>60 seconds of drones (waste of bullets)
>frames start dropping
>[autistic insane screeching in the distance]
>5 splicers gangbang you
>drones still coming, god knows where the switch is
>[tinned groaning]
>[little sister noises]
>accidentally shoot a bouncer/big daddy
>ran out of ammo due to drones, gangbangers
>loot corpses, spam X because fuck picking it up automatically ala Doom
>accidentally trigger a diary, from Atlas
>Andrew Ryan the cheeky sodding bastard... all he's done for the people here is feed them to the buzzards, let 'em have all the Eve they want, lunatics didn't know any better and now this is what we've got to show for it... Andrew Ryan really is a fucknut, I'll tell you that much... would you kindly do this fetch quest and gather all these ingredients by the way? cheers and fuck Andrew Ryan
>drones stop
>frames start catching up
>5% hp due to big daddy
>finish off trash mobs with fire spam


Sup Forums used to love bioshock

Minerva's Den is wonderful.