Trails/Kiseki Thread
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Cold Steel.
I'm just about done with first chapter and I'm starting to feel a little burned out on it. Should I just trudge on to SC right after or try cold steel?
Quit while you can. Shit series
Why though, I'm loving the he'll out of the 1st chapter. The side quests, dialogue, and music are near perfect for me.
Play Cold Steel for Rean.
Oh so you are not baiting then? Well play SC then. Make no sense to jump in Trails series user.
I meant no sense jumping to CS
What about my post seemed like bait? This game has been blowing me away the whole time. I'm just getting a little bored with Grancel since I have yet to get a single side quest, and only having tournament fights to look forward to.
Well if you are long enough in the Kiseki thread, your post seems highly like a baiting post. Still, play SC or just play another game before that. Don't jump to CS though
You won't find much. There's 2 monster exterminations and thats it.
Alright, I take it that it takes place further in the future/far out of context compared to TiTS?
That's no fun. The side quests are my favorite part of the gams.
Calvard when?
Enjoy your Isekai.
What level should I be for the 3rd day of the tournament? Estelle and Joshua are at about 28 but I have a feeling they want me at about 32 considering Zane's level.
If you want side quests, you'll love SC. Game is like twice the length with double or so quests.
user quick tell me who is best girl? Better not be some DUMB girl, you hear me?
Gonna have to go with Estelle, don't know why but I like girls that aren't afraid to throw a punch.
You just have to do that huh?
Here's a better one.
Also, have you been talking to NPCs after each story progression? There's a funny one in Grancel about a wife and her husband who likes to fish.
Nearly all of them, but I haven't talked to them yet. What block in grancel?
crossbell when?
I believe it's the block right before castle entrance. Their house is on the way to the block that has the church building and the Liberl news one.
>Estelle after the orbalnet
I was about to drop SC because of that early Ruan part but Bleublanc quickly made me change my mind. I hope that the game continues to pick up.
The games like to set stuff up and then blow up after a while, so yeah, things will continue to pick up.
Only if Zwei does well.
Buy 10 copies to support us if you want Crossbell. Prettttttty pleassssseeeeeeeee
Found her. I'm assuming it gets better after another bout in the tournament?
Why are you playing on fucking Vita? reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Well most NPCs have little stories going on, i just found theirs particularly fun to follow. There is a much nicer one in SC though.
The post quality recently has been at an all-time low, so people are on the edge.
It's been like that for years.
D-don't worry, it can't possibly do worse than Xanadu Next.
Truly a shit company. They literally do this with every of their's release. Hope NISA BTFO XSEED at E3.
You're not getting me to download Shining Porn, Ouroboros agent.
Which version is this for?
Not downloading a random file with zero context. Fuck off.
It's the unfinished beta translation of Zero no Kiseki - complete with that infamous "irritable illusion" line.
where were you when Crossbell is killed?
>orbal phone
>orbal train
>orbal bike
>orbal light
>orbal this orbal that
why don't they just cut the orbal part? It's not like they have seen the non-orbal version.
Is it legit working?
So that when massive artifact shuts down all orbal energy in the nation, you know just how fucked everything is.
See for yourself.
The uploader didn't say what version of the patch this is, so don't be surprised if it's bugged and/or goes full Jap at some point.
can't wait to see Osborne rekt Grandmaster in Trail of Hot Iron 2
Where did you get the patch though?
The download link posted. You need Xdelta patcher and the Japanese PSP Zero no Kiseki ISO. Apply the patch to the ISO, then play it on a hacked PSP, Vita, or an emulator.
I like this guy already.
he is pretty edgy
Nah, it's more like he tries his best to lead a normal life despite his past as a murderous Jaeger because daddy wanted to make him a murder machine. Can't really call that edgy.
anyone have any chapter clear saves for zero psp? looking for a chapter 1 one
Unfinished in what way, do you know? Like does it stop being translated after a certain point?
Last I heard, some dude fully translated the game, but never released the final patch. The translation was then taken over by another team, who decided to use the PSP base to do a much more thorough translation of the PC version. By thorough I mean not make it read like some mid-00s fan subs - which is what this version reads like so far.
I see. Works for me.
>Thread this early
Good luck
I guess the idea here is that "they can take care of each other thanks to their different styles". or something, right?
kind of annoying but understandable.
it's fine to be honest if someone wanna play zero so badly.
>Olivier mentions chancellor Osborne as early as the Bose chapter of FC
Gotta hand it to Falcom for that one.
That early? For real? I only recall Kloe mentioning him when talking to the ambassador near the halfway point in SC.
I'll take a sub-par translation over never playing the game at all.
At the very least, at least it doesn't look as bad as the official gagharv localizations
>another headpatt
>hold loli
>the official gagharv localizations
Man I sure did love chaning the actual battle systems too...
Fuck Bamco.
>Gagharv will never get proper translations fan or otherwise.
>gagharv localizations
Yes. When he and Schera leave on airship for Rolent, he secretly calls Mueller, and they talk about their mission and Olivier tells him to be careful not to attract attention of the chancellor.
>that filter
Looks like one of those translations that's kinda messy but you can atleast make out what they were trying to says.
These threads will soon be plagued with more Sen/Reanfag, muh skyfag, and Xseed vs Nisa eventually.
Nice cut-in. Also, the Natural Colors filter on PPSSPP makes this game look a lot better at high res.
It's funny how the thread will be fine for hours and then suddenly all that shitposting comes all at once and we can't escape it
almost like it's one turbo-autist doing it all
>Almost like its one turbo autist
I think your onto something user, really though you should have seen the thread yesterday By the time i closed the thread it was at something 250+ posts with less than 40 unique posters. Reanfags samefagging was off the fucking charts.
>falling for the dumb bimbo
oh no
there's shit in your eyes
I kinda wish it was desu, the Gagharv translations were hilariously bad. Song of the Ocean having an average translation after the previous two messes was just boring.
If you're not going to do a good job, at least have the decency to fail so spectacularly nobody will ever forget about it.
>Reanfags samefagging
So you're the shitposter after all. Stop trying to drive an imaginary wedge between the fanbase, fuckhead. There is no "samefagging reanfag" there is only a turbo-autist (presumably you, based on this post) pretending to be a reanfag, a skyfag, and everything else in between
>muh samefag boogeyman
That's the point, the one autist masquerades as a Reanfag as well as a few others.
I haven't played the crossbell games know next to nothing about them but I want to do things to the girl on the far right.
and know next to nothing*
Whatever you say buddy but its not me
she wanna fuk u dont worry
Oh good, I look forward to their port and translation being announced
Technically, shouldn't he have a free pass because HERO OF THE EMPIRE?
>imaginary wedge
It's an undeniable fact thata considerable part of the fanbase is disillusioned with Falcom due to CS1&2.
Teen Renne is going to be a miracle, I just know it.
She's the main love interest i believe.
I want to do even more things to her after seeing that image.
He should but the public won't see it that way, which is why best dad commissioned two lolis for his son.
Well, more like poster girl in the same vein as Alisa.
Buy Akiba's Beat.
Hey Kurt, how are my daughter and son doing?
You're right, because it won't. People have been waiting for the Zwei!! II fan patch for years now, and this seems like what it's become. Xanadu Next was available in English via a fan patch for several years before XSEED released their version. And if Ilvard Insurrection isn't delayed, a summer launch will do way better for XSEED than a fall holiday one, which killed Xananext's hopes of standing out at all.
Also, everyone should try Xanadu Next. That game's still overlooked, just like Brandish: The Dark Revenant, and Zwei!! II might only escape this because of its girls and silly art/dialogue.