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the one that has knack


I guess the Switch because it has a game

Wii u

>another Halo, Gears, Forza, Dead Rising

kys westaburger

How many of those launch titles have a 97 on metacritic?

Protip: only one

>The Wii U has no third party supp-


>another movie, my wife's son game , and remastered

but 90% of jap games are garbage and sell well only because of weebbait and dead rising is a jap franchise

>Sony made literally one game on the PS4 side and it's shit.

>console with one good launch game vs console with one good launch game
What did he mean by this?

I wouldnt play any of those games on the right.

can someone explain to me why Zelda is so praised?

>emulate it
>it's literally nothing special beside looking unique with the art style
>far cry towers
>combat is ok at best, still no dragon dogma/dark souls

i don't get it

The guy that realize the last console worth owning was PS2.

>0 exclusives vs 2 exclusives

>it's literally nothing special
>still no dragon dogma/dark souls
You don't want an exploration game so you don't see what's makes it special as one.

It's the greatest exploration game ever made. I'll admit that the dungeons and final boss were a bit of a letdown but traversing the overworld is fucking amazing. Normally I would shit on Ubisoft towers but I like how the towers in this game don't just reveal every little collectible and secret compared to Assassin's Creed for example. Turning off the HUD is crucial in a game like this.

You can play tons of hours without needing to think like in a mobile game and that's why casuals love it.

But Zelda wasn't the only Switch launch game.

>can someone explain to me why Zelda is so praised?
It's a really good game.

the only good game from ps4 launch is battlefield 4, and that game shipped broken and it took more than a year to fix

You looking for the wrong game in it


>better than an exclusive

>not including Shovel Knight or Snipperclips
shit taste

>console FPS

That's not Horizon


PS4 because it has exclusives instead of just one port.
I can play Zelda on a Wii U or a PC.

So pretty much exploration meme. got it. no wonder i wasn't drawn. i'm a combatfag who loves open world meme.

>tfw i really wanted to like it

I can safely say that to me personally, Zelda eclipses all of those games by miles. However to the average Joe, there's a lot more chance that they'll find several games that appeal to them on PS4

You mean two, right? Killzone and Knack

If only it came out a generation earlier, it would have had decent support.

This image is too blatant

This. Sony has fans who enjoy the variety of quality games the put out each year for generations now. Nintendo has brainwashed drones who mindlessly buy everything Nintendo shits out, even if it is the same garbage year after year for 30 years.

>i'm a combatfag who loves open world meme
Why would you like open worlds if you're seeking combat ?
The way to fight in this zelda is tied to exploration itself

One good game better that 10 shit games.

The only thing HZD has going for it are pretty graphics

The combat and interactivity was really weak. It's a solid 8.4 at worst, but didn't work it's strongest features and was a mediocre adventure game with some combat and climbing tacked on instead. It felt more like Giftpia than Zelda and was worse for it.

Zelda is mommy's cookies with milk, spending the weekend playing all day on pijamas with no worries in the world.

i wouldn't play zelda even if it was free with switch

As well as gameplay and art direction.

If I wanted a game where all I had was a bow and arrow, I'd play far cry

You can't see very well do you? Pity.

Fuck off HZD-kun

Astigmatism is a real condition you heartless bastard.

I'll chalk this as a victory then, Zelda-kun

>As well as gameplay

Why does this game look so grey

They're not actually competing.

I wouldn't pay full price for any of the games in this image. I guess I'm just a jaded cunt.

Time of day

Have fun with your water splashes.

Why do sonybros post this trash like it's a masterpiece? Zelda looks like a 7/10 game but at least it has "charm", this game is just another AAA piece of trash not even worth pirating.

switch is not competing with launch PS4

Because it has "charm". I wouldn't have posted it otherwise.

Can't tell if troll or just brain damaged console fan boy.

Just the same as you

Fuck off Guerrilla Games shill. I'm convinced that the devs do nothing but shill their shitty games here.
>Killzone 2 shilled hard here
>One of the worst FPS I've ever played
>Killzone 3 shilled hard here
>Even worse, they fucked up movement and aiming
>Horizon shilled even harder
Starting to see a pattern here.

Zelda is by far the better game because you can cut grass

>cringeworthy pics

Yeah, no. Shove that set up your arse, M8

>solid 8.4 >a nearly perfect score >talk about it
like it was mediocre garbage
u a retard

>Horizon has no "charm"
Is this the new word for "comfy" ?
Horizon has plenty of charm.

>that neck seam
You can't make this shit up, this is worse than skyrim mods.


Outsourcing yo. Half the game was made in China.

>1 good exclusive vs 7 games I can play on my PC and Knack
This decision is far too tough.

>Literally most of the PS4 games are multiplat on psvita, ps3, or PC or not even fucking out yet.
>It's only wrong if the Switch does it.

> didnt watch the video


>It's the greatest exploration game ever made.


Red Dead is also on Xbox.



I'll take the one good game over the 8 shitty games thankyou

>Only trash


>Sports games
>Call of duty
>Assassin's creed
The Ps4 always gets the best selling games every year
Sony always win

It's a low B. Not much was truly bad but everything good could have been better.


It had support early all those 3rd party games did poorly so it got dropped.

Not that user, but it's a 'details' comparison, not a gameplay one.

Sony is going to win 2017 and 2018 anyways :)

>Implying anyone bought a Wii U.

Still waiting for Nintendo to top this

>2 games added together are better than 1 masterpiece

So I suppose the Wii is the greatest console ever made then huh?

1 good game vs. 2 shit games? nintendo won. all the other games on the right side are multiplat shit.

>variety of quality games
Wow I wish this were true. I bought a ps4 that has managed to collect dust for all these years.

Maybe it's just me, but Dust Collecting Simulator has worn thin on me.

I will.

have fun with your no games.

I don't own either, but BOTW is better than literally all of those 8 other games; 7 of which are genuinely bad. So Switch I guess.

Look at all that trash on the left side!

This is truly how brainwashed sonybros are

3 of all of those games are good.
>CEs of Last Guardian and Horizon
I'm so sorry, you have garbage taste.

how come no drone posted zelda collages yet?
they get me every time.

Nintenbros btfo

You are welcome to look at individual Horizon images.

Nice collection

do you niggas even play vidyagays?

No Man's Wild.

If they wanted an Exploration game they should've created a world worth exploring. Instead they invested in their marketing budget.

They were on sale at Costco for 40 bucks.each.

>mfw 1 game beats all this.