what went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Only the combat did, and it's not completely bad. Still better than skyrim. Game is a 9/10 deserves that GOTY.
Terrible combat
Sips accidentally killed Kiera Metz
Other than that, great game
Because the areas are so open, the graphics are actually worse than 2's in some places, which were usually much smaller.
Open world
honestly the combat is alright for what the game is. it's not really trying to go for immense depth or complexity, otherwise i reckon the game would be too overwhelming. i couldn't possibly handle a game as big as witcher 3 with combat like in, i don't know, mount and blade or dark souls or something where the combat is a little bit more fleshed out. i think it's simple for our sake. simple enough to execute mindlessly, complicated enough not to be insulting (like skyrim)
Aracnomorphs, especially the big ones.
>lame combat
>half assed main story
>suck ass "boss fights"
>muh graphics downgrade
>no redkit 3
>insulting the combat
Sure it's not the best, but compared to most other RPGs on the market it's great
Dialogue is way too linear. There's rarely more than one branch that you can take, and when you can give different answers it's usually the same thing just with different tones and inflections.
It has shit gameplay
For an RPG, the choices are either rubbish or non existent. The magic vision showing everything is just as bad as Skyrims markers ruining all exploration and turns the whole thing linear and the combat is literally worse than Asscreed tier combat, making it some of the worst combat of any TP combat.
It got a lot of critical acclaim so that makes it trash.
The game seriously drops in quality after the first chapter. The Baron questline is a 10/10, Novigrad and Skellige is a 8/10 and everything after that is a 7/10.
No it's not. Take your rose tinted glasses off. It's worse than Skyrim, Dragon Age, Divinity, etc. It's morrowind tier of flailing around.
>Skyrim dumbs down RPG mechanics for mass appeal with boring "go to X and kill Y" quests
>Sup Forums hates it
>Witcher dumbs down RPG mechanics for mass appeal with boring "go to X and kill Y" quests
>Sup Forums loves it
The Baron quest line was a 6/10 couldn't care less about this abusive fat fuck. The botchling part was cool tho.
>Take your rose tinted glasses off
> It's worse than Skyrim
Take your idiot glasses off, no combat is worse than skyrims, except maybe minecraft.
If the Baron quest line is a 6 the rest of the game is a 4. Nothing else in the game comes even close to being as well-made, well-directed and impactful as that.
witcher has great presentation and storytelling, skyrim only had trailers with lowest common denominator charme.
Heart of Stone is a solid 8/10. It would be higher, but they're really ham-fisted with how to beat O'dimm. It would be better if it was more of a mystery.
Blood and Wine is 10/10. The multiple endings are diverse and great and Regis is a true bro.
>Sure it's not the best
I truly believe it is one of the best, all the bitching regarding the movement system is when out of the combat, when in combat i never had a single problem, everything was nice and smooth but i don't expect people here to actually play the games they like to cherrypick on
I admittedly didn't play the DLC yet. The entire second half of the main game was way too disappointing that I just didn't feel like playing another 20 hours of it. I am going to check them out sometime later though.
This has to be a troll. The combat is incredibly janky and the opposite of satisfying. Hitting things doesn't feel good at all. The controls and animation are also shit. But the horseback combat truly takes the cake. The part in Blood & Wine with the knight tournament horseriding is among the worst things I've played this gen.
The first DLC is basically a Faustian tragic tale where Geralt has to outsmart the devil to win back a man's soul. A mysterious investigation into the world of the occult ensues.
The second DLC takes you to a beautiful kingdom straight out of a fairytale suddenly beset with serial attacks on the royal court from vampires. As Geralt unravels the cause of the attacks, he must confront a foe immeasurably powerful and a foil a political conspiracy that could endanger the entire kingdom.
Not enough faggots played it. Still game of the decade
The only thing wrong is that my waifu didn't get enough screentime
I know they are supposed to be good.
I was just kinda done with the game when I was finished with the main story.
Witcher vision was a huge mistake. It was a lazy way out.
That's it really, a better movement system would've been nice
You're not wrong, but it's still better than any other rpg out there. Compare it to Skyrim horseback combat, lmao
Nothing, maybe with the exception of you becoming a glorious retard. but there are things that are inevitable, so why should I bother?
Not enough bagpipes throughout the soundtracks
>The controls and animation are also shit.
The one thing that's actually good about the combat is the animations, faggot
Blood and wine ending feels kinda rushed. I get the feeling they cut something there.
I still enjoyed it, but the other DLC and the main game were better. Though it's weak compared to them, compared to literal shit like anything made by Bioware it's 10/10
>but it's still better than any other rpg out there
Bloodborne, Dark Souls, Divinity: Original Sin, The Surge, Fable Anniversary, Prey, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, all have better combat in the last few years and that's just off the top of my head. Witcher bros are truly delusional.
Try some of the Ofieri Runewright's enchantments and the mutagens if you hate the combat. Adds many fun ways to play.
The biggest problem with TW3 is that there were only 2 DLCs. I'd look forward to more DLCs more than any actual game that's coming out in the future even Cyberpunk 2077 .
Imagine a Dol Blathanna DLC, a Mines of Mahakam DLC, Zerrikania DLC.
But seriously, I wish the Corvo Bianco house was a bit bigger with more rooms. Not having a trophy room with all your monster trophies mounted was a missed opportunity, though I suppose it would kind of go against Geralt's character as he didn't really relish in the killing or hunting of monsters, it was just something he needed to do to pay bills.
I've played half that list and if anyone's delusional it's you.
boring combat
fetch quests
mediocre graphics, shitty textures in some cases
uninspired and uninteresting story
languished and lackluster final boss
pointless game mechanics used in only 1 scenario like the crossbow
useless perk system
poor facial animation that can't even produce a smile from a character without it looking weird
i could go on and on
Most of those are not role-playing games and the rest are shit
The only standing out one is Divinity and it's not even an arpg
How long did it take you to pull this list of lies out of your ass? Pretty good commitment for a baitpost. Kudos.
>i could go on and on
Or you could actually get past the tutorial area.
>The Witcher 3 is more of an RPG than any of these games
Laughing at your underage faggotry.
Than Bloodborne and dark souls, yeah. Those are more dungeon crawlers and action games. Playing the exact same game with a different build/combat style is not role-playing
Have to agree, horrible gameplay is all you need to describe the whole Witcher franchise.
Glad you realize Witcher 3 is not roleplaying then, unless you really are so much of an idiot that it still didn't get through to you.
>B-but y-you can pick different dialogue options!!
Lmaoing at your life, sad faggot.
Im still mad about the downgrade
>worse than skyrim
Wew lad
Witcher 1 is just timed clicking
Witcher 2 is just swing until the enemies dead, parrying and dodging barely matter because you can kill the enemy before they cause you any damage
Witcher 3 was the best, allowing a mix of signs, attacks, and potions/decotions or choosing to specialize in one style in particular
The gameplay got better over time.
>Game is a 9/10 deserves that GOTY.
Was there even any real competition for that title?
hey loser piece of shit how do you like the face that only 1/4 of people finished the game or that more people play fallout4 and skyrim than witcher 3 huh faggot? hard to pretend its a good game when hype is gone loser
It got popular. Same reason no one here likes Automata
>Todd Howard has logged on
played all three, enjoyed all three.
for three I'll say the questing and leveling system was meh. most everything else was good. How the ciri ending worked was kinda meh, the stuff with her could have been done better.
I loved the game and got 200 hours. the leveling system is what was shit imo. combat could be better, but it's still the best out of the three games.
what is funny is people bitch about witcher 3 combat. as soon as some pleb says that, you instantly know they never played witcher 1.
plebs gon pleb
btw you should enjoy what you enjoy. I honestly don't give a fuck what anyone thinks about what I play. even my gf
Wrong thread? This thread isn't about Fallout 4.
>Regis is a true bro.
combat is awful
no character customization
big open world with nothing interesting in it
collectable card mini-game was more fun than the game itself
I mean let's be honest here... what went RIGHT?
Third worlders shouldn't be allowed to post on Sup Forums (and that includes Americans).
I can't wait to find out, still trying to slog through TW1 so I can play 2 and 3. I'm barely enjoying a thing except when the VA is unintentionally funny.
combat gets boring after a while
missions are literally just go to red x like every other open world adventure
the world is very generic
>tfw even when you spare Detlaff he leaves you to go make sure Detlaff doesn't lose any humanity he had
"D-don't go, Regis..."
I understand you don't need to know anything about the books or play the other games to play Witcher 3, but you don't sound like you've even left White Orchard with the broad and baseless claims you're making. Either this is bait or you're only 5 hours into the game.
>need to play more than 5 hours to get a game
>if you played for more than 10 hours why are you even playing it if you didn't enjoy it you liar!
>post a cutscene in order to prove a point about anything
yeah k, go upvote witcher threads on reddit
The open world design is literally ubisoft-tier in its filler and POI spam, and is further destroyed by...
...the loot system, which destroys any incentive for exploration. The weapons you find are worse than witcher gear you obtained 10 levels ago, and you get witcher gear from quests anyway so its not like you have to go hunting for them.
Money holds practically no value whatsoever, and the only loot you find thats useful is alchemy ingredients. Which would be fine if...
...the combat system wasn't so barebones and bland. Throughout your 150+ hour adventure, you use one moveset, 5 bland spells, a crossbow, some bombs and optional potions. The enemy and boss design is so generic and boring though, that using all that hify shit like potions and decoction is pretty much pointless. The biggest strategy is just to mash light attack twice, backhop, and repeat. A large majority of the enemies follow this mentality, and it never truly evolves into anything more meaningful. Why does Djikstra have the same moveset as a wild hunt warrior you fight with Keira?
The game even reskins and recycles enemies in paid DLC, and then dares to call them new ones with new beastiry entries.
Balance in this game is absolute dogshit. sometimes bosses don'tt do any damage, other times fucking wild dogs one shot you.
Ursine was a mistake. Combine it with alchemy and you are literally unkillable on death march
Skellige is wasted potential at best, and the game rushes to its conclusion way too fast after Kaer Morhen. Novigrad and Velen use up a massive portion of time, and the entire point of those areas boils down to "your ciri is in another area that requires you to go through like 20 boring side missions before anything substantial happens"
The story sets up its stakes way too high, and thus makes side content break immersion to a major degree. Theres no reason why Geralt would go around killing nekkers for pennies when the literal end of the world was around the corner.
Speaking of which, the white frost, ciris powers and all of culminating at the same time is some of the most cringe inducing shit I've ever seen. Ciri can hop between time and space because "its in her blood lmao" and the white frost is just a prophecy of "dude lmao if it happens we all die lmaooooo"
Then at the end when you defeat Eredin (who is the most bland fucking villain I've ever seen, he has less lines than reskinned shopkeepers in Velen), the white frost just suddenly comes at the same exact time and Ciri defeats it somehow and everythings awesome and then yay the game ends.
Its rushed as fuck and I lost all my interest in caring about the characters during that arc.
HOS is the best content in the game, but it doesn't fix the gameplay gripes. The story is great however and has the only good antagonist in the entire game.
B&W is fine, but again has the same problems with its open world, quest design, enemy design, and even the main quest.
Overall the game doesn't have a single piece of good gameplay, and the only thing that comes close is the boss fight with Dettlaff.
Its worth experiencing because of things completely unrelated to it being a video game. You would get the same exact experience from just watching it on youtube for fucks sake, and even then it would save you money, time and most of all effort since you wouldn't have to wade through boring filler.
Maybe there people have actually played a game before making a value statement on it.
Not an argument redditor
Try making a point next time instead of posting a cut scene as proof of anything and saying NO YOUR WRONG YOU DIDN'T PLAY XD
all non-quest related things you can find on the world are copy paste boring shit
no one will talk to you unless they are quest related and you have the quest that requires them
awful ui made for consoles and only 2 consumable slots, making alch spec a chore
no resource management, you just instantly get all your potions back for whats essentiallly free
enemys have 1, maybe 2, attack that they repeat over and over, making fights absolutely boring after an hour
level system only works to the games detriment, as youll quickly outlevel everything you have to do and it will all be easier than the game already is
coming across a SKULL WARNING SIGN monster should be exciting but it's not, because you know it fights exactly the same as all the others of its kind, only with more hp.
"cinematic" controls that ignore accuracy in favor of looking more natural
even death march is easy as fuck due to a lack of enemy attack variety and every ability you can spec into being way too strong
ciri sections are boring and unneeded and only serve to rob you of what could have been the one interesting boss fight in the game.
the final moments of the story seem rushed as fuck, from oh hi crones now we fight, to im eredin i have a secret, im dying my secret is this guy tricked us and i had no plan to deal with it, to oh actually geralt i didnt trick you
majority of loot is randomized and scales to your level. Nothing you find really excites you.
all enemies have an extremely short tether that you will cross unintentionally more often than not. At this point they ignore you and start walking back to the center of the area or hang around to get hit easily
witcher senses are only ever used when the quest requires it and is just hold right click to follow quest arrow. you cant actually track monsters or anything out in the world(and why would you need to? theyre all tethered to a small location and never move away)
Nothing. Sup Forums just has shit taste.
This kills the witchercuck
name one game that has the same format as W3 that is better
Novigrad quests are fucking awful, the first time you go there it almost made me drop the game. It was literally
>Walk 100 meters to X, cutscene with too much dialouge, use witcher vision to find Y, cutscene with too much dialouge, run back to z, cutscene with too much dialouge, and repeat
However when I got to Skellige I turned my minimap off and truly fell in love with the game. Just finished it yesterday and looking forward to the DLC. Also the camera and movement needs improved too.
>all this ranting and not one point you said is true except the rushed end
>being this wrong
sure Marcin :^)
desu the dlcs are the best witcher has to offer. especially b&w
>being this triggere the witcher assfucked both dragon age and fallout and made them drink their own juices later in a cup
It's a solid RPG desu but the combat is sort of bland. Everyone thinks that, though. I don't even know why I'm posting this. Fml.
Who said anything about Dragon and and Fallout?
>I have no argument so I'm just going to make up stuff
The combat is acceptable, and why anyone is playing the witcher for the fucking combat has some sort of mental illness.
But that's exactly my point. You haven't played the game because if you had you'd realize none of the things you claimed about the game were true.
>combat gets boring
Why? Just switch up your playstyle. Choose signs instead of potions for specialization or vice versa. Tired of drowner packs while you're traveling? Fast travel instead. Don't like fighting 'x' monster? Go to a different environment. Leshens typically live innawoods and require a certain combat style while Griffins and Basilisks live in the mountains and require a completely different combat style. Read the bestiary for a more effective means of fighting monsters. Progress the main quest to get to a different zone and fight different monsters. Do a witcher contract to fight an interesting boss/monster.
>missions are just go to red x like every other adventure
That doesn't even mean anything. Every quest in the history of gaming has essential objectives and characters you have to go to and talk to and do.
>the world is very generic
What other world is like the Witcher Universe? Vampires aren't undead necromancers, they're essentially aliens from a planet of eternal night where the lesser ones are basically giant bats and the higher ones are basically superman tier. Sorcerers, a bit like Warhammer Fantasy mind you but also different for the reasons listed below, get their magic from the chaotic temporal ripples caused by the conjunction of spheres then they channel this chaotic force through sheer force of will into spells consuming calories in the process. The conjunction of the spheres is the reason humans and elves and all these horrible monsters live together. Humans are from earth, monsters are from different alien worlds. Witchers are tragic monster hunters made from adopted orphans horribly mutated into monsters to fight other monsters, being hated and despised by the species they just belonged to... I'd say these are very interesting and fresh ways to approach stale fantasy topics.
>you're currently trembling about being exposed, the stench of cum and piss in your hand and room is amplified by your butthurt
>but muh i didn't said i liked those shit games i-i sw-swear!
hello todd :^)
>I glitched out this fire elemental boss and played on the lowest difficulty setting therefore combat sucks
Wow, you sure showed me. Nice copypasta though, a lot of commitment for a contrarian jackass.
Every single one of their games is like 5 years behind gameplay wise. I expect Cyberpunk to have gameplay comparable to BioShock 1.
top kek, I thought you were actually going to come up with arguments but instead you just straight up admitted you're BTFO
>if you didn't play a shit combat game in an autistic way like I did, then you didn't play it correctly
nice argument, not
that's like saying league of legends is a good game but you aren't playing it right cause you aren't playing with friends drunk
>you fat ass farts, the smell of piss and cum becomes umbearable and with your last strenght try to type how much your oppenent is btfo, doing so, your fingers cracks on the cum-stenched keyboard
B-ut, m-my poor man logic that can be applied to any form of game will surely prove that i have t-tastes, r--right?
Kek, kid, you been btfo hard uh?
I just said you can play however you want. You don't have to approach combat in a monotonous way. But I understand if you want to play on the lowest difficulty and spam fast attack and roll-dodge and claim that's boring combat gameplay. I get it, it just seems like it'd get tiresome.
So then what is the best console RPG? I hate playing on PC cause my left hand is half-crippled from an old injury and it makes playing on KB&M a bitch, and most PC RPGs dont work well on a gamepad if they're not already on a console
unlike you i actually finished the game I can safely said that its OBJECTIVELY bad game
Both of you are insufferable cunts
>The combat is acceptable
The game takes 200 hours to finish. You played a shit game for 200 hours?
>being this shit at any game
I roll-dodged and spammed fast attack and he didn't die. WTF? SHIT GAME!
>b-by s-saying i h-have finish-ed th-he g-game i can p-prove how v-valid my position is, r-right?
>by being above the parts i show how superior i am, r-right? mommy, help!
>dude you haven't finished the game so your opinion is invalid
>dude you finished the game so it must mean it's good
I had to to see how it really is
The game was kinda meh.
But desu there were only shit games out last year so getting GOTY wasn't hard either.
Them graphics and style all make up for it for the typical imbecile player so not hard to see why ppl like it.
Still it IS better than the previous witcher games, since it added some neat mechanics and an open world. Though none of it really amounted to anything.
It's no wonder people see the card game as better than the actual game, cause the actual game is so bad that even a simple TCG can add more complex twists to the game.
i found your problem user, you're absolute shit at the game.
nothin. Sup Forums is just full of contrarians who like to go back and say a beloved game is shit because they like controversy. Ever wonder why we have no friends?
i found your problem user you enjoy the hype not the game