Anybody else prefer consoles?

Anybody else prefer consoles?

>Playing Doom on console
For what purpose

>prefer consoles
>shit taste in games
every time

Only for games that aren't on PC.

>console version of Doom 2016
>console version of Fallout 4

Normal people prefer consoles because so don't feel isolated OP. Only autists spend thousands of dollars on a rig to play games ported from consoles


>no BB

>stop liking what i don't like
kys :^)


I told you to play Metro.

I'd support playing all of those games on console, but what the fuck is DOOM doing there?
Fucking DOOM was great, but I can't imagine playing it on console, how do you even go fast with stick aiming?

>bought Mighty Number 9
You are the cancer ruining the gaming industry.

I will preorder Mighty NO.9 sequel

>multiplat shooters
>popular means good


Show PC games

I do. Just not into PC gaming much. I like getting snugly on my couch for gaming, plus when my friends come over on the weekend co op games are easier.

I only have a laptop for HOTD2

You can't play Heroes III on consoles.

Prefer console to what? PC?
I prefer mobile gaming to PC.
Console all the way.

I've never had a pc so yes


I'm honestly surprised consoles are still a thing in this day and age.

>fallout 4
>shit taste in games
Please return to readit.

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