Stranded on a deserted island

>stranded on a deserted island
>objective: survive and escape
Anyone remembers the game title?

don't starve...

I've been playing don't starve a lot lately, haven't tried shipwrecked though, just been playing reign of giants and co-op on ps4

it's surprisingly lively despite it's age. And damn it's fun. Could control better but that's just the sorta shit you deal with when a game is developed for PC first, wish my PC wasn't garbage so I could go back to it.



So you gonna post the source or what son

kemui haru is shit, where's engawa suguru?

Ijimekko Joshi to Mujintou ni Hyouryuu Shitara

Stranded kids / Survival kids

>guy is fat and ugly
he's gonna rape her isnt he


She's not a slender beauty either, I'd be dissapointed if he doesn't eat her.

Every character in hentai and doujin should always be attractive, even in /ss/.


Why is the guy always some obese piece of shit?

i have seen worse,this one is tame.

>implying that being fatso is not trait that is actually greatly increasing your chances to survive on the deserted island before you will be able to take your shit together

this game is great but hard.

this, they always fucking ruin their shit with those grey, fat, bald abominations

japs like to self insert

It's about ruining something pure

Especially in /ss/
Landwhale hambeast on shota is infinitely worse than fat bald faceless old man on loli.

>japs like to self insert
nearly all japs are skinny

not the ones who are addicted to porn

/ss/ in itself is a disgrace and should be wiped off from the face of the earth along with your shit taste

and NTR is pretty common over there.

so this has something to do with stuffing, right? i know that artist.

But lots of japs are insecure with a bad self-image and what better way to depict that than an ugly fat guy who gets to fuck a girl with huge tits who is way out of his league.

>Landwhale hambeast on shota
C-could you give me an example?


>ugly fat guy fucks the girl
>complains about the guy
I think you guys have a worse case of self insertion than the japs.

its like watching a movie with godawful music, or trying to enjoy a nice meal when you can hear someone shitting violently in the next room over, or going for a bike ride when someone has sprayed skunk musk all over the seat

If you pay attention to the guy you're gay. It's that simply. No need to force a shitty analogy.

Muh noggers

I like that gif with mama chan where the shota fucking her as a nice ass

Might as well be flying dicks. I just want to see the girls fuck

what's wrong with fat ugly guys fucking cute girls?

absolutely nothing

the whiter, purer something is the more I want it stained pitch black

this game was weird.

It was utterly shitty. Everytime you wanted to go and explore you had to go through same hurdles that take 5 minutes each time. And hunting? It was some sick joke.

I wish there was more good survival games like Wayward and Survival Kids.

Instead we've got fucking Rust.

Yeah that's what I'm remembering too, that was a weird design choice.

The slightest thing was a chore to do.

>tfw I love that shit

My only problem is when the ugly dude is like 50 foot cock and is drawn to be a simpleton.

sequels were not any better really, but I only tried them out for a half an hour each so I may be wrong.

How can we stop fat balding ugly men from impregnating every girl?

holy shit I remember reading the preview article for this like 10 times in nintendo power thinking about how cool it sounded
I totally forgot it exists

there is no method

don't worry though, when you're fat, balding and ugly you can impregnate a qt as well

>tfw 27,ugly and balding

The problem is that i'm not fat,wat do

I wish surviving games had more focus in building a farm and growing crops, but it's all about crafting pickaxes and hunting wolves by punching them.

It'd be nice to have a survival game that had a group of people, and you had to focus on keeping everybody happy inbetween hunting and gathering.
You could assign some people to go hunting but maybe some of them didn't get along and you had to mediate arguments and shit and slowly turn into a fucking village chief or some shit until you get rescued.

so you're saying

As long as you have money and a big dick it doesn't matter how disgusting you are.
Money will draw women in and the dick'll keep'em there



faceless>atractive male>normal male>disembodied benis >dogs >orcs >breakfast cereals >>>balding fatguys

I'd play it.