What are some good podcasts to listen to while playing multiplayer games?
What are some good podcasts to listen to while playing multiplayer games?
I like hardcore history and movie sign with the mads.
Joe Rogan Experience is pretty nice
Science Friday
Wait Wait Don't Tell Me podcasts
Joe Rogens shows on youtube
Ted Talks, Defcon Talks
Those are some I follow
Nerd Poker is a classic
I hope most of these don't delve into politics too much
the lectures of Alan Watts
The Church of What's Happening Now
Bill Burrs Monday Morning Podcast
Only Joe Rogen, he's a libertarian and his politics are pretty clear
>Bill Burrs
my nigga
Joe Rogan does,but it depends on the guest
The Fighter and the Kid
Bill Burr for sure
Or listen to the NLSS VOD's if you want to pretend you have friends.
The co-optional podcast with Dodger, Jessie Cox, Total Biscuit and random guest of the week.
Is it good? I don't like any of these people
maybe together they're ok?
Ricky Gervais Show
Legion of Skanks
High Society Radio
You Know What Dude podcast with Bobby Kelly
Last podcast on the left if you want ayy lmaos, conspiracy theory and killers, but it can get a bit annoying with the hosts constantly talking over each other and getting sidetracked.
I don't even understand why they bring Dodger in. She only plays Dating Sims or weeb bullshit that nobody cares about. It'd be better if they brought Crendor as a permanent guest instead of her.
Co-optional is only good when Crendor is on, but even he can't make the other three stop being atrocious.
I just wish Hardcore History came out more often. Shits so good
What are good some good podcasts about video games?
cant rush perfect
jordan b peterson lectures and interviews
The Dick Show
Nah, Joe is an idiot and his guests suck. Every now and then he has someone interesting like le black science man, but it's usually knuckleheads like him discussing subjects too complex for them.
hate to break it to you, but youre fuckin dumb bro
Why do you willingly deprive yourself of ability to hear sound cues? Sound in games doesn't exist solely for "gotta make them speakers do something too" reason.
because you don't need sound in overwatch
>Needing sound cues
>Not knowing the game by heart inside and out
>Not just hearing the sound cues in your head
Any podcasts similar to RLM's half in the bag?
their commentary tracks
Smodcast, Tell 'Em Steve Dave
Have you heard of the weapon wheel podcast? Bunch of black guys talking about games, really entertaining
How black are we talking? Woolie "black"?
Opie and Anthony Louis CK appearances
He is right with the fact that Neil DeGrasse Tyson's ep were the best ones tho.
I really like The Game Informer Show and New Game Plus.
A Fire Inside Out
Twighlight Highlite Zone
Radio Lab
The Splendid Table (original episodes with Lynn are best)
Car Talk
Hood nigga black