Summer gaming

How are you fellow PC gamers handling this crazy heat? Did any of you purchase AC just because playing with GPU at 75C is suffering?

Should I pull the trigger and sperg for AC?

I didn't know this was a problem

Only a problem to poorly built computers.

>live in hawaii
>don't have this problem

What is this, a meme?

My temps only go up by about five degrees in the summer.

Air conditioning

Maybe not if you live in Sweden or Alaska. Gaming with ambient temperature being 35+ is hell.

I'm running 6700k with 1070 in R5. While not the best case for keeping things cool it should be enough since nothing is overclocked at the moment.

There is never hot here.
My PC lies among cold air.

>How are you fellow PC gamers handling this crazy heat?
Build proper machines: tower cases with PSU at the top (not bottom) and properly installed ventilation.
It's not hard when you're know what you're doing and my machines always worked perfectly fine even at 38C room temperature.
>Did any of you purchase AC just because playing with GPU at 75C is suffering?
75C is perfectly normal for a GPU. Upper limit is 105C.

>tower cases with PSU at the top (not bottom)
No, get an external PSU instead.

>tfw gpu goes up to 91°C when playing doom 4

>tfw temps are the same all year round
Being a Britbong isn't TOO bad

but the heatwave lad

Integrated master race, My geforce 6150se runs at 0C all year long.

Grafix fags btfo

Of course I had AC installed, ambient temperature above 24C is uncomfortable trash, I'd rather not subject myself to that within my own home.

Think I must've slept through that, I've only seen the sun twice this week and next week's forecast looks foul.

No summer in Finland this year

Obviously, though some shitboxes which operate on the verge of overheating even in 20C ambient temps may indeed suffer if that goes up by 10C in the summer.

>Gaming with ambient temperature being 35+ is hell.
If your rig fucks up by a slight rise in ambient temperature, your shitbox is fucked. Most likely, because your case is stupid gaym0r tower with a window on the side and holes everywhere, except where they are needed.
If your PC is properly designed, a rise in ambient temperature SHOULD NOT lead to a rise in component temperature anywhere.
Also if you GPU spergs out at 75C, than most likely you GPU memory (with a thermal sensor) is overheating, because your ventilation is fucked.

*GPU memory (without a thermal sensor)

>Live in Arizona
>Probably gonna be 120 degrees or something in the next couple of days
>Ceiling fan basically hasn't been turned off for a month
>Stuck in a room right up against the garage and water heater
>Small room overall with my PC and other systems
>Even going to wash my face off only gets me hot water from the faucet
>If I turn on my PC and any console at the same time, room turns into a hotbox

Fuck this place. I miss living up north where it was high 80s at the most during the summer.

What's a safe temp for an fx 8350? It gets to about 60 degrees on speedfan and the core is about 50 when I'm playing total war warhammer.

Pic related is cpu cooler, one of the best air coolers you can buy I think.

>all these people too fucking poor to get an AC
Get a job.

My machine is still functioning properly with games, but it's not spared by the heat, opening steam freeze my entire computer and overheat my CPU until I force steam to stop loading the market. Anything else with a lot of images to load also suffer the same fate. (including this place)

Arizona guy here, I have AC. But I live with other people so the lowest they'll go is like 70 degress. To which my room has like one vent that I thought was closed for the longest time, till I checked and saw that it was open, it just barely puts out air.

AC isn't a magical fix all the time, especially in a place this hot.

>Pic related is cpu cooler, one of the best air coolers you can buy I think.
It's just looking fancy, any top blower is better, because it actually cools the VRM.
If your machine crashes in summer, it's because MB components like these overheat, because your ventilation is fucked. Not because the CPU core temperature is too high.

While I do have a job and savings, quality AC + installation costs is almost 2 month avg salary here. So I'm not exactly rushing to buy something I will use for maybe 2 months in a year even though I easily can.

An AC is only for people too poor to live in a house with windows.

im chilling and i live in israel
AC is on full blast

>If your PC is properly designed, a rise in ambient temperature SHOULD NOT lead to a rise in component temperature anywhere.

That's preposterous.

pretty much this. I went overboard with fans tho. 2 front, 1 bottom, 1 back, 1 top.
Don't have AC.

>75 C
Come back when it's permanently at 120, little baby

>installing AC for the 14-20 hot days in the year

Excellent bait, quality post.

>An AC is only for people too poor to live in a house with windows.

That's how properly designed temperate-controlled ventilation works.

rate my build

My Gtx 1080 FE always goes as high as 82°C if I don't use msi afterburner to control it.
How hot is too hot for a GPU, anons ?

This but unironically. Getting a natural breeze coming through your house is a million times more refreshing than the AC.

Too bad seasonal allergies are a bastard and I probably still have a few more weeks until I can open the windows without my nose clogging and eyes inflating.

I need to leave these little notes around my pc to remind me

Depends on the GPU. You'd need to look up what your specific GPU is rated for max temperature wise. I'm too lazy to look up your Founder's Edition for you. I know on my old GTX 275 I'd hit up to 102C in The Last Remnant though. I believe it was rated up to 105C, so I wasn't really worried, though I was impressed.

>natural breeze
>35C and scorching sun outside
I'm trying to cool my place down not heat it up even further.

>full tower for that build
>full tower in general

>sacrificing 14-20 days in a month because you're poor

>open my windows
>humid as all hell


>rate my build
complete chink garbage bullshit

hhaahah epic!!

I would start to worry at 90°C when doing anything very GPU intensive. Idle above 50-60? Save some money for a new one.

I hate it when my pc overheats and anime girls laugh at me

I'm not worried about gpu hitting 75C on full load with all details maxed in new games. What I dont like is that it rises my already high room temperature making it uncomfortable as fuck.

Think I'll just pull the trigger and get AC, fuck it.

It wasn't that bad, lad.

Not in a month, in a whole year, idiot.



Ha ha ha, mine goes up to 95C.
I don't know, should I be worried? :(

>What I dont like is that it rises my already high room temperature making it uncomfortable as fuck.
My laptop doesn't do this.

You're obviously lying, I live in Japan too and AC is mandatory in apartments here.
While it is very humid and hot at this time of the year, everybody has the AC for the 温・湿度.

>Living in some shithole that uses Celsius
>Acts like this is anybodies fault but their own
Tell your wife to say hi to tyrone and ahmed for me.

Apparently, most people in the UK don't have AC, and are simply bewildered by the idea of buying AC because "it almost never gets hot here" -- but they'll still complain about heat on Sup Forums every summer.

>sacrificing 14-20 days in a year because you're poor

I live in Florida, time of year has absolutely no merit in your PC cooling.

>live in Scotland
>Never understood this meme

Stop projecting your shit-tier fetishes, there are no tyrones or ahmeds living here at all.

GPU is underpowered for a gaming machine. Save another $100-150, there is a "sweet spot" for performance per $ with GPUs and the 1050ti is below that sweet spot.


FUCK NO. I'm not downgrading to a fucking mid tower. I want better air flow

I agree that a nice breeze is much more pleasant than an AC unit for air quality but if you're actually trying to cool down a room/house you're not going to beat AC

>Apparently, most people in the UK don't have a firearm, and are simply bewildered by the idea of buying a firearm because "there's almost no crime here" -- but they'll still complain about crime when they get assaulted by shitskins.

Brits always had this way of live, never got it.

You Scots are lucky.
You guys are still cool even when it does get hot.


I'm not sacrificing these 14-20 days, because I'm outside on these days enjoying the good weather..
>air flow
There is no "air flow" inside a PC case.

I'm pretty sure that, if you live in a civilized country, a living space is legally required to have windows.

central air

Summer hasn't much hit New York, yet but I got a strong AC and a job so I'll be fine when it does.

You should have air conditioning regardless of your computer's situation.

>he fell for Ryzen meme

>playing games
>in summer
shouldn't you be hitting up the beach with your friends or going to the park with your gf?
you do have friends, right?
you do have a gf, right?

i like it so far

There's a lot of BRs and slavs and other 2nd worlders here.

>I'm outside on these days enjoying the good weather
Fucking casual, get out of my board.

Nigger I live in a country with its own sea and my family has 3 houses at the coast, but I still dont do any of that shit since I already did it for pretty much every year of my life.

And I was finally forced to have a job so its only 3 weeks of coast for me. fml

You're a sad person voluntarily wasting the few (not consecutive) weeks of sunny days per year. I pity you.

>wasting the few weeks of sunny days
The appreciation of something is subjective, user.

But that's okay, you'll finish highschool one day.

b-but i have a big fan facing my pc butt

It's always a cool 70 degrees in my house.
Don't you guys have ac?

>Full Tower in a low power build
>Ryzen 5 1600 with an external cooler paired up with 2100mhz RAM and a fuckin 1050ti
Is this Bait?

That's why I always make sure fans and heatsinks are free of dust before summer. I repair computers as a side job and it's unbelievable how much dust people have in their cases sometimes.


That's a better build.

Meh, CPU doesn't go above 80 °C, GPU not above 75 °C. This is with like 30 C° outside and biggest clusterfuck of cable management.

>Buying Windows
And the other user had a $900+ budget

Last time when it was pretty fucking hot and I was running subnautica my new Ryzen 1600X + RX 470 build didn't even gave off a slight ounce of heat.

Reminder that a big ass CPU cooler will work wonders.

I'm making a similar build but with a 580 Nitro+ LE

I've never seen an AC here in my life. It's not necessary if it's only this hot for 1 month a year.

core2 quad q8200 reporting in
it hits 92c at load, can this cause permanent damage?

>position computer desk directly over AC vent
>dont have to pay for it, so keep it frosty year round, just how i like it.
>have literally never heard my computer fan

My balls have receded into my body for warmth, but my computer runs great.

>tfw i cant sleep at all unless it is sub-arctic in my room.

Just buy couple of good fans.

If your PC suffers then you have a shit build. I use liquid cooling on CPU and good case, my GTX1080 never goes over 70 degrees celsius when under 99% load.


It's 13°C outside and I'm all right

why is winter user wearing sunglasses?

Snow blindness is a bitch