Dude im gonna watch giant bomb talking over e3 its gonna be so epic

>dude im gonna watch giant bomb talking over e3 its gonna be so epic
Why the fuck are there people that do this? Why not watch the raw feed itself? Why listen to a bunch of manchildren drone over it?

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They used to be funny, have good bants, and it was interesting to hear Jeff's recollections of past E3s. But now the well of Jeff's stories have run dry, they are all pessimistic, and yeah, there is no point watching it.

Watching E3 with no filters is boring as fuck. I always watch my E3s with the Giant Bomb stream AND I shitpost on Sup Forums at the same time too. That's how you enjoy an E3.

Sup Forums has been watching giant bomb be epic since 2008
deal with it faggot

For the same reason you browse Sup Forums while the conferences happen
>I don't do that
Then you're a faggot

>Waching a bunch of cucked, limp wrist "journalists" whoop, cheer and celebrate over a week's worth of corporate advertising.
>When you could watch a bunch of mature people tear it apart by pointing out all the retardation and turning the cringe into comedy.

You're really bad at this whole falseflagging thing, dude.

>watching anyone talk about anything
>not just watching the raw thing without some retards commentating it
fuck off

with that attitude you might as well just read the headlines on Kotaku after the conferences

Don't like something?
Then don't watch it.
That'll be $500 dollars.

>Why listen to a bunch of manchildren drone over it?
What's the difference between doing this and posting with a bunch of manchildren about it? Why do you care what we do?

There is no difference and you should be doing BOTH at the same time. That's the best way to live E3.

>you can't like giant bomb! YOU'RE JUST A FALSE FLAGGER


>Watching Giant Bomb when you could be watching Easy Allies instead
*Jumps on top of my chair*
*Scream really loudly*
*Start clucking around like a chicken*

ez allies are still better than some half dead diabetics that are struggling to stay awake during E3

let me show you boys how a real man eats a chocolate sandwich cookie

Dude, totally!



Fuck off.


People over a certain age just can't handle the "YouTube voice."
Listening to those phonies for more than 10 seconds makes me want to put a gun in my mouth.

I agree. Giant bomb are a bunch of phony faggots.

Thank god Austin is gone. Alex is still there, though. Let's hope he gets triggered like a little bitch this year too.

Hilarious trolling, my friend! ;)

It's kind of like MST3K

>they arent excited enough for the epic remake of final fantasy 7, they must be hiding their boners to get cool cred
>fucking phonies man

and watch all the other giant faggots take the "cuck position" and yield to Alex's bitchfit.

Been following the Gerst and Giant Bomb for years.

Why would i stop now?

Silently watching someone else boiling and bawling their eyes out isn't what I'd call the cuck position, but to each their own.

Im going to watch it with my favorite streamer and there's nothing you can do to stop me

some people are unable to form opinions so they need to watch other people with opinions so they know whats going on

Yeah, and all of us are unable to form opinions, so we decide read E3 threads on Sup Forums to find out what we should think

>There are people who don't watch E3 with their friends
You do HAVE friends right?

I can think of one reason

Is there a raw feed with no commentary? I usually just go to IGN because it's easy and high quality, but they usually have little segments in between conferences which is easy enough to ignore but whatever.

>not forcefully injecting your opinion into the Sup Forums hivemind
Good thing sheep like you exist so alphas like me can use this board as our playground

I can think of two

it feels like the person is watching it with friends

Make that three

Use the corporation's twitch.

I have friends but none who would watch E3 along with me
You guys are all I have

But Sup Forums are my friends

Reading and writing is something, but why add noise to sound? doesn't make sense to me.

Realistically we can list everyone other than Jeff Balaclava at this point
Jeff is too jaded, Brad is THE whiniest person on staff, Vinny is full cuck leftist, and I almost forgot Jason existed

Reading text is just as distracting as listening to two different lines of audio
My brain can easily multi-task between the three because I'm to intelligent.

>giantbomb don't like videogames plus they have niggers and sjws
>twitch stream will have of retarded e-celeb twitch streamers
>geoff is cool but it's gonna be a little bit too shilly
>EZA is the easy choice

>because I'm to intelligent.

Jeff, Brad and Vinny are good, as far as I'm concerned
I also forgot Jason existed and have no opinion on him

>Bitching about someone being too shilly
>Watching EZA

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

>giving a single fuck about any words said by presenters during E3
Well I would be excited for but didn't hear anyone say it's revolutionizing the genre like they said about last year

Never ever, stupid cuck
Vidya E-celebs have been, are and always will be Sup Forumsidya culture
Deal with it


it's a meme you dip

you confuse being excited for games with being a shill

>like giant bomb
>discover easy allies
>realize GB are bland and boring most of the time
>almost completely switch over to EZA
>only thing I watch now is the GB podcasts
>only one I listen too because i like it is beastcast
>only listen to bombcast because its gaming related background noise

I look forward to watching EZA reactions to E3 after they've aired. No matter how much I like someone I'm not gonna watch a fucking stream of them streaming the stream on my first time viewing it.

Remember the old GameTrailers E3 Coverage? That was by far the best.

i can't really watch E3 Presentations anymore because the hosts are always awful.
The only i could watch last year was sony's because they just showcased their games non stop with minimal pauses.
The PC gaming show was especially awful with the shit host they had, i'd rather hear Carmack technical jargon for 2 hours, put him as a host.


are austin or patrick gonna be at their stream? won't watch it then

i agree i'm already dreading having to watch the EA and ubisoft conferences and them trying to shill shit like need for speed for 2 hours

Giant Bomb have literally the worst taste out of any vidya website, why the fuck do you faggots obsess over them so much?

I imagine they'll be on one of those Post E3 interviews, but not during the actual stream itself, no.
Alex will unfortunately be there, though.

They're funny and they aren't overly excited geeks
They hate everything just like me

lmao dat youtube channel

I can't do it props to you, I can't listen to these conferences raw

also eza is shit

best commentary was the best gamers

I think thats just autism mate, EZA dont sound like typical youtubers at all. But if you need to tell yourself that to justify hating them go for it.

>Watching the raw feeds
>Listening to boring developers be terrible awkward obnoxious shills for their shit

Never. Chingchongmoot is a fucking streamer himself. He was shilling his youtube channel just yesterday.


Literally who streaming sites with 15-20 people from here are best

Because they like seeing people and their thoughts on the content being shown. How underage are you to not understand this, retard?

>Sup Forums can't enjoy E3 without having their opinions given to them by a bunch of cynical blobs sitting in front of a webcam acting "above it all"


>a week's worth of corporate advertising.

Why watch anything to do with at all then retard.

This is the worst "I am very smart" shit I have ever seen

Isn't Jeff a mad hillaryshill?


Alex strikes me as the kind of dude that would be, though

>dude im gonna watch Sup Forums shit over games its gonna be so epic
Why the fuck are there people that do this? Why not just play the games? Why listen to a bunch of manchildren drone over it?

Dude, I've attempted to listen to their podcast a couple times and peaced out minutes in.
I'm not even saying there's something inherently wrong with them, but I personally can't handle that phony vibe they give off.
So, yes it is autism, and yes, they do sound EXACTLY like every other youtuber.

Everything you mentioned is just standard talk for people 30 and under who are slightly 'nerdy'. Get with the times oldcuck. Love and respect is mentioned in passing like once every 2 hour podcast also.

I actually watch a raw feed of each press conference and then I watch them again in each game site I follow later in the day / week to see their reactions, so I end up watching each conference 4 or 5 times

I'm n-not alone in doing this, r-right?

but i hate memes!

alex is a fan of the podcast chapo trap house and is probably in line with their anti-hillary pro-sanders stance although i don't doubt that he voted for hillary

What the hell is wrong with you

Pretty sure Damiani is a massive SJW.

I don't go that far, but I do watch the conference with Giant Bomb and then sometimes I go re-watch other dudes reactions for specific shit which I myself thought was awesome.
Re-watching whole conferences is crazy, though

literally all these guys do anymore is bitch about how e3 is dead

they literally don't get that nobody in the general gaming public who listens to them cares about the fact that it's no longer a gaming journo event anymore. all we give a shit about is the actual stage presentations, which are the only things we've ever been allowed access to from e3.

no shit the game journalist circle jerk event is dead when it's been a positive step to change e3 into just a fucking week long fiesta for video game enthusiasts.

>phony vibe
They give off one of the most genuine vibes for any e-celebs to me, because they dont try overly hard to be cynical fucks and show their true feelings about games. They're all passionate as fuck about games and they show it.

They just sound like eccentric young people passionate about their hobby to me. But I can empathize because I am too.

I don't care.
You seem so desperate to defend them that it makes me doubt you, though.

me too brah

sometimes I'll skip parts that no commentary can save

I just really like E3, man


I don't try hard to be overly cynical, I just am because that's a part of me. I've been playing video games for decades, this isn't my first rodeo. I empathize with Giant Bomb because I think they feel genuinely like I do.

>If you aren't screaming of joy at something and spazzing out, you aren't enjoying it
How old are you? 20 at most, right?

>not watching E3 with your fellow gamers in a theater and clapping at the epic reveals

>Clapping at a screen

Nah, I usually watch the Microsoft one live, and then watch the Sony one after I get off work that night, the whole time avoiding Sup Forums and news sites. Then, I'll usually come to Sup Forums, and catch discussion about how all the press conferences were the fucking worst thing ever, and how all the announcements sucked.

I defended them because I like them, like how you insulted them because you dislike them.

22. You've clearly only watched the cherrypicked videos people have posted here. They have 5 hours worth of podcasts a week where they calmly discuss games.

You're not alone, user. I only do it to the major press conferences (Sony, Microsoft), though.

People don't have friends so they watch live commentary to act like they're watching with other people