Other urls found in this thread:


>this literally triggers drumpfkins

go sony.

Nintendo won.

you are a faggot


bully him harder daddy...


Sonybros have been getting fucked in the ass for years, this is nothing new.


>Supporting an oppressed minority is now a bad thing

Ayo playstation aint for GAY NIGGUHS why aintcha go play yo nintendo BITCH

underrated poste

Good that Sony knows their target audience.

cross fingers for surprise appearance of Truck of Peace?


Maybe in some shit-hole towns in the South yea, but everywhere else in the US people don't care if your gay.


why are brits so fucking gay

She's pretty cute, what's her name?

>""oppressed"" ""minority""



Don't forget about the ruthless cyber bullying

Does ALL the players also include the disabled?
That would be actually inclusive

>in the UK


>tfw you'll never go from normal looking fag to adorable tween girl

I was born too late.

Considering this thread Sony is doing a better job of tirggering faggots than Sup Forums right now



t. cultural marxism

>sonyfags will defend this

go nintendo.

lmao sonybros u r fuckin gay

>everywhere else in the US people don't care if your gay

So Sup Forumsirgins and Sup Forumslacks are primarily located in the South, then?

Men, we live in a time where gay little twerps can be transformed into attractive young women.
This is the future.

Fuck off, pol.

> people ITT are actually getting mad about this

Based Sony

>what are block/ignore features?

Hello, reddit

>Hating on homosexuals
No wonder you people are virgins who post on Sup Forums.

I'm calling Sup Forums the faggots dumbass

SJW's are just pawns the source of the problem is a bit more (((complicated)))


I'm talking about out in public

>implying Sup Forums or Sup Forums every leaves the house.
>implying they would state their unpopular opinions for everyone to hear.

>So Sup Forumsirgins and Sup Forumslacks are primarily located in the South, then?
They won't "like" you, they may ignore you, but they will not "oppress" you, faggot.

I honestly believe white heterosexual christian men are more oppressed than faggots in the US.

>ruthless cyber bullying
Turn off your phone then, you dumbass sodomite

>reposting the thread
why do you give a fuck

>Still a virgin, goy? Perhaps you should go gay, it's in vogue right now!
I see through you merchant

That's a nice pride parade you got there...be a shame if any peaceful trucks happened to pass by.

Why aren't you an SJW, Sup Forums?

Don't you believe that everyone deserves to be happy?

>Expecting Sup Forums to see reason when they can just scream white genocide and plug their ears like the SJWs they are

Moar like gaystation amirite ahahaaha!

This is what happens when there's no Ape Escape 4


Why aren't you a Nazi?

Don't you believe that Germans deserve to be happy?

No only everyone who isn't /lgb/ deserves to be happy

everyone except fags and racist people like african americans.

Such a foolish argument. It's better to live effectively than live in gross hedonism.

This is cool.

We need more muslims in this country.

Well done, Sony. You've lost a valued customer now. Stupid gay loving pricks.


>white heterosexual christian men
Hi, Jeremy.

I'm black and I hate faggits, what now? It's not just Sup Forums

>have gay orgies

>waaah pander to me

Whats the most manly straight rainbow coloured thing you can think of

I'll wait

Jeremy was a polytheist Bernie voter.
Not a christian.

Great job, Jeremy!

effectively to what end? You're not even making sense.

>gross hedonism
t. frequent Sup Forums user and video game player

what the fuck does that gay expression even mean

Come on man, they are spreading happiness and supporting people. You gotta be unreasonable to get mad about this.

Really sick of how this board is 35% politics now. I want to go back to 2008 when the whole site was escapist weeaboo nerds with a sense of humor

>SJW's are just pawns

No, they're people with codependent personalities who are piggybacking real civil rights movements to feel better about themselves. Social justice does not represent me or LGBT rights in any legitimate fashion. People really need to divorce these two concepts and stop blaming gay people for this nonsense. I don't have any control over what these people do, or how much they may claim to "represent" my interests. Telling them to fuck off does not work.

Homosexuality is detrimental to society.


He was definitely a christian. All christians are batshit insane and he's one of the less extreme examples.



>Avoiding overpopulation is detrimental

>Come on man, they are spreading happiness and supporting people.
No, they are spending money on fags instead of making better games/consoles/services.

False equivalence

>He was definitely a christian.
False, he always swore by Odin and hated the monotheists.

overpopulation is a meme invented to trick westerners into not breeding

is Sup Forums one of the most gay boards?
have we fallen so low?
at least gays won't be having kids i guess.

the gay freaks dont need any support unless its to kill themselves

They're a corporation with a PR budget you idiot

did you even watch the video? that was never discussed


both very acceptable choices
well done you two

The seeds were sown by (((someone))), and the sjws follow that doctrine first laid out by them, or maybe they don't, but either way they serve the interests of that initial (((someone)))

They are useful idiots, whcih still makes them pawns.

The problem is more that they're looking for other ways to try and get people to buy their shit at all instead of just making better games, it really doesn't matter what avenue they take while doing this.

Yes, and?

I've already mentioned Christians are batshit insane. That just proves my point. They're mentally unstable and incapable of contributing to society.

Everyone deserves some happiness, but when you start being hypocritical and try to make everyone happy by opressing and censoring, then you can go fuck yourself.

... Spending money for good PR makes them MORE money in the end you fucking idiot

Where did this "YAAAAS" meme come from? I thought it was a Scottish thing then it seems to have gone worldwide

You're the biggest pawn of them all, you paranoid Sup Forumsdittor

>yeah, you white people better not have children because of overpopulation!
>now pay for cutting-edge fertility treatment so that Tyrone can have sextuplets


>tfw dating typical east coast jew
>held her in my arms as she cried and while I laughed as trump won the election
>went to Eilat, Israel
>got shithoused in some irish pub ran by ukrainians there
>Turn away from the bar and yell, "god damn there's a bunch of fucking kikes in here"
>laugh as I run upstairs to shoot pool with the brits
>tell her all the time that jews shouldn't racemix, as they should keep the bloodline pure
>she agrees
>say that everyone else should because national and cultural identity shouldn't matter to goyim
>she agrees
>I say all of this anti-semitic stuff to her all the time
>only to find out a few months into dating her I'm like 40% kike
>she tells her parents
>they're so happy they're almost crying
>I just randomly start coming into money
>I don't even know how
>start getting job opportunities everywhere

It's an abstract kind of feel lads

>They're mentally unstable and incapable of contributing to society.
Just like gay people

Well they shouldn't have such a PR budget.
They should offer good services/products and the PR would be taken care of.

It's amazing how easy it is to tell the Sup Forumsfags and neo-Sup Forums fags on Sup Forums from the people that have been here far longer.

Go outside

Nah it didn't come from the scots dialect. I'm pretty sure most people can't read scots well even though it's spelling is purely phonetic. I think it's mainly meant to sound like a black woman talking or something.