Absolutely fucking pathetic
Absolutely fucking pathetic
What the fuck, come on it's a platformer
This is honestly just sad. Are they that worried about graphics that they can't compromise a bit to make a platformer at 60fps? Heck, I don't even mind games at 30fps, even action games like Bloodborne. But platformers are fucking amazing at 60fps, all that tight control feedback just lets you jump around in a much more precise way.
Not dissing 30fps platformers like Mario 64, but 60fps is a clear improvement in regards to gameplay in a platformer while it is questionable in other games.
>m-m-muh 1440p resolution and realistic fur
Devs can fuck off.
Power of the PS4.
but the graphics are fucking ps2 tier. it looks awful
Not just that but the environments are very small and caustrophobic. I could understand the 30fps if this was a fucking open world game with ridiculous viewing distance but it is not. How can they fuck up this badly?
60fps was the only thing it had over the original but it's not even there, lol
You must not remember what PS2 games looked like
Lol every time I think about getting a ps4 for exclusives they ruin it with this.
You see here's the thing, the game doesn't even look that impressive on top of being corridor shit. It must be a programming or engine thing
>it is
who gives a fuck?
it'll be like 8k fucking 256fps on pc anyway
>update everything to modern
Literally the entire point of a remake, have you scrapped the shit off your eyes and looked at the realistic modern graphics?
But it's not coming to PC
>Are they that worried about graphics
They clearly aren't, it looks like an original xbox game.
Totes is. Probably switch port too.
I believe you
Itt: elitist sweaty fat faggots shit on a game that hasn't even come out yet over bullshit that doesn't even matter. Not surprised someone even threw in a Hurr durr pccmasterrace comment. You're all fucking stupid and don't deserve to play games.
If it bothers you then simply don't buy it?
>shilling for the fps meme in 2017
give it time, too much evidence evidence against it being exclusive
>doesn't even matter
While I bet it will still be a good game, platformers benefit a LOT from 60fps in terms of gameplay.
Some of the precision jumps seen in certain games like Super Meat Boy would be much harder in 30fps. Speedrunning such games would be a nightmare.
....whoa.... this.... the power of the ps4.....
While it would have been nice if the games ran at 60 FPS (Especially on Pro Mode), the originals were not 60 FPS either so eh. As long as they run at a consistent 30 FPS I have no issues.
Damn, I went to sleep in 2017, how is it 2037 already?
No there isn't
Look at this, the original trilogy is on PSN but not XBLA or PC
Wow, Its almost as like you're a newfag who hasn't been keeping up with these threads.
It might not be exclusive but name 1 (one) kids game published by Activision released on PC and then tell me why it's sequels weren't published on PC.
So sick of all the negative Sony news today. Fuck off already.
Answer my question
leave me alone ;(
Call of Duty
Woah just take it easy, man
Some game mechanics gets broken when played at higher fps e.g Valkyria Chronicles, Vanquish, Fallout 4, Skyrim, basically any game console game that has game physics or animation speed tied to fps.
This makes the code much simpler because many assumptions can be made based on the fact that time steps are fixed. Especially because Physics is so time dependent, and because you are essentially trying to model continuous physical processes in discrete chunks, it's a lot easier to make decisions about how things should resolve when time is not an additional variable to every system. The other main advantage is that the code can use those assumptions of a fixed dT to simplify calculations, and so can run faster in some cases. That's pretty marginal though.....Who am I kidding Sup Forums is too stupid fucking realize that. A lot of Nintendo games does but some how it's okay when Nintendo does it
Okay... that doesn't excuse the fixed timestep not being 60.
>4K on PS4 and PC, 60 frames per second across all platforms
Why would you trust them that it'll be out on PC if we know it's not going to be 60FPS on PS4 like the person claimed?
>the demo was 60
>losing money for no reason by making it exclusive
The original didn't even run at 60fps and this isn't a straight port of the original either. So what are you bitching about?
They're remaking the game to improve it, and better framerate would vastly improve the feel of the game. It really isn't such a technically demanding game that they couldn't do it
>locked it at 30 instead to get that slick cinematic feel
>being a platformer has any bearing on performance.
I'll ask again, name a kids game published by Activision released on PC and tell me why they didn't release it's sequels on PC too. Could it possibly be because they don't think kids games sell enough copies on PC to warrant the time and money of porting it?
>B-but Crash is super popular and it will always sell!
Not when there are people already arguing "why would I buy it when I can emulate it?"
>kids game
PS2 games looked much better than this shitty remake.
This is karma, motherfucker. 2013-2015 is catching up to Sony.
I'm sorry but aren't the graphic the whole point of the re-release
If not why not just get the older games of the PS Store right now?
Doesn't 60 fps make cartoony games like crash look a bit jarring? Maybe they're making it feel like the originals in every aspect including framerate?
It's a slow-ish platformer, not really a big deal. If it has frame drops that will be a big deal though. Hopefully a pc version will come out eventually so we can play it with 60, lewd mods and community levels.
Just add more leaves.
The other version.
Crash is not slow. Only plebs play it slow.
>Off-screen recorded footage is 60 fps
>Game itself is in 30 fps
whats the point??
That was the real one. The other user posted an edit.
>after 3 months Switch has more 60fps games than PS4
I just realized the first crash bandicoot was about a bunch of batshit crazy dipshits and humanoid animals fighting over a female furry.
There's no winning with Sup Forums. If they change something from the original autists would scream. If they keep something the same autists would scream. The original Crashes ran at 30, so who knows how it'd feel if they boosted it up to 60. Stop screeching and just play fucking vidya for Christ sake. Is anything on Sup Forums able to be enjoyed anymore? Or is it all just faggots memeing and screaming?
It surprises me that people actually give a shit about this garbage.
>Games were designed as linear corridor platformers so ND could get the best possible out of the PS1's limitations
>Fast foward to 2017 devs don't know what the fuck to do with consoles and just settle for whatever
Just tone down the damn graphics at least. Nobody cares about Coryex hyper-detailed wrinkles
No one really gives much of a shit, it's just that we already got a switch to play zelda and now there's nothing else.
I still play vidya, but i wouldnt admit that here.
>30 fps
what the fuck ND
If it's just a set of variables shouldn't it be easier to fix that?
Not naughty dog. It is some outsourced activision team.
pre-order cancelled.