Tekken 7 is 864p on PS4

what in the actual fuck

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>this 4 year old system is not powerful enough anymore






It was never powerful

>not a single sony cuck in sight

>the PS4 is 4 years old
what a failure of a system

Holy shit. Why the fuck do you all care about resolution and fps so much?


Why such a strange number though?

Who cares about fighting games?



>720 on Xbone
Why do people still buy consoles?

>bill nye the gender is on a spectrum guy

>Sonybros defending this because is ok

Im dying lmao

Because it's more convenient than assembling a $10,000 machine to play poorly optimized shit.

Arms is 1080p 60fps without a single drop

Nobody is defending anything because nobody plays fighting games

It also looks like shit

>People actually caring about this
It's not a big deal, the human I can only see 720p anyways

maybe back in 2013.
To buy a proper gaming PC with an X-series Intel CPU (required) and the 4, yes FOUR, 1080tis you need to push 4k it can cost $20,000 depending on how many LEDs your case has.

Don't need anything near that these days to beat a console.

>Buy a PS4
>Tell everyone I know that all games are 1080p 60fps, 4k for the pro
>No graphics options on PS4 so no one can tell
>Convince loads of people to buy them
>Everyone plays games and is happy
>We all talk about how much more fun PS4 is because we have the chance to pay for much better servers and graphics are max by default

How does it feel knowing no one cares about resolution ship and 1000p and whatever. Consoles have better games, better graphics, and better servers.

Because its supposed to just be plug, update and play.
Instead of having to worry about configuration, malware, drivers being mess up all over the place, which pieace of the pc broke, blue screens of dead, licenses, controller addaptors,

I dont care as much for resolution, to me the important thing is frame rate.

But not games, right?

You can probably beat consoles these days with $300 probably but by how much of a margin?


Was it ever? My GTX 760 would run early PS4 titles easily.

Does Sony pay you comission or something? I can't think of any reason why you'd lie to people you know to burn $300 on a device they clearly don't need

And yet Tekken 7 is the inferior version in almost all aspect compared to PC version, including online matches right now.

Because the input/output delay in fast paced games such as T7 is very important.
High FPS is not about graphics alone (although still a very important factor).

>not powerful enough anymore
It wasn't powerful enough from the start.

I'm sorry

who claims to be the most powerful console again?

oh right

sony does

>Better Games
Name 5 Wortwhile exclusives on PS4
Xbone has no exclusives.
Switch doesnt count because PCs can already emulate that shit.
>inb4 hurr Horizon Zero Dawn

Xbox does my man

if the game runs at 15fps, its horrible and almost unplayable... except maybe if its a tactics game

>Tell everyone I know that all games are 1080p 60fps, 4k for the pro
>Convince loads of people to buy them
>no one cares about resolution ship and 1000p and whatever
You literally proved yourself wrong retard

But still, why does it bother you so much? You can't just play games and have fun because the company made a statement you think is misleading?

Why does someone criticizing a company bother you so much?

>>No graphics options on PS4 so no one can tell
yeah there's absolutely no way to tell when dynamic resolution turns the game into a fucking jpeg

Is it any different for the pro?

>including online matches right now.

the right now is pretty telling

why do fighting games die so fast on pc

>PS4 Pro
>No 4k
what the fuck?

Or that they don't care as much as they fucking thought. Till this year i genuinly had no idea every PS3 game was actually playing in 720p. I still don't give a fuck actually, i had no idea anyway.

The price of 60FPS.

>runs at 60fps no drops
literally all i care about

It just blows my mind that resolution/fps can cause some people to become so butthurt that they make an entire thread about it

1080 60fps on Pro apparently.

you DO realise that was a bug that got patched pretty much immediatly, right?

Because he's a fanboy.
We've got tons of them here on Sup Forums.

You need an additional peripheral. Casuals aren't interested in buying/setting up a controller on PC.

If I actually cared about resolution do you think I would even play consoles?

Yeah happens when its a fighting game where 30FPS is absolutely unacceptable.

Huh? It happens on Sup Forums for any game/console that doesn't have MUH FPS or MUH 4K. I really just don't understand the resolution/fps meme that has infested Sup Forums

1536*864 is one of the true 16/9 resolutions. If you divide 1536 by 864, you get exactly 16/9 (like 1280/720 and 1920/1080).
Check the green lines here : pacoup.com/2011/06/12/list-of-true-169-resolutions/

Having a true 16/9 resolution allow a more beautiful result after scaling. Basically, if the resolution isn't a true 16/9 one, you have to change a little bit the ratio of each image during scaling, and it messes with the process.

>Talks about poor optimization when 30FPS is still the standard on consoles
Hows that awful Prey port treating you lads? Runs 60FPS on toaster tier PCs.

let me guess, its because of all the retarded over done hit effects that noone even likes?

>4 year old system