Why are the install sizes of these games so huge? I have a 250gb SSD and after OS stuff I probably have room for 1-2 newly released games.
Why are the install sizes of these games so huge? I have a 250gb SSD and after OS stuff I probably have room for 1-2 newly released games.
unfortunately "realistic" graphics continue to be a selling point for games, so the sizes of games will continue to increase until graphics can be procedurally generated on the fly efficiently. at that point, artists will be out of work basically.
Install the singleplayer games on an HDD and stop being a whining faggot.
Developer incompetence, contempt, and general kikery. Same reason why graphics and performance stagnate despite ever-escalating hardware requirements.
Than install you're games on a HDD? it's a negligible performance hit if there is one
How much of that space taken is found inside the "movies" (or similarly named) -folders of the games? I'm legit interested.
Multiple languages, uncompressed assets, videos.
Mostly because of uncompressed audio files, bigger textures, more assets, etc...
Audio files are uncompressed because decompressing them put a huge strain on console CPUs. And because storage is not an issue anymore, even consoles have over 500gb of storage and 1tb HDD cost literally nothing.
And while I do agree sometimes it gets excessive, unless you live in some third world shithole, 70gb is a less than 2 hours download on steam, I don't see the big deal. I also have two tiny SSD and I delete/download stuff all the time.
I remember reading something about how PC games were so large because they thought the size would deter piracy but if they're using uncompressed assets wouldn't the pirates just compress them for the download? If so, pirates are yet again getting a better experience than the paying customers who are forced to download all this uncompressed shit.
4k textures and 5.1 audio take a lot of space. If games have prerendered cinematics, those are several gigabytes each.
Solution: install games to HDD. Or better yet, don't play AAA trash.
Yes, repacks are a thing for a reason, they even remove shit like useless localizations and videos.
Modern games rarely have pre-rendered cinematics, so practically none. It's mostly textures and audio.
>4k textures
Nigga there are only a couple of games that have 4k textures. Nearly all "ultra" texture settings are 2k.
>I have a 250gb SSD and after OS stuff I probably have room for 1-2 newly released games.
I fresh installed 2 days ago and have almost 200gb free, what are you doing?
You don't need Dragon's Dogma on SSD. It loads in a second or two on regular HDD.
Just install there games you regularly play and actually benefit from moving them over to SSD.
He's installing every game he downloads onto his OS drive, instead of making a SteamLibrary on his HDD if he has one.
>new games are up to 90gb each
He's doing the same as you, it seems.
You wish it be like that but it don't. Granted, post-2015 things seem to be trending that way but before that nah. Japanese games are different too, just look at the recent Platinum releases. The avg size of the movie folder is like over 50% of the whole size.
>Install games on HDD
>If a game benefits from SSD
>Copy game to SSD
>Make symbolic link for game on HDD
Problem solved. You don't need EVERY GAME on SSD, just the one that really benefits from the SSD read speed.
If you're too lazy to use CMD to make them, use this link shell;
That's just Platinum using prerendered cutscenes since Vanquish.
In MGR, game weights like 2GB while cutscenes 22GB.
In Vanquish game itself 2,5GB, cutscenes 16GB
Steam should let you choose which components to install