Why won't they release a JSRF port/HD remake

Why won't they release a JSRF port/HD remake.
It's literally one of the greatest games ever created. Why do i have to suffer?

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It's on PC, brah.

Play Hover. It's basically Future online.

Music licencing issues/Micro$oft

That's the original game...

Sega is at least aware of the demand for Future. Hopefully that translates to what you're asking for down the line.

The character design looks like something from deviantart.

They look fine ingame.

Genuine question did future have better controls than the original game? I didn't remember jet set having such shit control until i played the port.

The difference is night and day. Future has awesome controls.

The Bayonetta and then Vanquish ports came outta nowhere suddenly in quick succession, there's a good chance I believe JSRF will eventually as well, although that could've just been Platinum wanting to port them rather than Sega.


I don't think Microsoft actually had anything to do with Jet Set Radio Future, they don't appear in the credits anywhere. There's plenty of xbox exclusive Sega titles that were subsequently ported to other systems, it just seems the ones that didn't sell were never ported.

Sega only seems to have favored the xbox console early in the 6th gen because of the relationship the two companies developed during the DC days, not because of a paid exclusivity deal.

Seconding this. I'm having a blast just running around at mach speeds

How would you want them to handle Jet Set Radio 3, Sup Forums? Do you think they'd screw it up?

>tfw the only way to play is on an OG xbox because of emulation issues on 360

You know they planned a JSR for the Wii right?
Sega scraped it.

Because the music was like half the game and that's a bitch to license. It's the same reason why you never see Tony Hawk games get a rerelease and a god damn miracle we even got the first JSR rereleased.

An user wrote a paragraph about this a while ago that I wish I saved.

The jist of it is that music licensing is a nightmare because the music label they used when they developed the game has split apart into multiple different parties holding the rights to different songs

Also the Microsoft deal has something to do with it too

JSRF are super smooth to the point where it feels like the game is on autopilot half the time. I honestly prefer JSR over it because of that even if it's harder initially.

baby it's your baby teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>Play Hover. It's basically Future online.
Except that it controls even worse, doesn't have any impact or satisfaction to doing the moves, the character designs look like deviantart rejects from 8 years ago and all of the non-naganuma music is terrible.

Game has been in early access for years and yet it still controls about as well as freejack, that shitty F2P MMO from years ago

JSR has "realistic" controls that are heavy on momentum. basically if you aren't going down a hill to build up speed or jumping constantly you feel really annoyed at how clunky things are. also the dashing is only a slight boost and you can't manually do tricks

JSRF is more automated, you just sort of accelerate forward at all times, the dash is super strong because it's limited now and you can manually do tricks. This all sounds nice, but JSRF also kinda controls like a butter in a frying pan yet it also requires more platforming because the levels are a lot crazier vs the "literally what tokyo looks like" design of the first game.

Each has their charms but it's certainly a lot easier to get into JSRF.

JSR and JSRF are each about half of the perfect game, they just need to cut out the jank bits of each and add some more polish

It wasn't even far enough along to be scrapped. It was a couple designs someone did and a few people saying "hey wouldn't it be cool if this happened?" and sega was like no thanks this is only 2008 or so and we're still trying to get past sonic 2006 and the general implosion of our company over the last 5 years

My only complaint about the controls is that they made scanning and tagging the same key. It should be left click to scan right click to tag. Other than that it's pretty fun.

Wasn't most of that true for JSR, and yet they still managed to get every song from every release of the game besides two?

How could it be any worse when JSRF has less overall artists?

Despite what people may think, Sega has put a lot of effort into any ports they do as of late and understand that if a whole bunch of stuff is missing then people won't enjoy it. I'd be surprised if they don't try once or twice a year to see if they can get the music rights again to make the port, and just keep pushing it back when they can't.

a lot of these HD versions are actually re-creations because the source code was largely thrown away. JSRF is in a bad spot of being graphically intensive and not super popular, so it's not worth the time/money to remake it