>"Nintendo has no third party games-"
"Nintendo has no third party games-"
You're right. They don't.
But that's a Mario game so it's first party.
Very funny, OP.
God, OP. Your so witty and funny and charming. Not to mention handsome. I wish I was you.
what happened to mario retardy?
pretty good
What was his endgame?
Isn't it obvious? DUEL MOSNTERS
>tfw want to get Mario Party 1 and 3 again but ebay resellers have jacked up their prices and it's hard to find N64 stuff at garage sales these days
it retardied.
I chuckled
ding ding
They started removing the threads and banning the streamers for them years ago because of "advertising through links."
I should know because I was one of them. Even after making a brand new twitch account JUST for retardies, they'd still ban me. I get why they did it, but it's still disappointing.
It's a shame, with the right setup, you could probably have a second salty bet.
that's pretty bogus man. I've got a pretty big desire to see one right now
I would've loved to have something like that, but once we started getting banned on sight, we pretty much had no way of getting people in. I just enjoyed doing them because it was the only time people would get together without arguing or shitposting.
I wish I had watched any of them while they were going, I always skipped out because they took place while I had some shit to do.
From what I gathered they were full AI mario party games yeah?
Yup, with people screaming memes nonstop when bullshit happens.
That's because you haven't proved that you're not making money off of them. Even Nu-moot was streaming his shitty phone games yesterday.
Shit, that's exactly what I want to watch.
It's a shame it's gone but there's nothing to be done I guess.
Best entry in the Hudson developement series. Shitty ND-Cube doesn't count.
Which is fair desu. We had one member of our group in particular who would use his main account, shill his other streams, and would do commentary over the retardy despite everyone in the thread complaining. He was never subtle about posting the threads either, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was why we started getting banned instantly.
maybe there could be a way to start it back up, if only for awhile
Personally, I really like 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7. 4 and 5 were okay
I kinda don't trust Nintendo these days. A livestream with the word retard next to mario?
Holy shit posters on Sup Forums are literally autistic tards. I thought it was just a meme.
The minigame mode menu in that game was the coziest thing ever
Ninty doesn't really care about literal whos. heck you don't even need to call the stream that
It wouldn't be the same, I might have missed it completely but I'm fine with letting it rest.
Nothing good has come from digging shit back up.
I'd love to do it 2bqh but I don't feel like getting banned again. Mods are probably watching this thread like hawks now anyways.
of course it wouldn't be the same but a man can dream can't he? I just really want to see dumb computers go at it
Well if you have a good connection, nothing is stopping you. It's simple to setup.
mods are most likely monitoring the Sony threads right now, there was a thread filled with gay porn just a few minutes ago thanks to whats happening right now
Sup Forums never ceases to amaze me
>He rates Yoshit
4 AIs, all on easy. Hilarity ensues.
if I could start one of these I totally would. I think it's the right time to try and bring it back
Stream threads are always a gamble on how butthurt the jannies get because linking to streams is still against the rules.
I'm glad they're on top of things like that, but it still sucks.
I understand that rules are rules but I feel like there should be some discretion between streams that are clearly someone trying to get popular and streams that are just for the benefit of Sup Forums.
we've got a youtube/twitch thread up right now. maybe it's a bit more lax now
>e-celeb and political threads get don't get removed
>actual community stuff (hunger games, retardies) gets removed
In a perfect world, there would be people who only stream for fun and the mods would allow them specifically to post threads and ban the ones only in it for shekels, but the sad reality is that there's ALWAYS going to be that one faggot who decides it's time to get paid for streaming a video game and before you know it everything crashes with no survivors.
Basically, monetizing Twitch streams was a mistake, nothing new there.
why can't they just stop that one guy only
>twitch tv thread has people linking their accounts
fuck it, mario retardy 2 time
come on you fuckers, get in there. just google the spoilered text.
so it's actually happening huh