What were they thinking?
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I want you all to know that I actually loved this game. I also loved XIII-2.
There was something about XIII that I just enjoyed. I loved it so much. I loved the cast. I found it so badass when Snow grabbed Hope mid air and was willing to die for him, even though Hope was trying to kill him seconds earlier. Idk, I like this game.
Are you implying something was wrong OP? I see a very enjoyable game with heartwarming story and a cutie main character
I wouldn't have minded it if combat was more in depth than picking the correct Paradigm and auto attacking.
They tried to make another X since that's the most popular one in Japan but failed horribly because 13 is worse than 10 in everyway
is this bizzaro Sup Forums?
They had a good idea, but the idea was too great to be encapsulated in a game.
If you take a step back and consider the world they laid out, it would've been the best RPG world ever.
I really loved XIII and Lightning Returns as well, despite all the notorious bad points. XIII-2 not so much, but at least they fixed some glaring flaws in the mechanics and exploration.
It really isn't as bad as people say.
I personally picked it up for dirt cheap a few years ago, despite having heard all sorts of shit about it.
The BEGINNING really didn't even try to prove all the bad claims about it wrong, but luckily, to my own surprise as well, the more I played, the more entertaining and hooking it became. It's not GOTYAY or best JRPG ever in any sense, but it's FAR from the "worst crap ever" -category. A solid 7/10 experience IMO.
The sequels fixed, expanded and improved many things, especially pacing and gameplay. Up to you whether you like the direction they went with the plot and cast, but they're not hideous either. I found especially LR to be total blast, easily my 2014's GOTY. The 13-2 was simply fun, easily 8/10 at least.
I wouldn't say that, but in reality 13 and 10 are like apples and oranges, besides few re-occuring superficial details that are typical to the entire series.
This. I've also heard that the higher ups' decision to make it a multiplat title instead of keeping it a PS3 exclusive resulted tons of cuts and revisions to the design. The final game was already shipped on 4 Xbox 360 DVDs, and even then it had lots of FMV, audio and graphics compressions. The very original game, which apparently would've been twice longer, simply would not have been plausible as a multiplat title.
On top of that, the entire Fabula Nova Crystalis project was very slippery. Sure, it resulted some fine games, but the original plans of having centuries spanning epic saga on multiple platforms was ultimately demolished.
A new game came out in the series so it's the signature "hate the new one, love the previous one" shtick that contrarians do.
The whole lore, which is 90% behind the datalog, is fucking excellent only considering XIII since -2 and LR completely fucked up. Even the gameplay itself is great on paper but the execution was a mess.
What if I genuinely like XIII more than XV though?
Then you're retarded, they're both shit.
>He never learned Paradigm refreshing
>He never learned string cancelling
>He never learned Paradigm buffering
This is why we can't have nice things, when they add nuance to the combat they just make the combat easy enough so braindead monkeys like you can beat the game.
XIII was the best trilogy.
Call of Duty is linear therefore Final Fantasy should be linear.
I'm not joking.
Second best, Metroid Prime is better.
>always defended XIII's strong points since it originally came out
>mfw now I'm being grouped with new game contrarians
Some anons always defended or at least tried to talk about the strong points of XIII. Not everyone here likes XIII now because of XV's release.
>strong points
I am about to play LRXIII
I have only gotten up to the part like right after you first meet hope and there is some murder in a town or something.
Is it considered cheating to use those costumes? Like the Yuna or Cloud ones? They seem to be really op.
The main problem with the intro is that it feels like a poorly executed version of FF VII's intro.
In both games you arrive by train to the fanfare of guards attacking you into the middle of a tense scenario.
However, FF VII does it right by easing the player into the concepts, themes characters of the plot.
You're told who you are, what your job is and real life enivronmental comparisons are used to establish why the people you're targeting are bad. The game then trickles characters into your party over the first twenty or so hours.
FF XIII's intro is a shitty version of this.
You arrive into the middle of a chaotic civil war where you see sides shooting at each other. People are spewing out endless high-fantasy/sci-fi universe specific terminology without explaining what it means or what the implications are. Screaming "She's exposed to Pulse L'Cie! She will become a Fal'Sie!" whilst jumping between almost the entire cast of the game within the first hour of gameplay is probably the worst way you could possibly start a plot.
It doesn't help that there's very little downtime throughout the first fifteen hours of gameplay. You're constantly pushing forward into the next big set piece with guards assaulting you along the way.
There are very few moments where the characters settle in for the night and talk about what the fuck is going on.
Cloud's outfit is pretty OP. Unless you're playing on Hard I'd recommend not using the DLC costumes until New Game+.
>They seem to be really op.
They are, I would also recommend playing on Easy if its your first time. The Caius fight is ridiculously hard unless you know what you're doing.
>recommend playing on Easy if its your first time
But won't he miss on several abilities and costumes that are only available on Normal or higher difficulty? Or am I remembering wrong?
Some are only available in Hard but ones acquired in Normal can be gotten on Easy too.
somewhere inside 13 is a good game, which is what makes its badness so frustrating.
the extremely slow drip by which they allow you the honour of interacting with the game system is insulting.
the game system itself isn't particularly fun to use, even when you are finally allowed to do so.
the plot is stupid and hinges entirely on the villain being the puppetmaster and allowing you to succeed.
the experience of "navigating" the game is unpleasant: run down the cutscene hallway, optionally collect some trash loot, and fight this specific list of battles. as a bonus, the controls are sluggish.
2/10 at least it's playable
They were thinking about Call of Duty.