Pitch a Samurai Jack game.
Pitch a Samurai Jack game
action adventure game in cel-shade
>starts as GOTY
>ends like a fucking mobile game
Basically Breath of the Wild, but with locations and enemies from Samurai Jack.
Imagine actually having to cross that long ass bridge and meeting the scotsman for a 1 on 1 battle.
Also you can trigger random battles with Aku in different locations, (with him using different forms to fit the environment) where he of course escapes each time.
breath of the wild with more content.
ah shit
Anything since retards will eat that shit up.
>and meeting the scotsman for a 1 on 1 battle.
and then you just mash attack on him while chugging durian soup
pitch it right into the bin
One thing's for sure, it would need a lot of costumes for Jack. Old Man Jack, Jacky the Blade, raver Jack, with and without straw hat; the list goes on.
There would also need to be weapon other than the sword, Jack is trained in the use of just about any melee weapon in existence and several form of warfare. Also, attempting to use the sword on people should result in combos where Jack beats them around with the swords sheath/scabbard or whatever the correct terminology would be.
Plenty of optional, repeatable boss fights. A cooking or crafting system ala breath of the wild that promotes trial and error.
Unskippable half hour cutscene of being insulted
Every time you start up the game,
Furthermore, a system that's like a cross between BotW and Dark Souls would benefit the game imo. Large open explorable areas interspersed by the occasional master crafted dungeons, lairs, instances, whathaveyou.
The game should allow some sort of levelling mechanic, but the extremely skilled player should be able to circumvent the boons granted by levelling and finish the game entirely on skill and perseverance alone.
Give it a real ending. Like, a Platinum tier 45 minute long final boss session with Aku and corrupted Ashi that goes through multiple phases.
Get Carpenter Brut to do the OST.
1v1 fighting game with similar to Blazeblue or Skullgirls. Characters are all handdrawn or drawn digitally to look akin to the show.
Roster would be
>Punished Jack
>Warrior Aku
>High Priestess
>7 Daughters
>Aku possesed Ashi
>Jacks Dad (or just a skin for Jack)
I'm sure theres some good ones im missing but I think thats a good start.
>Punished Jack
Armor version or naked version?
Alternatively, damage causes him to lose armor and attack options but gain strength
Open world action adventure game with a very loose plot, like BoTW. You can go directly to Aku if you want but he will curb stomp you immediatly. There's not even much of a main story to help you out. Instead, you need to just help people you meet along the way, and save different groups of people and aliens from Aku's tyranny. Completing these gives you new skills/stat boosts, and eventually you can convince the groups you save to help you attack Aku together.
>go directly to Aku
>he just flies away laughing because you're a slow fag
>you can't catch him until you learn how to jump good
I was thinking full armor with gunplay but that could work too.
Or just make naked a skin for him
There could also be a mood/morale system to motivate players to make different foods, or loads of sushi
I hope there's a Mad Jack with loose hair alt for Jack
A game where you play as Samurai Jack and fight enemies from the animated series Samurai Jack.
>but he will curb stomp you immediatly.
>Aku curbstomping Jack
At most he'll escape and you won't be able to follow him
Hyper light drifter: Samurai Jack Edition
ARPG with an actual ending instead of the forced TTGL shit they gave us
Does that mean that his post is good or bad?
It means Mako is dead
Someone is dead.
There is your clue.
>Mako died for this
Imagine Metal Gear Rising Revengeance gameplay, a subdued midpoint between Raiden & Sam specifically, placed in a Breath of the Wild-style overworld with additional variety (cities, barren wastes, etc.) The armor-durability system actually works perfectly with Jack (you have an inexplicable endless amount of low-durability robes and can craft straw hats in pretty much any area with plantlife).
Additional weapons are downplayed in lieu of a wealth of techniques; dodges, parries, raposts, etc. However, you do have options: Unarmed, Staff, Nunchaku, Spear, Bow, even Guns, it's just that they have severely limited movepools compared to The Sword. Also, there are still steeds, but also vehicles. You'd be able to recreate his full S5E1 set if you grinded to buy/craft it all. Just keep in mind that any Aku-related fights need The Sword.
Post-Game and/or DLC allows you to play as Scotsman and Ashi. Post-Game End Boss is The Guardian, and "beating" him leads to a situation like his episode; you're at a stalemate, but your character faints and is carried back to the overworld.
I don't know but there better be a DLC Campaign that lets you play as the Scotsman
>imagining fighting Aku with lyrics starting as you begin to rip him apart
Well ok, as much of the original cast as possible.
Furthermore it should have more text dialogue than actual voiced dialogue. Voice acting should be reserved for main story, larger sidequests and the occasional gag.
Samurai Jack should have stayed dead as a fond memory of better times
Game adaptation of S5, except with a final boss and ending that don't suck balls
when you reach the final boss, the game crashes and bricks your console
Nioh cross over skin
I'd play it.
>Samurai Jack game
Made by Platinum:)
Blade mode from MGR, paizuri or whatever it's called
Give it the ending from the comics where Jack realizes the past is gone, becomes a King, and leads a huge army with all the people he's met over the series to kill Aku.
What about Genndy's waifu?
>Post-Game and/or DLC allows you to play as Scotsman and Ashi
Ashi would be Hard Mode. Cannot use The Sword (can use swords, but all of them are shit compared to Jack's), slightly lower health, cannot use Heavy Armor. The only advantage is higher footspeed and a couple new dodge options. You can eventually unlock the form she takes at the end of S5E9 as a sort of Devil Trigger.
Scotsman plays like a new character entirely. He's slow, he has almost zero moblity/dodge options, and he can only use 3 weapon types (Swords, Guns, & MAGIC BAGPIPES). On the flipside, he has better damage than Jack, he can parry some heavy attacks that Jack cannot, a lot of his moves have super armor, he can buff weapons to be better and more durable with MAGIC RUNES, etc. He cannot fight the optional sub-boss of his wife that Jack & Ashi can by insulting her, but by going to a particular bridge he can activate an encounter with Jack.
Let's dance, babe!
We'll compromise. Same ending I just said, but Ashi is still a thing.
>future jack left behind is chaos without the great evil of Aku keeping other lesser evils in check
>they do battle with allies of the samurai in a stylized 2D fighting game with up to 6 players in a big map
>characters featured in the new season are playable
>also interesting oc characters based off episodes from prior seasons and easter egg characters like zombie daughters of aku and kraken scaramouche
>can be team battles or free for all
>tfw all i've wanted since MGR got ported to steam was a samurai jack full conversion but I know it will never ever happen
>Hybrid ending: Jack comes to terms with the past, becomes king and leads a huge army with all the people he's met over the series to destroy Aku. Ending is an unbotched wedding.
Co-op beat-em-up with Jack and the Scotsman
They make a great pair
ashi killing simulator
>Those hips
thought about it
Aku genes have maximum thiccness
I would main scaramouche
Metal Gear revengeance except you're fighting Aku bots and more.
>no Guardian
For Honor style fighting game
Roster is:
Aishi (In her Daughter of Aku form)
Aishi (In her Half-Aku morph form)
Da Samoorai
The Guardian
Chicken Jack as a joke character
Just finished watching the new season. Rushed ending aside, Aku was embarrassingly bad. I get the reason why they picked the VA since he did Iroh, but holy shit some of the acting sounded like a fan dub.
Don't hire VAs because they replaced the same VA elsewhere, cast them for their range. This guy sounded like a Jewish Russian with a cold.
>No Demongo
>No X9
Castle Crashers but with Samurai Jack characters.
Actually they used him to voice Aku before in FusionFall.
Scrap Jack's Dad & the non-Ashi Daughters, they're definitely better as skins for Jack & Ashi. Maybe the High Priestess or Ikra as well, neither have a lot to work with honestly especially if you wanted to differentiate them (the Ninja has more potential just by being a ninja). The Guardian is a no-brainer, and there's probably some other one-shots with more moveset potential.
Also Da Samoorai better just be the Dan, as in he's very similar to Jack but shit tier and has half a dozen Command Taunts.
Furi reskin
They said they did auditions instead of just giving him the role, and he still was the best. Nobody can do Mako's voice, but Baldwin managed to get the inflection down.
Episodes 2 & 5 aren't great because he's bogging it down with boredom, but I legitimately love his performance in the Episode 7 flashback and 9-10.