I just watched the e3 Nintendo Direct. Here are the highlights:

I just watched the e3 Nintendo Direct. Here are the highlights:

>Xenoblade X for Switch, launching in September. Called Xenoblade NX, it is the same exact game, but renders in 1080p when docked. It also has double the story missions and functions as both a re-release and a sequel.

>Mario and Rabbids looks retarded, there is a scene in the trailer where mario carjacks someone GTA style. I think they try to play it off for laughs, but it falls flat.

>Super Mario Odyssey trailer is fucking amazing and will blow your minds. The creativity in the worlds is staggering. No release date, still says Holiday 2017

>Xenoblade 2 delayed to 2018, no surprises here. Nice Trailer though.

>Fire Emblem Warriors trailer, doesn't look good at all.

>"A new metroid is coming" but no details other than that, not even a trailer. Some bullet points on what they want to accomplish with the new metroid, along with a single concept art image.

>WW and TP HD both coming to switch

>Smash coming to switch in November, same game, with all the DLC from Wii U and the exclusive game modes from 3DS included. Only 1 new character: Venom Snake. New Stage: Motherbase. New Item: Fulton Balloon. It can take anything off stage, but it can also be hit to pop the balloon. Say if someone throws a pokeball and a pokemon comes out, you can throw a fulton and remove it off the stage.

>>Xenoblade X for Switch
>>WW and TP HD both coming to switch
>Only 1 new character: Venom Snake
This is fake as fuck.

They make a huge deal out of botw's DLC. DLC pack 2 gets a fuck huge trailer and detailed. Nintendo introduces it like this: "When Developing BotW, we took special care to look at other big and successful Open World games and looked at what they were doing for inspiration and guidance. One of these games was Witcher 3. CDProjectRed did something interesting with The Witcher- in one year they developed a massive expansion the size of a full game that could almost serve as a sequel to the main game. This isn't a new idea to Nintendo or Zelda either: we did the same thing with Majora's Mask, and created a full game in about year using the assets of Ocarina of Time. And now the time has come to do it again. We here at Nintendo would like to introduce you to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild II." based on the reveal trailer (which is nearly 4 minutes long) Zelda and Link are traveling around Hyrule and trying to rebuild it. Looks like Tarrey town stuff was expanded and you can build/repair settlements all over Hyrule. Meanwhile, Yiga Clan is trying to resurrect Ganon, not unlike the story for Adventure of Link. There seems to be some sort of Persona-esque Social Link system in place, and there also seems to be party interactions (There is a scene in the trailer with Link fighting alongside Zelda, Sidon, and the Rito from the story mode.) and multiple scenes of Link and Zelda riding across Hyrule together. Shit seems to go full Nier towards the end of the trailer: It looks like Zelda dies, You see villages burning down, Death Mountain explodes/erupts, a dried up Zora's domain with what is either dead or unconscious Zora laying everywhere, and a fucking HUUUUUUUUUGE kaiju like creature attacking Gerudo Town. The music is really ramping up during this before it quickly fades out alongside the screen fading to black. Then you hear a very familiar chuckle/laugh that sounds exactly like it did back in MM. "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"

This is such a shitty direct and low effort leak that I can actually see it happening.

>>Xenoblade X for Switch, launching in September. Called Xenoblade NX, it is the same exact game, but renders in 1080p when docked. It also has double the story missions and functions as both a re-release and a sequel.

If this is true, I'd be so stoked, would be a day 1 buy. Loved XBX, did all but kill Nameless, would play the shit out of this again.

But you know it's full of shit because of the NX.

How many re-releases used the code name of a console? Oh right, fucking none. Also saying 100 new missions while the company is working on xeno 2 is a huge laugh.

Wishful Thinking: The thread

>there is a scene in the trailer where mario carjacks someone GTA style.
Mario Odyssey should let you do that in New Donk City.

I don't get why everybody expects XC2 to be delayed, Nintendo launched the Switch in 2017 for a reason.

>. Loved XBX, did all but kill Nameless, would play the shit out of this again.
So why not just start a new file instead of paying $60 again?

>Super Mario Odyssey trailer is fucking amazing and will blow your minds. The creativity in the worlds is staggering
>l don't have enough imagination to come up with interesting level concepts so l'll just type vague praise they'll never notice!!
kill yourself

>posted a minute and a half after OP

Where did you find this shit?

They expect Mario to be delayed as well.

Which is hilarious.

No major Mario game has been pushed back following the announcement of a release date/window.

Didn't they literally manage to beat the Tsunami and release 3D Land on time anyway?

Better graphics, load times, also the double story missions, re-release and SEQUEL part. If it doesn't have the sequel and more missions, then not buying, of course.

>"A new metroid is coming" but no details other than that, not even a trailer. Some bullet points on what they want to accomplish with the new metroid, along with a single concept art image.

Yup, that sounds like Nintendo, just have the most unhype announcement for one of your most requested games.

People can shitpost online about how much Metroid deserves a new game all they want.

It will still sell less than fucking Arms of all things.

Agreed, which is why I said If this is true. I don't believe it, but I'd love if it was.

>Venom Snake

youre not even trying

This wouldn't make a bad E3 honestly

Nintendo have been hinting heavily at it that they know what fans want. And seriously, Nintendo isn't the type of company to just abandon a franchise like Metroid.

quick, while you're tapped into the fabric of time and space, tell me next week's lotto max numbers too



Except for all the times where they have abandoned franchises?

In particular ones that don't sell very well yet take a substantial amount of time and money to develop, like Metroid?

It's a dead franchise, and not even because of Nintendo. It just has no place anymore in their ranks and the kind of people that want to play games of that kind already moved to PS4.

>Nintendo would never abandon a blah blah blah

Yes they fucking are, they've done it three times.

Yeah no shit Arms will sell, the Switch has very little games.

I guarantee you if Metroid was an early title for the Switch it would sell like hotcakes as well.


>I just watched the e3 Nintendo Direct.
no you didn't

why is everyone on this board such a moron

Nintendo was never fond of that series. There's a reason why Sega handled GX. I can only see someone like Sakurai reviving this franchise because of his affection for the series.


Nah. It wouldn't.

Look at how both metroid games released as the apex of the Wii's install base and hype sold.

It's not a hot franchise no matter how venomously and fanatical it's lovers are.

Yeah, it's dumb but it was never as iconic as Metroid. Metroid fills a big gap in their library.Please, they brought back Kid Icarus for crying out loud. Nintendo is a games company and they do want to create games fans want.
>In particular ones that don't sell very well yet take a substantial amount of time and money to develop, like Metroid?
Because it's 10 times more iconic than their other franchises. Samus is still one of the best female characters in gaming, Nintendo isn't just going to throw that away. Retro has been working on something all these years and I bet you 2 million dollars it's not a new IP. It's a new Metroid.


They were fond enough to make a couple of GBA games. The problem is those sold like shit.


Ice climbers would come back before Snake. Literally only cut due to the 3DS.



They didn't bring back Kid Icarus, they used the name and VERY basic lore as the spring point of a completely different game in art style, in tone, in mechanics and more. Saying Kid Icarus is a return of the old franchise is about as mad as saying that Wario Ware counts as a new Wario Land.

And Samus being iconic is nice and all for Smash Bros cameos, but it's not enough to have games made. They have to sell. Not get likes on Twitter.


Fake and gay but I would love XCX on portable mode.



Thanks love. I'm collecting all of the various "leaks" that get posted around here, I'll be sure to post yours after the presentation is over. I haven't read it yet, by the way.

>hurr durr it wasn't the same
Yeah, it was different because he's like 30 years old and only has 3 games. Metroid goes way back and people does care about Metroid a lot more than F-Zero like it or not.
>They have to sell.
Which is why Retro has been spent all this time working on a new Metroid game, they wanted to do it right. Metroid can easily sell millions if they get it right, Metroid Prime was always stuck on Gamecube which hurt sales. Switch is much more successful.

>Look at how both metroid games released as the apex of the Wii's install base and hype sold.

Most people dropped their Wii's after a fucking month. By the time Corruption and Other M were out there were already tons of other games, especially shovelware.

Red Steel 1 was a fucking trash game but it sold super well because it was a launch game.


You failed with Xenoblade NX. NX codename was done away with when Switch was revealed.



FYI this was the concept art image they showed if anyone is wondering.


Multiple games released the same time year as corruption still out sold it. Including a fucking Toy Story 3 shovelware game, Sonic Colors, Kirby's Epic Yarn the third fucking Sonic and Mario olympics thing, and more.

Bad excuse.

>he doesn't remember galaxy


OP is 100% real

Source: My dad works for Nintendo

Please, user, stop... this is not gaming related at all.



So basically black cat did nothing wrong and tranny cat is a fucking psychopath preying on him.

Seems pretty accurate to real life.

>Giving away free (you)'s

Can you imagine if the tables were turned and it was a female to male cat doing all this to a straight female cat?

My God, the comic creator would be in jail.

Pretty much

>it is the same exact game, but renders in 1080p when docked. It also has double the story missions

>People bought 917 million games in the first month

Now that's just fucking impressive.

>I just watched the e3 Nintendo Direct. Here are the highlights:

>Xenoblade X for Switch

im calling it now

the new trailer for mario odyssey will show that the levels are actually just as linear as in 3d world and galaxy
there will be a huge disappointment

actually we can already see in the first trailer that there are flagpost checkpoints hinting to the linearity but somehow noone seems to point that out