>attach another person's arm in place of yours
>there's a personality hidden in that arm that takes over eventually
What did Kojima mean by this?
>attach another person's arm in place of yours
>there's a personality hidden in that arm that takes over eventually
What did Kojima mean by this?
>didn't finish Metal Gear Solid 4
sage in the field
I dunno what you're talking about, he used nanomachines and self-hypnosis to assume Liquid's role :^)
stop fapping or change the hand sometimes
Didnt pay attention did you
Yeah it's the most retarded thing ever in both MGS2 and MGS4.
If you start to question any of the story of these shitty games, they fall apart and you realize Kojima is terrible. Better to just enjoy the ride
Literally nanomachines and hypnotherapy.
I preferred the supernatural explanation.
ocelot is the son of a spirit medium and inherited his dad's powers a little too well for his own good.
and then it was retconned into him just pretending.
Reminder that Sup Forums pretends Tomokazu Fukushima was responsible for the good elements of MGS1 and MGS2 but not the bad elements just so the anti-Kojima circlejerk can stay strong.
Reminder that the game that he had the least influence on during his tenure at Konami, MGS3, was the best game in the series.
Didn't this happen on fate stay night too?
different arm in 4. in 2 it's actually liquid's arm and it's possessing him (father was a medium as shown in 3) and in 4 it's a cybernetic replacement as he saw the value in assuming liquid's identity.
this is one of the worst plot points in a series full of anime retardation
Mgs1 and mgs2 were leagues above mgs3, and mgs4, pw, and mgs5 aren't comparable to anything pre-mgs3.
sorry friend, kojima is a hack
MGS2 is kino
MGS3 is a flick
reminder that in mgs1 the writers confused recessive genetic traits for bad genetic traits
>I didn't finish the game, the post
They are so incompetent they blamed this mistake on Liquid Snake being
>we have to believe that plastic surgery so good exists that it can make one person look like a different person without any people close to that person being suspicious
>also somehow he got all the memories from big boss
>also somehow ocelot brainwashed himself to believe he is big boss
I love MGS but the story except MGS1 and 3 is a fan fiction tier mess.
tbf a lot of genetic disoriders are recissive
>the best in the series
>b-b-b-but muh feels muh boss muh bond references muh saturday morning cartoon muh kitsch sensibilities muh double agent triple twist
get some taste, VR soldier.
>calls himself a weapon and a cat
>immitates cat noises
>has a raging hard on for big boss
>for no reason attaches another person's arm
>pretends to be someone else
Definition of an autist
his dad was a ghost so
This is actually a worse explanation than the arm thing
good point
>>b-b-b-but muh feels muh boss muh bond references muh saturday morning cartoon muh kitsch sensibilities muh double agent triple twist
are people aware of how retarded they look when they post like this?
>has a raging hard on for big boss
that doesn't have anything to do with autism
>for no reason attaches another person's arm
I'd do that too if it was possible and I was missing an arm
are people aware of how uncultured and dumb they look when they claim that Snake Eater is the best MGS?
>b-b-b-but muh long stairway muh what a thrill muh remember the basics of cqc muh go home and be a family man oh no this mary sue died for her country le feeeeeeeels ;_;7
Nothing is worse than the arm thing.
What about the Meryl and Johnny romance subplot? Or Sunny who can't make a fucking pan of eggs?
>Cam Clarke takes over as voice actor when Liquid "possesses" Ocelot
>Ocelot just doesn't bother trying to even sound like Liquid
>making a big fuss about a couple of silly things put there for the sake of being silly.
>comparing to that to one of the worst sub plot line ever made.
That's what I call meme hate for memesters, turning something inoffensive into a big deal for the sake of shitposting of the internet.
Nanomachines son
Could you not type like a woman so that people can take you seriously?
>my favorite MGS character is a literal mary sue with no personality other than being le badass warrior woman xD
try not having infantile sensibilities and I might talk to you as if you were an adult
>I am unable to read
Ocelot was really possessed by Liquid in MGS2.
>his favorite MGS actually is 3
what a thrill
That explains your terrible English.
Nothing is worse than the Meryl/Johnny fight scene
Ocelot's father was the Sorrow, and so far his powers as a spirit medium seem to be the only legitimate supernatural ability in the series. It's not too much of a stretch to say that some lingering part of his father's ability allowed Liquid's spirit to have some influence on Ocelot.
Lady I don't know what your problem is, but people are trying to have a conversation about video games here. Take your menstruation and please go.
That's the true meaning of phantom pain.
It's not remembering the pain of your previous limbs, it's inherenting the ghosts of your new ones.
Okay alot of people say that Ocelot was MERELY PRETENDING the whole time, but I was always under the impression that he was actually possessed by Liquid in 2, then was fine when he got the arm removed and replaced it with the robot arm between 2 and 4. Then he did the hypnotherapy thing and only THOUGHT he was Liquid in 4. I only beat MGS4 once though, was there something in it that I'm forgetting that says otherwise?
It was legit in MGS2, just not in MGS4
You're right, anyone who says otherwise is either retarded, didn't really play MGS4, or is just memeing.
my problem are plebs like you.
Kojima did something truly special with MGS2 but all you dumbfucks hated it because it made your tiny brain hurt.
Then Kojima did the single most condescending piece of fanservice anyone could come up with and guess what happened, you brainlets lapped it up and not only that, you consider it to be the best MGS, that's simply insulting.
Kill yourselves MGS3 fanboys, I hate you so goddamn much.
it's objectively the best in the series tho
>Survives getting shot down and his helicopter exploding unharmed, without using the parachute.
>Tanks 20 stinger missiles to the face, protecting Rex's cockpit for future use.
>Gets beaten up and knocked off of Rex, a fall that always kills Snake.
>Chases Snake in a jeep shortly afterwards and gets pumped full of lead.
>Crashes but survives and would have finished Snake off if not for a disease dedicated to killing him finally kicking in
>Uses his arm to possess Ocelot and haunt Snake from beyond the grave.
>Even when Ocelot gets rid of the arm, the Idea of Liquid, the meme he embodies, is so powerful that Ocelot is convinced to use nanomachines and hypnosis to full time larp as Liquid to take over the world.
So this is the power of Big Boss's dominant genes...
Creation of multiple personalities is very real and possible, Hollywood does it all the time.
>to take over the world.
That wasn't the point though.
>Kojima did something truly special with MGS2
yeah that's nice, but he made a superior game with mgs3. you want to wank over and the hamfisted, entry level attempts of philosphy in mgs2 then go ahead but the gameplay is not as deep and does not hold up as well as 3.
Thats pretty fucking shitty if that was true
>Build up tons of foreshadowing and build up regarding The Sorrow
>Made a successful composite of 2 of the main antagonists
>Have people think Liquid is back
>lol nope, Liquid dies again offscreen and Ocelot pretends to be him
I can't tell if this is all to make Solid Snake more out of the loops, or a shitty excuse for shitty writing. Probably both.
prove it retards
>gameplay is not as deep you see, this game has menus
A single clearing process in MGS2 has more challenge and a more sophisticated AI than anything you do in MGS3
>A single clearing process in MGS2 has more challenge and a more sophisticated AI than anything you do in MGS3
yeah, go ahead and stop posting any time now
>hurr delet this
thanks for trying, keep overrating your menu based bond movie
>camo menu
>cure menu
loving every laugh
>yfw you realize Liquid being exactly 1cm taller than Snake in MGS1 (182cm and 183cm) was Kojimbo foreshadowing that he was actually the dominant clone
Fuck you and you're a dickhead
The Database that came with MGS4 mentioned that Ocelot was indeed possessed by Liquid diring the Tanker incident because Ocelot is The Sorrow's son. But following the Tanker, Ocelot and Solidus went to France where they got his arm replaced with a cybernetic one, and he was merely pretending during the Big Shell.
I know people will argue the Database was bullshit and noncanon, but its the only explanation we have and will ever get.
>Liquid dies again offscreen
A ghost can't die, retard.
>tfw Kojima just coppied Liquid Ocelot's story and gave it to Venom Snake
>get a robot arm
>pretend to be someone youre not
>control a massive army
>lololo nanomachines(parasites)
>get killed by Solid Snake
He doesnt have Liquids arm anymore in MGS4, its a fully biotech arm.
He really was possessed in MGS2 because he is the son of The Sorrow, who had an affinity supernatural shit and for contacting spirits.
Holy shit! It's a Claymore reference!
It was a ruse from the get-go as stated by Big Boss in MGS4. Sometime after the events of Shadow Moses Ocelot grafted the arm of Liquid Snake onto his body and began the hypnotherapy and nanomachines in order to overlap Liquid's personality onto his.
It worked, but it worked too well and the overpowering personality of Liquid drove Ocelot to become Liquid Ocelot and it got out of control whenever Solid Snake was present causing Ocelot to kind of lose himself and Liquid to take over. That's why he has all these episodes in MGS2, its Liquid taking over his mind when all Ocelot was trying to do was make himself think he is in fact Liquid Snake.
Sometime after MGS2 Ocelot decided to have the arm removed and instead have a cybernetic arm implanted. This sort of brought a balance of Ocelot thinking he's Liquid while not being overtaken by the personality so he still retains himself if that makes sense.
In MGS4 Big Boss reveals that it was in fact a ruse just to get the Patriots to lower their guard. After all they dealt with the original Liquid Snake at Shadow Moses, what harm could Ocelot be implanting Liquid's personality into his own?
It worked out as Ocelot was able to use the DNA of Solidus Snake, who was in fact the perfect clone of Big Boss, to hijack the Sons of Patriots system and take down the Patriots control restoring Big Boss as Ocelot died from the new strain of FoxDie.
Yeah but her other half loved her like a daughter and was broken OP.
Its still a retarded send off to a character everyone thinks is "alive"
that he and his games are retarded.
Truly shows that only women like MGS2. Probably because of Raiden
Kill yourself.
How do we know that was the actual Big Boss at the end of MGS4 and not the MGS5 'Boss'?
Ironic that The Boss is female and fully understood her duty and honor, yet actual women dont understand the concept.
The timeline at the end of MGSV, dumbass. It said Venom Snake was the "Big Boss" in MG1 and thats where he died.
big medic died in MG1
>muh mary sueeeeee died for her le country muh feeeeeeeeeeeeeels ;_;7
back to reddit with you
Oh my, did I hurt your feelings, lady?
But Irene's arm also sorta starts to "takes over" at times, just in order to help Clare instead.
It's still scary how similar it is.
Why does The Boss make you so angry?
back to tumblr missy
shittiest character in the entire MGS franchise and retroactively ruined the lore forever.
>So butthurt that Solid got more attention that he wanted to tear the world apart
>my opinions make me angry
Clare's power was megamanning. But everything she megamanned cared about her. They just want to help her weak ass win by giving her super powers.
>threatens to nuke the world because daddy paid more attention to his brother than him
What a bitch.
>muh boss will
>she meant this
>no Big Boss, she meant other thing
>WTF I hate Zero now????
>WTF I hate Big Boss now????
Have to be so rude?
>Reminder that the game that he had the most influence on during his tenure at Konami, MGS Ghost Babel, is the best game in the series.
Dearie, I know you're confused but you have to try and calm down, you might hurt yourself
I'll never understand why people circlejerk MGS2 so much these days. I remember it being so hated when it first came out.
He actually works for Sony Computer Entertainment now. Wonder if he will be reunited with Kojima.
That's just because people were butthurt due to "not my Snake"
as more time passes the more relevant it is, this happens with all great works of art throughout history and MGS2 is no exception.
>Big Boss and Zero
>Not Big Boss and Ocelot
I think its less The Boss sucks, but more that Kojima can't write Zero to a proper antagonist. Kojima was kinda forced because PO made Zero a major player in The Patriots, and didn't have time to flesh it out for other spin offs.
He's a shitty writer, shat do you expect?
You couldn't think of an answer that sounded more pretentious while at the same time saying nothing of note. Bravo
my post is what it is, nothing more, nothing less, you should learn the meaning of the words you use.
Reminder that he was murdered over gambling debts owed to the yakuza
Kojima regretted killing Liquid in MGS1