You cannot debate this

You cannot debate this.

>Forgetting the 'greater than atmosphere' - GAMEPLAY.
It's called a fucking Video GAME you fucking retards. not a Video LISten-to-me-whine-like-an-sjw-cuck.

I agree that atmosphere and challenge are important, but;

>caring about graphics

dont know bout you buddy but i play video games for the music

can't have atmosphere in a text based game

>what is challenge
If you mean playing for mechanics, it's lower than story tier.

yes you can if it's not written by an autistic robot

>earth defense force
>yoko taro games

What about playing games for fun?


>the rest
no, shit tier atmosphere. try a Resident Evil game.

I like this meme and all, but it's always ruined. Atmosphere? Fun and GAMEplay should be number one. I will admit playing a game for its story is gay as fuck unless that's like the main draw...even then if it's a boring game to play then the story can only be so good.


Story is more important that graphic. Also, atmosphere is the combination of all of the elements of a game. That chart is basically "how to get the best atmosphere".

Atmpsophere is the result of the combination of all the other, it shouldn't be on the list.
>graphic more important than story


woops wrong picture


so read a fucking book

>what is GAMEPLAY which was specifically stated
If your game's gameplay is shit, your game is shit.

>implying evolve was shit

>edf not in gameplaycore
come the fuck on now. that shit's wild.



>no playing games for the gameplay

i was in the first brain thread its weird how big this meme got

Gameplay is the result of the combination of all others, it shouldn't be on the list.

>challenge = gameplay
not really

define gameplay you chucklefucks




no one can debate this

Hahaha you, kind sir, are a proper Sup Forums browsing Sup Forumsbro. I too immensely enjoy games like S.T.A.L.K.E.R., System Shock and Eye


Gameplay is essentially the DNA of the vidyagame. If the guns feel bad, the speed feels sloppy, the controls wonky; the camera flailing like a nigger, then yes, gameplay is shit.

>start off the game, have no fucking clue what you're doing aside from the basics of the genre
>slowly introduce more and more things over time, making the player learn each and every intricacy
>now start tossing the elements together. You've gotta start swinging on your grappling hook WHILE skiing AND jetpacking and trying to hit the motherfucker doing the same
>If a vehicle is generally bad, it's impactful on the game-play
>If a game is call of duty, it has no gameplay
>If a game is battlefield, it has no gameplay

tl;dr: gameplay is when a game plays with your dick.

If the game doesn't feel right for what it is, then it's not a good gameplay.

DOOM 1993 nails gameplay perfectly.
So does Command & Conquer.

Difficulty does not mean fun.

Gameplay involves controls, playability, mechanics, innovation. Challenge is just a subset of gameplay.


I agree, but fuck me m8, why is everything fucking politics with you? Grow up

yeah you know the 50's sci-fi aesthetic combined with starship trooper tier military fanaticism

>Gameplay not even listed

Sup Forums in a fucking nutshell.
This is the worst board on Sup Forums.

>graphics above story

13 years olds aren't allowed on Sup Forums.

only poorfags will disagree with this

what the fuck

Atmosphere contains that. It's just the step above gameplay but with the inclusion of the visual and audio elements which is the proper way to experience a game. So, if gameplay belongs on the chart then it belongs between challenge and atmosphere.

>playing a game for its graphics
>not the lowest tier.

why play a game simply for its graphics.

Graphics are at least related to tech. Story isn't.

I would call this flair or charm instead of atmosphere. After all EDF is an arcade style game. Atmosphere is something that sucks you into the world of the game.

Does that implies that his brain is being depleted due,to the stupidity of the notion?

t. beta cuck

correct, thats why DS >= BB>DaS>DaS>DaSIII>DaSII

no it's a psychic attack he can launch because of his super high IQ as a result of not playing video games

>play Crusader Kings
>learn some history
>learn how to be a fucking DICK
>learn how to make incest babies

You missed the highest tier
>Playing games for the comfiness

STALKER deserves that title, but what's with the other 3? Not even slightly.
NieR has great music, but setting an emotional mood is not the same as atmosphere.

But nigga, everything is imprtant

you can't have comfiness without top tier atmosphere tho

all the interactive bits of video games, except option menus I guess

it includes simple things like combat, controls and the game world to the aspects that are more difficult to grasp like learning curves and challenge&reward systems and stuff

and yeah it is objectively the most important and integral part of video games

lul play 999 you fucking retard

story and graphics should be switched, then it will make sense

This is objectively true.

but text adventure games have some of the richest atmosphere

Let's be honest. No one here plays games for the story, graphics, challenge, atmosphere or fun.
Everyone who can look past dudebro games like Fifa or CoD and mobileshit like Candy Crush plays games for the experience.

Yes, you play games for the sake of experiencing said games.

>paradox games
>historically accurate
yes, as we all know the aztecs invaded europe

visuals < story < gameplay < audio < atmosphere < sexually explicit content

>No fullmetal alchemist

>graphics above story
>challenge above story
>atmosphere as a separate entity from story.

Do you even skip intros?

nvm fixed it again

>graphics over story
False. Story is more important graphics. You can enjoy a game even if it looks bad, but you can't continue playing a game if it has no context.

Since some genders on there don't even exist I will assume this is for porn which makes it quite hilarious since the lower you go on there the more degenerate you are and as a result the less performing your brain will be.

>bring Sup Forums shit into a non related thread
i like you user

Superiority and Success breeds jealousy.

t. Never played one

Hence that chart I guess since the majority of humanity is hetero?

>n-no u
Success breeds jealousy. Also futa is objectively straight by definition :^)

>n-no u
This is literally your argument though, since you're the minority here.

Gameplay is king but story is also very important. Good gameplay alone rarely carry a series. But a good story can keep people playing despite the shit gameplay

And it is the plebes who make up the majority of the population, your point is?

Atmosphere wears off very quickly. Unless the game's STALKER it can hold a game up for a couple of playthroughs maybe, after that you'll inevitably see it as a set of mechanics and the magic will be gone. Good gameplay can carry you way past that point though.

I'd change graphics and story though.
Or was that the actual bait from your post op?

You only like atmosphere as a form of escapism. It gets you engrossed in another world so you can forget about your shitty real life.

Yes you can I can prove it right now by playing a solid arcade game, not reading the manual and skipping the intro.

You won't be playing for long.

I've played Ghosts n Goblins for close to 40 hours which is more time I've spent on almost all games that are 20 times its length.

You can't even tell me 5 games with great atmosphere that were released in the last 2 or so years.

Vidya is dead.

Witcher 3.

Darkest Dungeon
Breath of the Wild
Resident Evil 7
Little Nightmares

That's just a quick Google search, I can do a deeper search and find a lot more.

Yeah books have no atmosphere!

Define atmosphere.

>Final Fantasy X was 10/10 in everything but challenge
>FFVII nostalgia cucks still rate it poorly (FFVII wasn't challenging either)

Perceived sensations produced by harmonizing elements.

So No man's sky is a god damn masterpiece

Gameplay should be the last on the list.
Swap story and graphics

What the hell is a harmonizing elements.

Gameplay is a buzzword. Doesnt mean anything

elements working together to create a cohesive whole, useless definition though shit could be anything


It means the rules, mechanics and systems of a game instead of its aesthetic qualities

How hard is it to realize that a game's gameplay is the sum of all its elements?

Look up holism. The "elements" range from pretty much everything in a game, from controls and mechanics and rules to graphics and designs and music and sounds, story and cinematics, execution, game flow, etc. Everything basically. Together they produce sensations and that's what atmosphere is.

Games like No Man's Sky like mentioned have shit atmosphere but might seem like it's good at the surface. It's shit because most of the game is fucking garbage aside from maybe the music and graphics and even those are just alright.

on an unrelated topic, does anyone know if blocking with melee weapons becomes more stamina efficient with more PSI force?

It isnt, you can swap art assets while still having the same gameplay as long as youre not removing information necessary for said gameplay

its not tho

you can play untextured levels on some games which means the graphics are not there but the gameplay is

No, on some level art assets are actually important to gameplay because they tell you information ABOUT the actual underlying mechanics of the game in an intuitive way.

This is absolutely critical for good gameplay. It's why you can't make certain games on an atari and have them be good.

Of course, you could swap art assets in certain scenarios and still have them make sense.