Playing a video game for the story is like eating soup for the spoon

Playing a video game for the story is like eating soup for the spoon.

Games are supposed to be about just that - games. You are supposed to be challenged and tested via skill, knowledge or mechanics. Story in games is literally holding back gaming as a whole. Three minute long intro cinematics that you cant skip along with tons of characters and voice over dialogue is not drole. If I wanted that stuff I would watch a movie or read a book.

Games don't need this shit ffs. If you don't like that conclusion then maybe you aren't someone who enjoys games for what they are, or maybe you aren't a gamer.

Agreed OP, this is why the entire RPG Genre is trash and overwatch is one of the best active games right now

Idiot. No, you don't deserve an in-depth response. You're just that stupid.

Thank you. How the fuck do people not get this? It's called a Video GAME. Not a Video Listen-to-me-drivel-on-about-you-not-getting-the-right-dildo-to-stick-in-my-cunt!

Faggots like these are the ones who shit on EVOLVE

go play frogger

Who cares how and why other people enjoy things

I know this is supposed to be ironic but the first part is true. RPG games like Planescape and TW3 always try so hard to emulate the story telling and writing to match up with literature or film and they never can, it's pathetic.

>I don't have anything to add to the discussion because I am unable to form opinions of my own and contribute but I'll post in the thread anyway XDDD

game stories are fucking citizen kane compared to what hollywood has been shitting out

>Food Analogy

People continue to whinge about games getting worse. Games have also been emphasising story more and more as well. Almost a direct correlation. Games are supposed to be games. Not a DVD with buttons.

Story also lowers the entry level to games, making it more accessible and enjoyable to casuals and the common man.

You don't adress my arguments because you can't.

Even visionaries like Kojima understood this, after making a literal movie with some minigames in it. It raised the bar of gameplay with MGSV


Lmao your argument is hurrr check out this correlation? Weakest possible argument

Thank you. This is why games like Nier, and Persona 5 are dogshit.

A game is what you make of it. That's why we have multiple genres. I, for one, enjoy the role playing genre (RPG) and am currently playing Baldur's Gate II.

The popular opinion (doesn't make it correct or valid in any way) is the action/FPS and Overwatch satisfies both. Because it appeals to the popular opinion crowd, it's no mystery why it's successful.

I'm not salty about it because what other people enjoy doesn't affect me playing Baldur's Gate, Divinity, Neverwinter, etc.

This constant bickering is just showing how narrow minded people are. Why do you stress putting a label on what is, exactly, a game?

One thing I give credit to Dark Souls for is the fact that all of the story is behind the scenes and in your enviroment and not shoved in your face. If you want it, its there but it doesn't detract from the main focus of the game - THE GAME ITSELF.

You didn't make any arguments, you just sperged out. Can't refute something that isn't there to begin with.

And just do add. I enjoy playing RPGs because of the story AND leveling up my character. A bad story can truly ruin my appreciation of a game.

exactly, thats why i watched tlou and uncharted 4 on youtube instead

>People continue to whinge about games getting worse. Games have also been emphasising story more and more as well. Almost a direct correlation.
Holy fuck what the shit are you babbling about
Correlation doesn't imply causation you retarded nigger

I hope you are such a rigid formalist with other things too. "Why should songs have lyrics? Why should painting represent anything?"

Oh fuck off. When it comes to shit like "x game is better than y game" then discussion is encouraged because you can give actual critical opinions. This is just whining shit flinging.

I can tell that you've never played Planescape and are just spouting what the Sup Forums contrarian hive mind states. Planescape wasn't just good because it had a good story. It had a fantastic soundtrack, a great art style, and some of the best atmosphere in any game.

I am convinced that Sup Forums is comprised of 12 year olds that have never experienced olde times of gaming, I bet bet you don't even realize how important Lucas Arts games and RPGs like Ultima were to developing gaming as a whole.
You are worthless clowns with zero knowledge and understanding of the medium and it's possibilities in all venues.

Could you enjoy an RPG if it had no physical story at all, or similar to how Dark Souls presented itself?

inb4 someone posts that dumbass Carmack quote which wasn't even correct back in the 90s when it was said

Time to switch to butter

No. But there's more to a game than gameplay and story.

>Agreed OP, this is why the entire RPG Genre is trash and overwatch is one of the best active games right now


>games aren't about story

Adventure games say otherwise

Fuck off underage.

Games = Gameplay
Go read a fucking book if you want story, you worthless niggers.


You can have a game without a story.
You can have a story without a game.
If you need a story to enjoy a game then you are not a gamer.
If you need a game to enjoy a story you are not a reader.

I want to hear more of your reductionist views. Do the same for books, films and music.

Anyone complaining about games becoming worse didn't grow up in an era where all you had were either platformers or shooters

Please define gameplay then.

Fuck off, elitist faggot.

>Go read a fucking book if you want story, you worthless niggers.

But video games pushes the envelope of an experience. Books you just imagine shit.

But with video games, it gives you the option to alter the story (if allowed) followed by amazing visuals, sound effects, and awesome music to accompany it.

I'm sorry, but if you deny the fact that games with story holds zero relevancy in todays gaming you're a complete fucking retard.

Back in my day, gaming wanted to become as real as possible, using a lot of cinematography to try to initiate a very good storytelling experience, like user explained: There's multiple genres if you want to act like a contrarian if you want to play your arcade games. There's also Indie games too faggot.

>If you need a story to enjoy a game then you are not a gamer.
Good. Keep your utterly embarrassing title. I like gameplay heavy games as much as I enjoy story heavy games. Sometimes I play the latter just for the story.

>hurr why do games have stories durrr
Your ill-informed reductionist viewpoint is outdated and has been since the 80s. There is room for storyless games and story-heavy games in a medium as diverse as gaming. I also have a feeling your taste is shit so I can safely ignore anything you'll say in response.

>Its considered elitist to not want stories in games


context makes literally everything better, fights, puzzles... and porn, especially that

also video games offer the unique possibility to affect how a story plays out. unfortunately this comes with lots of work, so few aaa+ games are doing it nowadays

>Books you just imagine shit
Books are tools for knowledge and learning as well. Video games just teach you how to be a button masher. There is literally nothing more unproductive you can do than by playing a video game with a story. Most story based games don't involve skill, timings or even logic solving abilities. Games with stories are a waste of time.

>Books are tools for knowledge and learning as well.
You gain neither reading 99% of literature. What's your point?

Books exist for simple entertainment as much as they exist for spreading knowledge. Doing something for entertainment isn't a waste of time at all.

>Summertime Sup Forums

games are entertainment and entertainment is entirely subjective art that cannot be objectively determined as better or worse outside of sales figures so the only possible argument here is that story-driven games are unpopular and that's not true so OP IS FEGIT

ALso story is like music, it supplements and enriches the gameplay experience but not for you BEKAUS YEW HAS AWE-JlZZ'EM!

>Books are tools for knowledge and learning as well.

That's irrelevant. We're talking about storytelling.

Games are about interactivity. We can have interactive stories.

It is impossible to make active horror/thriller/suspense entirely based on your own actions and atmosphere which you act in the way Silent Hill 2 does it in any other medium.
It is impossible to live through a well crafted setting as if you are actually there the way Morrowind does it in any other medium.
It is impossible to convey a four year redemptive journey and actually make you feel those four fucking years the way Grim Fandango does in any other medium.
It is impossible to direct your very expectations and experience through interactive elements the way Dark Souls does it in any other medium.

Why the fuck should narrative and storytelling go away from videogames when there are so many tools that are not available in any other fucking medium out there?

Go away, Harlaus.

Video games are used as an interactive medium. Sure, there's some games with less difficulty that have story. But if you want a more challenging game there's plenty out there for you. Games with story isn't trying to cater to you.

>Games with stories are a waste of time.
And you think gaming isn't there? It's there purely for entertainment, whether it's for story or not, retard.

>It is impossible to make active horror/thriller/suspense entirely based on your own actions and atmosphere which you act in the way Silent Hill 2 does it in any other medium.
Super Metroid
>It is impossible to live through a well crafted setting as if you are actually there the way Morrowind does it in any other medium.
DAS has the deepest Lore.
>It is impossible to convey a four year redemptive journey and actually make you feel those four fucking years the way Grim Fandango does in any other medium.
Literally Journey or Brothers. Take your pick.

Reading comprehension m8. You've just strengthened his argument.

ITT neckbeards trying to justify "MUH EPIC STORY"

Manly tears at the end of persona12, right?

too many buzzwords, bro. coming off as bait too strong

With splendid arguments and insults like these we may as well do away with stories altogether.

It's sad to me that you thought that was witty.


you. Fucking. faggot.

except for that long ass unskippable intro cutscene



Jesus, this is the most pretentious shit I've seen all day

OP can come back when he loses that shit opinion then maybe things will be different

there are games I play for skill and games I play for story and games I play for both.

You can live both lives. It won't hurt you.

>Spoons are holding back soup as a whole
>7 inch long spoons you can't skip, along with tons of silverware options aren't drol
>If I wanted to use silverware I'd eat a salad, or cut a steak
>Soup doesn't need spoons ffs

Your analogy makes no fucking sense.

The real problem isn't story, well it is, bu it's also that games need to only have one fixed difficulty that cannot be changed in menus. Anything outside of this incurs artistic deficits by default.

I'm gonna keep playing games with story as long as I'm presented with good ones, OP. There is a quality to guiding a story, rather than being a passive observer, that gives the medium a unique quality to it that I and many others enjoy.

>MGS4 forgets the gameplay
>MGSV forgets the story

Bravo Kojima.

>Playing a video game for the story is like eating soup for the spoon.

Well this is one of the worst analogies I've ever see