>Still no bronze age game from paradox
Still no bronze age game from paradox
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I want Pictis. I want to rule small family clans. I'd be totally fine with CK gameplay on a much smaller scale
>Two Thebes
Real original guys.
>there will never be any games about that period at all
Eeuropa Universalis Rome had them
>Only Egypt and Greece survived bronze collapse
>And Greece was raped by northren barbarians and parts of their culture were changed forever
Amazing, isn't it
I want a game from Paradox where you take the helm of a third world country and have to navigate ethnic/tribal conflict, industrializing your shit tier economy, and meddling by the Cold War powers.
I want to take a newly independent post-colonial African state and either perform an economic miracle to turn it into the next Singapore or burn the whole thing down and shock the UN with the war crimes I commit trying to ethnically cleanse the inferior tribes from my nation.
But they published one ages ago.
I like the Imperium Universalis mod.
Allows me to play as ebin greek or build the roman empire. Time frame is 600BC to 200AD I recall
>wanting more games from paradox after hoi4, stellaris, eu4, and dlck2
So you one of the people who thinks that developers shouldn't support their games after release
Well, fuck off, retard
The problem is literally nothing is known about the minutiae of these societies compared to CK and EU
>play as any civilization besides egyptian
>die from sea people few centuries later
Stellaris was ok. HoI 4 was utter shit, through. Worst gaming purchase I've ever made.
*besides egyptian and greek
Do you really think that sea people reached fucking india?
It was obviously plague or some other shit because Egypt go full isolationist
Nah Sea Peoples fucked all the coastal areas from Black Sea to Egypt but Mesopotamia was spared and only got general anarchy. It was all because of continued bad harvests, ie. the same shit that caused the French revolution.
Have they fixed EU4 yet or it's still overbloated trash?
I want this now.
The only objectively bad game in those was HOI4, which is fucking shit but the rest range from okay to good.
wtf is all that Atlantis looking shit left of france
>t. american
Wait, whats wrong with EU4? That game's great
dude lmao I clicked a menu option that married my second cousin to my enemy I'm having so much fun being a king!
Isn't it redundant to have a separate "Syrians" side if Hittite's, Summerians, Assyrians and Bedouins, are all technically Syrian?
It's just one special unit for each ethnic group. Syrians get better archers.
>tfw no Syrian Civil War grand strategy
Indo-Europeans fuck horses to coronate their kings.
Indo-Europeans > Semites.
Fuck you and your alphabets, we're better at killing shit good.
t.Hittite-Greek brotherhood
I just want a game where I can play from 1000 BC until 500AD
What would you do in the time before Rome?
play something from asia minor, greece or egypt
I would kill for it, an actually good modern grand strategy game. East vs West was also my dream game, I just love the idea of being able to fund proxy wars in a grand strategy game and taking place in a more recognizable world would be fun. Sadly I doubt we'll ever get anything like it, and if we do Paradox will probably fuck it up.
Bronze age or even copper age would be top tier, but I think Mesoamerica would be cooler
Let's be honest here, it was tribal shithole
No different from Mali, just less disease
But seriously why developers avoid this period so much?
It's not popular, sexy or civilized.
Greeks are sexy as fuck with nude priestess and everything
Egyptians too
Who were the Sea People anyway?
t. people who don't know what they are talking about. They had compulsively education, legal and civic systems, waste management, books and record keeping for things like taxes, as well as advanced architecture and engineering abilities.
And no fucking wheels
Greek rejects
Oh, and greek civilization was raped by northren barbarians too according to the burial type changes, possible germans this fuckers always hated civilization
>beating each other to death with clubs while the rest of the world was sailing the seas, setting up trade empires and using guns
lmao yeah what an amazing place
Look up Mesoamerica Universalis
They had wheels:
They just didn't have horses or oxen or any sort of pack animals to actually use with them.
They also had administratively complex empires and trading networks, though. Regarding guns:
>Cultures that were completely isolated from eurasia don't have technology that was discovered only recently in eurasia itself
Who would have thought?
Also, from letters from cortes to charles V:
>Montezuma II possessed out of the city as well as within, numerous villas, each of which had its peculiar sources of amusement, and all were constructed in the best possible manner for the use of a great prince and lord. Within the city his palaces were so wonderful that it is hardly possible to describe their beauty and extent ; I can only say that in Spain there is nothing equal to them.
>The city of Iztapalapa contains twelve or fifteen thousand houses; it is situated on the shore of a large salt lake, one-half of it being built upon the water, and one half on terra firma. The governor or chief of the city has several new houses, which, although they are not yet finished, are equal to the better class of houses in Spain –being large and well constructed, in the stone work, the carpentry, the floors, and the various appendages necessary to render a house complete, excepting the reliefs and other rich work usual in Spanish houses. There are also many upper and lower rooms–cool gardens, abounding in trees and odoriferous flowers; also pools of fresh water, well constructed, with stairs leading to the bottom.
>There is also a very extensive kitchen garden attached to the house, and over it a belvidere with beautiful corridors and halls; and within the garden a large square pond of fresh water, having its walls formed of handsome hewn stone; and adjacent to it there is a promenade, consisting of a tiled pavement so broad that four persons can walk on it abreast, and four hundred paces square, or sixteen hundred paces round; enclosed on one side towards the wall of the garden by canes, intermingled with vergas, and on the other side by shrubs and sweet-scented plants. The pond contains a great variety of fish and water-fowl, as wild ducks, teal, and others so numerous that they often cover the surface of the water.
not true, we have thousands of tablets from places like Mari and Ebla. Including royal correpspondence. We know more of that time than of most of the middle ages.
>On their route they passed through three provinces, that, according to the report of the Spaniards, contained very fine land, many villages and cities, with much scattered population, and buildings equal to any in Spain. They mentioned particularly a house and castle, the latter larger, of greater strength, and better built than the castle of Burgos ; and the people of one of these provinces, called Tamazulapa, were better clothed than those of any other we had seen, as it justly appeared to them.
(regarding a bridge being built):
>They agreed to work at it viribus et posse, and began at once to divide the task between them, and I must say that they worked so hard, and with such good will, that in less than four days they constructed a fine bridge, over which the whole of the men and horses passed. So solidly built it was, that I have no doubt it will stand for upwards of ten years without breaking —unless it is burnt down — being formed by upwards of one thousand beams, the smallest of which was as thick round as a man's body, and measured nine or ten fathoms (16-18 meters) in length, without counting a great quantity of lighter timber that was used as planks. And I can assure your Majesty that I do not believe there is a man in existence capable of explaining in a satisfactory manner the dexterity which these lords of Tenochtitlan, and the Indians under them, displayed in constructing the said bridge: I can only sav that it is the most wonderful thing that ever was
this looks cool, thanks user
>tfw no glorious Assyrian empire
>tfw you will never fuck your enemy's wife in front of his decapitated head
Bernal Díaz del Castillo's True History of the Conquest of the New Spain: chapters LXXXVII and XCII:
>The next morning we reached the broad high road of Iztapalapan, whence we for the first time beheld the numbers of towns and villages built in the lake, and the still greater number of large townships on the mainland, with the level causeway which ran in a straight line into Mexico.
>Our astonishment was indeed raised to the highest pitch, and we could not help remarking to each other, that all these buildings resembled the fairy castles we read of in Amadis de Gaul; so high, majestic, and splendid did the temples, towers, and houses of the town, all built of massive stone and lime, rise up out of the midst of the lake. Indeed, many of our men asked if what they saw was a mere dream. And the reader must not feel surprised at the manner in which I have expressed myself, for it is impossible to speak coolly of things which we had never seen nor heard of, nor even could have dreamt of, beforehand.
>When we approached near to Iztapalapan, two other caziques came out in great pomp to receive us: one was the prince of Cuitlahuac, and the other of Cojohuacan; both were near relatives of Motecusuma. We now entered the town of Iztapalapan, where we were indeed quartered in palaces, of large dimensions, surrounded by spacious courts, and built of hewn stone, cedar and other sweet-scented wood. All the apartments were hung round with cotton cloths.
How come the Assyrians and every culture in the Mediterranean and the fertile crescent during that time period other then greeks don't get any attention anyways?
t. mexican desperately clinging to the hope that his civilization that lasted a whopping 93 years wasn't total fucking shit
Phoenicians are based and should get some attention.
6/6 because I got irl shit to do and I don't wanna take over the thread
>"After we had seen all this, we paid a visit to the gardens adjoining these palaces, which were really astonishing, and I could not gratify my desire too much by walking about in them and contemplating the numbers of trees which spread around the most delicious odours; the rose bushes, the different flower beds, and the fruit trees which stood along the paths. There was likewise a basin of sweet water, which was connected with the lake by means of a small canal. It was constructed of stone of various colours, and decorated with numerous figures, and was wide enough to hold their largest canoes."
>"In this basin various kinds of water-fowls were swimming up and down, and everything was so charming and beautiful that we could find no words to express our astonishment. Indeed I do not believe a country was ever discovered which was equal in splendour to this; for Peru was not known at that time. But, at the present moment, there is not a vestige of all this remaining, and not a stone of this beautiful town is now standing."
>"(About Tlatelolco) After we had sufficiently gazed upon this magnificent picture, we again turned our eyes toward the great market, and beheld the vast numbers of buyers and sellers who thronged there. The bustle and noise occasioned by this multitude of human beings was so great that it could be heard at a distance of more than four miles. Some of our men, who had been at Constantinople and Rome, and travelled through the whole of Italy, said that they never had seen a market-place of such large dimensions, or which was so well regulated, or so crowded with people as this one at Mexico."
I really think the details of their civic and legal/administrative systems and the geopolitics are more interesting then just their cities though.
>i'm so retarded I think the aztecs are the only culture that lived in mesoamerica
Also my family is german.
>nice historical thread
>pol/tard/ has to be triggered because user says bad things about a "mexican" civilization
Paradox is nice for filling a hole but if you'd played enough ck2 you'd understand how shitty a bronze-age game from them would be if it tried to paint itself as a historical simulation of anything that isn't meticulously documented
*good things
rather than arguing facts you simply try to make an emotional argument to make someone feel bad
Back to with you
Why is Sup Forums so retarded and thinks anything that's not by white people is sub-saharan tier pirmitive? Mesoamerica and the Andes both independently invented agriculture, writing, and civilization in addition to the Fertile crescent and Asia, stop being overzealous retards.
I outright saw people accuse the Mesopotamian of being subhumans the other day too, it's getting retarded.
>there are literally NO good WWI grand strategy games
Because white people literally invented everything.
They had some bullshit with fiber knots that acted like a written language system but it wasn't technically writing.
This better be bait
>tfw no Total War: Bronze Age Collapse
Oh come on, HoI is pretty solid.
Shit, misread as WWII
>Mesoamerica and the Andes both independently invented agriculture, writing, and civilization in addition to the Fertile crescent and Asia, stop being overzealous retards.
Yeah but then Mesoamerica and the Andes civilizations stopped progressing while the Mesopotamian people continued to progress into feudal societies.
>he wrote in a script descended from Egyptian hieroglyphics
The Atlanteans that the Egyptians got their hieroglyphics from were white.
Thebes > Thebes
Sup Forums would throw a fit sating that there's too many arabs and not enough white representation and call it an SJW game.
I promise you.
Thay-base > Feebs
Original City Do Not Steal!!!
You people just want Minoan priestess tits.
>implying fuedalism is somehow a necessary step towards advancing
>implying technology and culture evolves along a set linear path like a fucking civ tech tree
They didn't have fuedalism (most of them had a caste/class system, but the aztecs in particular did have some fuedal elements with warriors being given land and slaves and that allowing for social advancement) but they still advanced and didn't just stagnate as independent city states. As the other user said, they had complicated legal and civic systems and formed proper nations, empires, and other states.
I think most people like pagan Mesopotamia, it's just that it's been dead for 1,700 - 2,000 years and the genetic remnants inbred for centuries into modern day muslims
The other thing is nobody seems to hate pre-islamic mesopotamia/egypt more than modern devout muslims. They think that everything before Islam was unholy Idolatry and they're all burning in islamic hell for being polytheistic. I got flamed hard by muslims for insinuating Egypt was more interesting before Islam
You're saying it as paradox is good at making games
>no Crusades musou
>will never play Baldwin the Leper and protect the holy land
>will never play Saladin and win the Horns of Hattin
>will never play Alexios and retake Anatolia
Shit sucks
Civilization is not fun.
This is some infowars shit
The Minoans' were a proud noble culture and is not for lewd
Do these remind anybody else of bronze age/copper age architecture in eurasian cultures? Weren't the aztecs and incans technically bronze age themselves too? I know the incans had bronze weapons and the aztecs had some copper shit
generalization: the post
before the mess that occurred in Syria. it used to be a top tourist destination to visit both pre-islamic and islamic historical sites in the Levant.
most syrians identify as syrians first rather than whatever religion they are (muslim, christian)
Victoria 2
Is there any subject on Sup Forums you can discuss without autistic screeching from milk chugging Sup Forumsfags?
Nah, I outright saw people calling the ancient Mesopotamians being on par with Africans and aboriginals, not just the region as it is now
Like, the fact that people think the mesoamericans and andeans are subhumans sucks and is stupid but at least I understand the misconception, but people have drunk the Sup Forums koolaid way to far when the fucking originators of western culture are implicated.
I wonder if ancient sites like Krak des Chevaliers, Palmyra or the Aleppo Citadel will even be standing after that war is over with.
Mesopotamia is literally source of civilization
Now stop feeding poltards
we know next to nothing about the Bronze Age, other than that it ended in the Bronze Age Collapse, probably at the hands of Greek vikings.
We can decipher about ten languages from the time period, and from those languages we get mainly dry trade descriptions.
It was probably a pretty interconnected world, because we find Egyptian pottery in Greece, for instance, but there's not enough content on the era to make any historically accurate games.
It's a terrible game for modeling WWI. There's no fronts and logistics networks, no long range artillery batteries, no homefront morale, etc. The basic warfare gameplay of vicky2 simply doesn't fit the war. It's a decent game for modeling industrialization and post-napoleonic warfare but that's about it.
Is there a greater crime?
still standing but damaged I believe.
>Krak des Chevaliers
re-captured but damaged
>Aleppo Citadel
Badly damaged, unfortunately.
Really sad since I've seen it in person.
t. monument fetishists
I'm not an iconoclast of whatever nature, but I find this sort of virtue signaling completely retarded.
>civilization still hasn't cast Alexios Komnenos as the leaderhead of Byzantium
>eternal Justinian/Theodora dickworship
>muh virue signaling
Copper/bronze/iron age refers mainly to European material cultures (i.e. artifacts preserved in the ground) that were contemporaneous to each other. It really doesn't apply as a universal to every culture everywhere.
The Aztecs were about as advanced as any classical culture (so, think Hellenic Greece) was from a societal standpoint. Copper weapons are frankly inferior to anything made from obsidian, and without tin, there's no real reason to jump to bronze.
Now, what I'm about to say is an oversimplification, but iron rises as available tin dries up. It's a (cheap and easily available) replacement for bronze. And if you didn't have bronze or a metalworking culture to begin with, you might not try to make something out that rusty red rock over yonder.
There's also the fact that there aren't an readily available sources of domesticated animal labor to make use of innovations like wheels (so, they end up on children's toys). At least, not until the Spanish re-introduce the horse to the Americas.
>all of the super cool aztec shit from the cortes letters that user post got destroyed too
>modern shithole mexico city was built over the ruins
>all of the native aztec and mayan books got burned except for a few
>we lost an entire third branch of human history in addition to western and eastern
What i heard only the Chapel was damage in Krak des Chevaliers. So it got off easy compared to the others. Such a tragedy.