I took the Sonypill, and a PS4 slim now sits beside my desktop.
Playing Bloodborne and it's good and all but holy shit
How do you people afford video games? I want to play some of the exclusives but they're all pic related and no way in Hell I'm dropping that kind of money on any game
Do consoles have anything like Steam sales or will I just have to wait until they're 2 years old and/or Black Friday?
Also why are games so fucking expensive to begin with?
I took the Sonypill, and a PS4 slim now sits beside my desktop
Other urls found in this thread:
Bloodborne is literally $20 right now.
Then there's stuff like GCU and Amazon Prime that take 20% off the price on launch day.
PC gamers are true retards that thing they're getting a "deal" on their shitty steam sales.
Get a job
the true retard is you paying monthly fees to use your own internet connection
>How do you people afford video games?
Only buying physical games (already weeds out 99 % of the trash).
Only buying games I actually play.
Buying used games.
By getting a job
>the true retard is you paying monthly fees
for "indie" garbage
post your timestamped play slip
I never buy games near release. The only exception I've made was for Nier but that was still on sale when I bought it. I've never paid more than $20 for any game other than that. I'll make another exception if Yakuza 0 goes on sale for less than $40 but that hasn't happened yet. Also Bloodborne Complete Edition was on sale for less than $20 just a few weeks ago.
Selling witcher 3 for $30
Gaystop sells Witcher 3 for $50 still
Also amazon prime has monthly fees as well, so if you want to be paying upwards of $20 a month just so you can play online and get better deals on games, go for it my dude.
Use that Best Buy gaymers club to get 20% off vidya. It's like $30 for a two year sub.
Find a redbox for games you don't really want to buy but would still play.
Wait for sales. Between Amazon, Best Buy and the PSN store you can find cheap shit all the time.
>By getting a job
this, I own every platform because gaming is a cheap hobby.
>buy PS4
>crack it
>Whoa, so expensive NOT
just wait till sales if you are too dumb for a job
>Selling witcher 3 for $30
You can pirate Witcher 3 for $0, no need to pay $30 for pirating shit.
>Gaystop sells Witcher 3 for $50 still
New, in a physical box. Fully worth it BTW. Physical PC games are rare nowadays.
Get a job you fucking nigger. Video games are already a damn cheap hobby compared to other stuff.
Then just wait for them to drop in price?
Or buy used, or wait for a sale
There are plenty of options, it's only expensive if you buy games at release
So your point is? Pirating is 10x easier on pc anyways
and either way, steam is selling Witcher 3 for $24 atm.
And it's because of a SALE
The point is giving the developers money. You do that by buying the physical copy at $60.
You don't have to to pay $30 for piracy or into Gaben's pockets. Just pirate it instead.
Steam sales and Humble bundles aren't that good anymore. The best ones are over. If you weren't around for those deals, it sucks to be you. I already have a lot of good games for which I paid almost nothing, and pointing out that Steam also contains shovelware (which I ignore) is not going to make those good games vanish from my library.
Humble Bundle isn't exclusively for indie games, by the way. Is the Dead Space series indie? Because I got all three of those games from $1 bundles.
You are both correct. Best Buy's Gamers Club Unlocked has become the main source for deals on physical games, especially since Amazon has removed the 20% discount from collector's editions.
Humble Bundle tends to have the best bundle deals, without resorting to key seller sites (empowering credit card thieves).
>I already have a lot of good games for which I paid almost nothing,
Who cares, if you never going to play them?
>Humble Bundle isn't exclusively for indie games,
Initially it was. Remember where the name comes from? I got half a dozen Humble Indie Bundles and then stopped.
>by the way. Is the Dead Space series indie?
Because I got all three of those games from $1 bundles.
I finished the DS games on last-gen consoles already, when they appeared on HB as Origin-bait.
So I didn't fell for it.
PS4 is just now starting to reach the point where a considerable chunk of its library is getting cheap but it's not like the PS3 where 99% of it is $20 or less at this point. Also,
>why are games so fucking expensive to begin with?
They actually should be more expensive if you factor in inflation. We should be paying about $70 compared to a decade ago but we aren't, let alone back in the 90s when games were still more expensive (but also not nearly as price regulated so you could see like $30 games but also $80 ones). All in all, we actually have it pretty good right now.
You're a fucking retard. If you want to give develoopers money, in case of The Witcher, you buy it from GoG.com. Physical copy of the Witcher gives them very little because of the production overhead and retailer cut which are substantial even compared to Steam, let alone GoG.com which the company itself owns.
>Who cares, if you never going to play them?
If you need to make up random shit for your argument to work, then you've already lost. I don't know what you think you're going to accomplish by telling me false things about myself, as if I don't know they're false.
>Initially it was.
What's your point? I used the present tense for a reason.
>I finished the DS games on last-gen consoles already, when they appeared on HB as Origin-bait.
Humble Origin Bundle came with a Steam copy of Dead Space, and Humble Origin Bundle 2 came with a Steam copy of Dead Space 2. Only the worst Dead Space is Origin-exclusive.
Witcher 3 was literally $24 on sale on steam with all the DLC included last week
Sony will never have a comparable deal.
i was going to buy a ps4 for bloodborne and some other exclusives, honestly the cost isn't worth the benefit in my eyes, it's a lot of cash to invest, even if i were to sell the console on at some point
>Witcher 3 was literally $24 on sale on steam with all the DLC included last week
A two years old game is "on sale" for $24. So what?
>Sony will never have a comparable deal.
I already own it and played it.
It's worth the full price anyway.
I think it was on sale for that much some time ago
buy used games
If a game like Bloodborne or Persona 5 isn't worth $60 to you, then you should leave Sup Forums and return to your shitty indie games.
>implying there arent enough good multiplats and exclusives on PC to have enough games to not need to waste your money on console garbage
"idort masterrace" fags literally just have nothing in their lives but video games
Why do you show off your skin every chance you get?
sweet sunken cost fallacy bro :)
First off dont buy from gamestop. They buy used for like 3 bucks then sell it back to you at near the same price as new. Buy Online.
There is also the method of being a timetraveller and only playing older games for much cheaper. RN in buying a ps3 for like 100 bucks and getting games for like 20 or less.
Also consoles are shit in general and you will pay alot more there for less than you'd get on a PC especially during a steam sale. Console exclusives are a terrible practice you should not support as is paying up the ass for online which costs them practically nothing. You can do everything on a PC that you can do on a console and more.
The same thing was on sale on PSN within the last month for the same price retard.
>If a game like Bloodborne or Persona 5 isn't worth $60 to you, then you should leave Sup Forums and return to your shitty indie games.
Thinking this is logic
Well persona 5 is also on the ps3 which you can pick up on the cheap.
It's not logic dumbass. I'm telling you to leave because you are one of the neo-Sup Forumsfags who started playing videogames when casual indie shovelware became popular a few years ago.
>game prices should never go down over time
How retarded do you even have to be?
That's not what I said but I guess there's no arguing with the /r/pcmasterrace
>sunken cost fallacy bro
First, it's called sunk cost fallacy. Second, sunk cost fallacy is when one continues to invest money into a failed investment in hope to recoup that money invested previously.
You never recoup money invested into games. For example, your Steam account is completely worthless.
Third, Witcher 3 is not a failed investment by any metrics, it got over 800 GOTY awards and a 90+ Metacritic rating.
Fourth, nobody is investing further money into Witcher 3 after buying it at full price, playing and finishing it.
There is no way to apply this financial term to a video game, even if your underage nignog brain heard of the term for the first time this week.
BB is worth 0 dollars to me because it's fucking boring and just cash-in trash by sony.
From Soft should just keep making actual new IPs or mech games.
Shut up and be a poorfag like the rest of us poorfags do on Sup Forums. Buy the last gen console when a new gen comes out and crack/hack it. Is it that hard to poorfag? Stop acting like a richfag when your one of us.
fuking rekt
Lol have fun with your 3 min Witcher 3 load times
>because you are
Telling me who the fuck I am
>on console
Multiplats belong to consoles.
Consoles are just very limited and specialized PCs. Can you do your taxes on a xbox? I think not!
PCs are just very limited and specialized Windows phones. Can you do your taxes on a phone?
Yes, you can do literally anything on a phone, PCs are obsolete.
Phones dont have quite the processing power as well as having issues with porting over formats to be fit for phone use. Phones are the more specialized and limited ones with more limited inputs,less power and less ability to dive deep into things like you do on the PC.
Also you shouldnt really be comparing a PC to phones when we are talking in the sense of gaming given the state of phone games.
There is no different between phones and PCs anymore. Windows 10 is a limited phone operating system.
besides fallout 4 and metro every multiplat in that pic was designed for console first and only ported to pc
I look forward to your playthrough of dark souls 3 on your phone buddy.
Consider phones the handhelds of the PC "console" if you want. Its weaker and more specialized because it's meant to be. You trade off the power and ability of a pc for the portability of a phone.
And what did they DESIGN those games on? I doubt the dev was using the terrible console keyboard to make that code. There's a reason why modding is a mostly PC thing.
If you talk about exclusives PC has a ton of indie games and such that only get ported onto console when they get popular later because they dont want to pay out all that dosh.
The fact that console exclusives are such a big thing is because many times they get contracted into it and they accept because developing games is a huge risk. The only situation where it is acceptable in my mind is if the console holder makes the game themselves like nintendo does.
>besides Fallout 4