Pirates = Deadw





reminder that most people gaming on PC are running shit tier hardware, thus getting inferior graphics.

The only reason for most PCbros is that they want to steal every game, because they are poorfags.

why should i care what other plebs built?

at least the floor is not also the ceiling.

>t. peecuck damage control

damage control requires that your pathetic post did damage.

Who wants to pirate a fighting game? Tekken 7 and the series in general is also the only Denuvo related thing I'd pay full price for as well.

>so blind he doesn't even notice

Does it have denuvo? How come it wasn't pirated yet?

>Does it have denuvo?

>How come it wasn't pirated yet?
because pirates are too dumb

>because pirates are too dumb

It will be soon however, all praise BALDMAN.

OP here.
I'm only falseflagging as an anti-pirate to maybe trigger based Baldman to hurry up

But I don't? Enjoy tekken at 900p.
Also bought it from a key site, so still got it for cheaper than what console guys bought it for.

>key site
so you literally paid for a stolen copy

>tfw still saving up for my gaming PC so I can play this and other new games
>only 400$ usd down so far
>still have no idea how to build a computer

>>still have no idea how to build a computer
you literally can't fuck up.

>look up specs of parts
>make sure they are compatible
>put them together
physical assembly of a PC is like lego, but even easier since you can't really fuck up if you follow basic intructions.

Still got it cheaper then console kiddies:^)

Somewhat true. I've noticed that most people tend to think they fuck up their build but it's always just anxiety due to how expensive everything is. A little troubleshooting and fixes here and there almost always gets you right back on track. Still, it's best to have someone experienced to help you put it together, if you can.

how much did you pay for the pc?

>not much
shit tier gaming experience
got jew'd by intel/nvidia

you lose either way

What's a good prince range? Most people say 1000, some people say 800, others say 600.

I just want to be able to run games at 1080/60fps.

I don't want the whole 4k scaled down.. etc... nonsense. Just something that will do the job for now and the years to come.

you don't want to get jew'd on prices? then don't buy Intel or Nvidia.

between 600-1000 is sweet spot.

can anyone gift this poorfag tekken 7 please

sent :^)

>not being a poorfag
what are you, a richfag?

(v: snet

Logical Increments is your best friend for the most part.

You can easily buy a PS4 with that money ;)

>15million users on Steam
>70% of them have shitty laptops
>70% of 15million still leaves over 5million users that are able to run Taken 7

What's the big deal? That's more than what would have bought the game on console anyway. This is perfectly acceptable you faggot.

So... this... THIS... is the power..... of the Master Raceā„¢...!