Welcome to Stormblood, how would you like your main job?

>when you enrage on bismarck hard

Again, just laugh at them

I want my main job as boring as possible.

JUST WHM my shit up.

>tfw me and my friends in Hawaii finally have good ping.
Get fucked East coast.

>of thread about WHM changes
>150 pages

>of thread about MNK changes
>5 pages

See you next expansion MNKbros.

>shit latency
>shit jobs
>rehashed concepts for the 3rd time in a row
>they bought the expansion, pay for a sub AND get the cash shop items


>all the vocal players crying are shut-in neckbears playing a slutty catgirls whm following every trope and stereotype possible

>when I have below 60 ping and i'm from the UK playing on Primal

>MNK players THIS mad that they got KEKED

Just torch everything

I want it balanced.

>this is what whmcucks unironically think

I recently unsubbed because doing savage and ex primals via PF is just terrible. But I have nothing else to play and I wanna resub, even though I know I'll run into same problems. Halp please.

>listening to my FC talk about the changes
>realize they have no idea what the fuck they're talking about

I don't even know why I'm still with these guys.


To be fair, as much as the potency nerf sucks, they got some new toys to play with and stuff to extend GLs stacks too.
The lack of new damaging skill kind of suck too.

In comparison, WHM got tripped off almost all his good stuff and have to take them back with roleskills and the whole lilies system is fucking awful because no one spam cure1/2.

The state of WHM in Stormblood is truly worrisome.

So when does SB become active again?


how about, hear me, out, trying to (this will sound crazy) to make some friends ingame and play with them?

Never ever

>tfw everyone else is too normal in the FC but you have to use them to get the bonuses

These guys have been talking about changes all morning and it is just the dumbest amalgamation of thoughts and theories about how things will play in 4.0.

But if I leave and join another random FC, it will probably be more of the same, so why bother.

>poke my head in on Reddit to check for news
>thread from DRKs complaining about PLD being OP now and that they'll be left out of this expansion cycle

Oh Jesus this is beyond satisfying

>AST looks like it's gonna shit stars and heals out like nobody's business
>BRD was made fun again
>RDM looks cool

Can't wait to get stylin' on fools

Oh are east coast players boned? I thought about picking the game up again to try the new expansion but probably wont if this is the case

Also is machinist good? I haven't played since its introduction

The 16th at 2 am PDT

I'm guessing since one of the main antagonists is a Doman, the fact that the Ala Mihgo stuff doesn't even get half the amount of zones Doma has, and the whole Samurai stuff,
Ala Mihgo will be liberated fairly early and smoothly whilst Doma will gradually get even more fucked by the Garleans and the liberation process will be much longer and complex.

Fuck, too much shit is happening that day.

East coast players have it about as bad as West coast players did for years. They're just being huge babies about it.

East Coast players aren't boned, like half of my FC is east coast and not a single one of them has reported any latency issues. Faggots gon faggot.

Highlander or Roe for tank and caster?

I played a shitload back in the day and just want to craft and gather. Is it worth getting back into?

They don't know about the Sole Survivor change?

>all recent Sup Forums thread only on topic shitpost with cuck and shed memes without providing any actual argument or motivation to back it up

repeated threads sure bring the quality by a lo

Doma only has one zone, fool
Ala Mhigo, or Gyr Abania has 4

I'm from England with about 190 ping and I honestly don't see much of a difference from before.

>post was written by a roe tranny

The tragic thing is that SE is calling their bluff. Almost nobody is quitting besides a handful of people in South America. All the EU people I know on Gilgamesh arent transferring even.

190 pring is pretty bad, i'm not sure i'd want to pay 15 dollars a month for that

Will it hold up?

Why is it so comfy?

You can say that about any job on any forum. Good job

It's just a dungeon.

Surely a poorly written meta-shitpost made by an ESL retard will improve this.

Ive noticed it too and i kinda hope they just go back to deleting them for now.

Please respond.

>friend wants to try the game
>launcher keeps crashing when he tries to download the game files
>gets frustrated and starting to not wanna bother

This is our expansion.

Don't VPNs usually fix that lag?



>want to play rdm
>realize it takes like 8-10 hours in potd to go from 50 to 60
boy im sure going to enjoy release day

They help a little bit. My problem before the server move was a lot of packet loss between the server and myself, which is what caused all of my gameplay issues, and a service like that fixed that problem entirely.

I still played with 100ms or so, but it felt worlds better.

That's such a shitty argument for so many reasons. First off, if you think East coast deserves shit ping because West coast had it for so long, that makes you the huge baby.

Secondly, plenty people complained, just that almost nothing was done about it, even if SE knew that their practices outside of JP were absolute trash. It's why they created the EU data centre, it's why they changed the way mudras work to make NIN more playable.

No, I'm not from the East coast, fuck off.

Sup Forums cannot live without being cucked. The mmorpg gebre in itself in Sup Forums is nothing more but a competietion for who stay in the cuck shed the longest.

I want my MNK to go fast pls :')

Enjoy your not an actual functional city/capital and just endgame questhub with annoying npcs, nothing to do and a ton of afk people.


No. Timed nodes are fucking cancer and make gathering miserable, yet they're absolutely required for everything past 50.

>First off, if you think East coast deserves shit ping because West coast had it for so long, that makes you the huge baby.
I don't think anybody should have to deal with shit ping, but the ones screaming "UNPLAYABLE!" are over exaggerating their issues.

>Secondly, plenty people complained
Never said that they did not.

>fuck off
You fuck off. Hyperbole isn't going to solve their issue.

>weekend PVP queue times

>Moving server to fix connection issues
>Alot more people now haves connection issues after relocation
>j-just deal with it guys!!!

I don't understand why they cry so much then. They're already paying $13 or so, I'm pretty sure they can afford $3/mo more for a VPN subscription.


>tfw hype for a new game for the first time in forever
Red is my favorite color.


male or female? if female->highlander, otherwise roe

Highlanders are ugly despite having a better body type

What was even the point of your statement, then? What is the point of stating that West coast had it as bad, other than to imply East coast players should suck it up?

You blame them for hyperbole yet you do the same thing with your "huge babies" sentiment.

I repeat, fuck off.

no it's our expansion. alamhigo is just a side trip, doma is what it is all about.

Predict how the 4.0 story will go.

I want to dishonor Yugiri with pregancy out of wedlock.

That's not too bad. Also remember that pretty much everyone is going to have the same idea and flock to PotD Day 1 to level RDM/SAM so you'll be getting quick queues at least.

I'm probably going to go through main story as PLD and try to finish it during EA even though I want to main SAM because lord knows DPS queues are going to be fucked up.

Reminder that Arcanism spells are making flesh rot, collapsing lungs, mangling the bodies of their targets, and is way more brutal than anything thaumaturgy can ever do.


I personally liked ARR and HW, so I don't really expect anything bad from SB.

>What is the point of stating that West coast had it as bad,
Because we played with the game like that for years. We raided, we played our classes, we played NIN and did our Mudra. It was bad, but it was playable.

The worst of the East coast feedback is kicking and screaming, threatening to unsub and calling the game literally unplayable. That kind of garbage floods the feedback channels.

Kill yourself if you think that's an acceptable way to get your point across to anybody.

REM OR SAM and why?

Isn't it smarter to do MSQ as a DPS class because the majority of EXP is gonna come from quests? Obviously 50-60 is gonna be an issue for RDM and SAM but if you just hit PotD hard you'll be fine.

Hes not asking which is a better model for a magazine cover

>Doma was added because the development team knew that playing in sand with filthy monks an entire expansion would be boring and wouldn't bring people back to the game.

Only lore nerds give a fuck about Ala Mihgo.

We will lead a failed counter invasion of Ala Mhigo and have to flee to Doma to solve their problems and open a second front. The 4.X patches will be about Ala Mhigo round 2.

because big dick dps

To be fair XIV really has shit routing. I live in flipland and literally can not play in western servers whereas I can play other western mmos just fine like blizz games and gw2.

The best option in the game is Midlander with the height slider maxed. You aren't a disgusting meathead like the Highlander, and you aren't a short wo/manlet/

Gosetsu is a traitor.
Screencap this.

I'm actually getting a better connection now and I'm in fucking Spain, what's wrong with these people?


Typical retarded weeb.

We don't know that yet.
Armory Bonus from 50-60 is 50% that might increase to 100% once SB comes out and 60-70 will be 50%.

Honestly i wouldn't mind this.

People who should be complaining about their ISPs fucking them with shitty routing think all fault lies on where the server is located.

tfw lost a bet and now i have to be a Miqo'te for all stormblood

Midlanders are manlets. Do they even reach 6ft at max height? Comparatively they sure are.

Oh also reminder that the Warriors of Darkness were right and that balance must take priority over excessive Light. Don't believe Hydaelin's lies.

Man there's something about sewers that drives me crazy. I seriously hope we get a sewer-themed dungeon.

>it's a sewer level
How about no