ITT: Buyer's remorse

ITT: Buyer's remorse

Post games you regret buying

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Neo Aquarium - King of Crustaceans

Question why the fuck I bought it every time I spot in the library. Look at it, this game was never gonna be good

Ahh UT 3
I had such high hopes
Me and a lot of friends that played UT 2004
I am amazed you even got 5 hours out of it.

risk of rain
thanks to this shithole
i still remember when i launched the game and saw the graphics
i could not believe my eyes

You didn't look at a single screenshot or video?

I understand everything on this list up to some point.
But Im wondering about LP, Alpha Protocol (granted its extremely buggy) and Bioshock.

shhh don't question it and ruin his bait

>buying games
>willingly putting yourself in a situation where feeling regret is a possibility
So why don't the normies and summerfags go outside and enjoy the sun and please beach chad instead of pretending to be part of the boards?

i didn't
just saw the game for a buck on steam and bought after that ror host threads craze

Iron Fisticle was one that I would indeed admit; I don't know what was up with that game.
I REMEMBER BUYING THAT GAME! I bought it off of Playism, played it for 1 hour, and never touched it again.

It's okay user, you were just blinded by the crab battle

>"Deus Ex": Human Revolution

I bought RB6 Siege at launch. I'd never regretted something so quickly.

Fuck, I saw what Fish of Rain was going to look like, got it anyway because I like some pixelshit and this looked like it was the kind that's got it's act together, but it just wasn't. There wasn't enough movement options and the shooting wasn't satisfying because there was just another horde of identical enemies waiting just off screen.

This board is full of 40 years old virgins who only play on Sony and Nintendo consoles. They haven't pirated anything since 1998 and probably are too stupid to emulate.



Witcher 3, although I still enjoyed it for the most part. Definitely wasn't worth the money I bought it for though.
Nier Automata

>like challenging games
>hear Dark Souls is great
>pick it up
>mfw the difficulty comes from terrible controls and glitches, not actual gameplay mechanics

What didn't you like about it? My only complaint is there's too much content, if that's possible. It's overwhelming. 200 hours to beat the base portion of a game is insane. The game itself I thought was great though.

Literally 0. Because I have a high IQ and a lot of experience with games and gaming, so I can recognize which games will be great and only buy great games.

I paid a full $60 for the lying plastic disk shaped piece of amphibian shit that is Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2
Literally got a faulty copy of the game that I couldn't beat the shitty story on because one of the missions forced you to be in your scope for the duration of the mission, to provide support to your squad or some typical cliche ass shit like that, and my scope was like stuck halfway through the god damn floor and I couldn't see the top half of the fucking 5 mile area I needed to be able to see.
Then I took it back to cuckstop and they offered me like two Prussian francs, a button, and a dollop of butter for it. So I shit canned it in the fucking trash can outside. Worst purchase of my life, I wish a terrorist would allahhabbadabbakbar the shit out of the developers and the fuck all 72 of their virgins on their souls.

Yeah that game sucked.

>Mfw lost planet after 2

Literally what the fuck

Yeah we get it you vape

Space base DF-9. I was so promising and was being developed by doublefine. fucking early access killed it tho


No, I don't. It is bad for my health, fuck degeneracy. Also, I forgot to mention that piracy also helps :)

Git gud noob.

All Valve games except L4D and Portals. HL2 is shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
Fucking broken Gta games from steam. Used to play whole Gta games pirated, they werent broken.
Ubisoft games from steam, still needs uplay, then why the fuck I bought this shit from steam?

Darksouls 1 and 2 because I hate them
Bioshock 1 doesnt work for me it just crashes
Saints row 4 because the genre is dying and those developers lost their soul
Shadow warrior 2 because my friends told me it was fun and stopped playing as soon as I bought it so no one would coop with me
GTA V because I lost interest in the genre
fallout 3 because it crashes
fallout 4 because I hated it
Borderlands presequel
Starbound because terraria was better

From Dust
Zeno Clash
Legend of Dungeon

I have an entire Steam category to separate these games from the rest, plus another category for games I liked but will probably never play again. Was going to make two shots, but Winter Voices is the only title that didn't fit on the first one.

I liked dark descent, hates a machine for pigs

Saint's Row II and Recettear, eventhough I only paid 5€ for each.

Rising Storm 2 Vietnam
Max Payne 3
No man's sky
Duke Nukem Forever

Open world was ubisoft-tier, quest design was braindead, combat got repetitive in the first 2 hours, enemy design was boring as fuck, main quest was super mario in poland, loot system was pointless, exploration if anything is discouraged and most of all, even simple things like moving around feel janky as fuck.

>Shadow warrior 2 because my friends told me it was fun and stopped playing as soon as I bought it so no one would coop with me

That's a shame, mang. I've been playing coop with my brother and it's fun as shit.

I thought it was a comfy base-building game, but even during the economic missions I get invaded by wildlife and bandits. I actually think it's more stressful than any RTS I've ever played.

>early access survival

Never do this.

Starforge, or, how I learned to not buy early access games

After thoroughly fucking over all of their supporters, the developers (codeHatch) removed the game from the Steam store as one last "fuck you" to delete all the bad reviews and forum posts.


Take your pick, I never learn

I regret For Honor, I regret it so much. I played the alpha, the beta and I thought "wow, this is really fun. It has some quirks specially with the network, but this has been the most complained thing. Surely, they will fix it on release. I am gonna buy it".

I bought the 70 dollars version. I played for 3 days and I was done. I played more during alpha and beta than after actually buying. Constant network problems and not being able to play certain game modes because P2P is bullshit ruined the experience for me.

>tfw I bought Ark on Steam and then was dumb enough to buy it again on Xbox, thinking it had improved

Literally the worst development direction I've seen a game taken in

>Hey guys, what was supposed to be a team-based survival games is being used just to troll and grief new players, should we stop this somehow?
>No, let's forget what we intended this game to be, give the trolls more tools to fuck with other, and even write a FAQ on how to ruin other player's experiences and make entire servers unplayable


>didnt learn his lesson with dayz


No, you are just bad.

For all intents and purposes:

git gud

BoI. What an edgelord piece of shit. The gameplay is alright, but that's about it.

Have you played it recently?
I mean it definitely still has problems but for the most part it has been improved

Yeah I reinstalled it. Unless I want to give Ubisoft more money or grind for eleventy billion hours there's no more content.

This game was fucking terrible. One of the worst games I have ever played. It's literally false advertising.

>you can only play two or three of the 6 or so chapters

I wish it was removed.

Yeah that's one of my only gripes with it. The fucking grind

This one, no further comments ._.

>everyone who doesn't like my poorly made nip game must just be bad at it

Except that I am pretty sure the popular opinion on Dark Souls is overwhelmingly positive. It is not like it is just a group of cult fans rabidly defending it.

>that game
has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>mfw players STILL can't mark electronics detected with IQ's sensor for the rest of the team
>mfw devs still have no idea how to not make friendly drones show up on the sensor
>mfw they spend all their time pumping out grossly expensive skins instead of fixing problems the game has had since launch

>popular opinion must be right because it's popular!

Need I remind you that the most popular game series out there is Call of Recycled Garbage: Same Shit Every Year?

go to bed phil

>Shitmue 3

I agree with this arguement, but you can't say darksouls sucks because of glitches
I experienced the game in a working condition and hate it for actual reasons you fucking lazy asshole
but some effort into your reasoning

Guild Wars 2
at least it taught me to never preorder, even with the trusted developers

holy shit I remember playing that when I was like 7-8

Don't remind me

>C64 RPG
shit, now I'm getting interested

Doom 3
Command and Conquer 4

I don't think I really have any buyer's remorse for specific games.

Don't get me wrong, I have some FUCKING terrible games on my Steam account, but they all came from bundles. Every bundle has at least one bad game. The nice thing about bundles is that they're usually worth the price even if you only want one of the games in them. But then all those shitty games come along for the ride.

Clustertruck - Fun to watch, not too fun to play

Diablo 3
Batman Arkham Origin

Those damn G2A Random 5 Game Bundles


I already own all these

I'm really hoping that's good
Has tons of cool old school stuff included at my level too

>Alpha Protocol

Why does Sup Forums keep pushing this lie that Alpha Protocol is good?

>alpha protocol
>binary domain
you must not like good games

I enjoyed Alpha protocol but it wasn't a good game by any means. It had an interest story but the gameplay was pretty shitty. The only thing that made it playable was speccing in handguns and just blind-firing everyone. Every other gun type was trash, the controls were janky, AI was dogshit, and it was glitchy as hell. But yes, I did really like it.

Thanks annon. XD

DSP is that you?

>enemy attacks clipping through environments that block yours
>enemy attacks tracking you to the point that mooks can spin and land a hit frames before the end of the animation

Rest of it is up to taste but these two things are unacceptable in an arpg built around slow, deliberate combat

Stalker trilogy. What a fucking stuttering mess. Not even ssd helps

I played it with my friends 30 minutes too much to refund this shit. That also was my last alpha/beta game I bought.

The X-Ray engine is hot garbage but I can't help but love SoC, especially with a bunch of mods, even if it does make the unstable clusterfuck of a base game even worse.

inb4 "git gud"

i bought WarZ when it released and i'm to this very day salty about it

i want to forget

>160 hours


>80 posts
>only one mention of No Man's Sky

what was wrong with antichamber?

you gotta actually buy it

Arma 2
Global Agenda
Lead and Gold
Murder Miners
Natural Selection 2
Rust (was good before the re-work)
Shattered Horizon

>Alice: Madness Returns

You have shit taste


Did you buy it before Valve added the big "DOES NOT WORK ON MODERN SYSTEMS" warning to the product page like I did?

Fuck that waste of money

I played the beta and really liked it. I always did really well despite having no idea what the fuck was going on.

Then Overwatch came out and I forgot about Battleborn.

Then I forgot about Overwatch.

darksiders is good

>Dark Souls 2

Shit taste

played with friends, and also a lot of that time is just waiting around

Boarderlands 2
Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics
Dead Pixel (only because there wasn't an online multiplayer)
and Infestation were my buyer's remorse. Fucking wish I could refund all those piece of shit games, but steam rejected the refund request.

I enjoyed it. It's fun playing multiplayer. I even play against the dev with a friend twice. I couldn't play single player though since it keeps crashing.

The last level is fucking bullshit i had a lot of fun leading up to it with the grapple and blink powers.

Literally one of the best dev teams in the industry

Oh I have buyers remorse for days dude.

why do people regret Borderlands 2?

I liked it, but I did not buy for full price so maybe that is why?