"A new character is on the horizon!"

>"A new character is on the horizon!"

Are you ready for Overwatch to get its second simian character, the Diddy Kong to Winston's Donkey Kong?

wake me up in 20 years when there is actual content for this game

We just got four new maps, more options for Custom games, and soon we're getting a new character, what more do you want?

by now there should have been 6 new characters and 10 new maps minimum and custom games should have been a launch feature.

please don't wake up ever and die in your sleep

Blizzard doesn't want to release characters so close to each other, they like letting people use and enjoy the new character before adding another. Making new maps takes time because there's only six people working on making them and they start with a chokepoint made for reinhardt and build out from there.

>Making new maps takes time because there's only six people working on making them

thats a reason, not an excuse.

Maybe they should stop being kikes and give us mod support so the community can make more maps

It's probably not going to be another ape or monkey.
It's going to be a dog or something.

hats are not content

Those specimen are from the moon bunker, which all happen to be monkeys.

>another ape character

Glad to see that Doomfist is the next character

>One year since release in a competitive shooter with free updaten
>6 new characters and ten new maps
what realm do you live in, dude

By this time TF2 put out 3 new official maps, 9 new weapons (which is not anywhere on the level of a hero) and a few community maps


>what realm do you live in, dude

one where this game sold 11 million copies in 60 days and has one of the most brazenly greedy monetization schemes

and valve time is worse than colored people time. i don't consider them to be some shining beacon on a hill for content delivery.

I would much prefer we get a new game mode.


Let's be real here for a moment, the only new thing they'll add during the current season is a map.

Oh please

By now there should have been 30 new maps 20 new characters a map editor a replay system prime matchmaking cross platform support a new soundtrack mod support a LFG system for comp a hub world an auction house an (actual) ARG a hbo miniseries and an apology from blizzard for everything.


I'd prefer anybody who ever played or had anything to do with this necked themselves.

how does jeff's boot taste?

I wonder if it'll be another female

Still no ingame way of uploading highlights. I have to enable relive which brings everything in my computer to a halt just to record 30 seconds of footage and upload it manually.

honestly it might just be that i'm the only man on the planet who hasn't been consumed by hat-lust but i don't consider OW anywhere near "brazenly greedy"

buying game once and getting content forever with the option to pay for shit i couldn't give less of a fuck about is fine by me compared to being badgered into a season pas

Oh, I get it now, because non-whites are primitive mindless monkeys, haha good one.

>diddy kong

you mean lanky kong

>another brown female


god i hope its not a female ape

fucking awful


>not wanting to fug a damn dirty ape

>a goddamn chimpanzee
I wanted Evil Winston, literally as close to Gorilla Grodd as you could get without getting sued by DC. Is that too much to ask, Blizzard?

post yfw they pull out a Riot Games and never release doomfist but they tease him for around 3-4 years and say that it didn't fit the game so they didn't add him.


>not wanting a reptilian character as the K. Rool to Winston's DK

scalie thread in 3.. 2..

>6 characters

We only need doomfist

>10 new maps


>custom games

Only cucks play anything but competitive.

Well I would also gladly take that, but as far as I know the Horizon colony was populated by primates alone so there weren't many chances of getting one from there.
Although rather than adding more kinds of animal people I would rather have it be an omnic themed after a crocodile.

Bull shit, OW should be like League and have a new useless character every week.

>add canon furries to OW
oh the fun


Furries are the people bosessed with anthro animals and who wear suits. I doubt Blizzard will put them in. Actual anthro animals are not furries and we already have one with Winston.

Monkeys don't really count as that kind of thing because people into that shit don't really like simians. If they added like a lizard or something people would go apeshit, though.

>it's a monkey that turned into a human

>racist is also a retard

like clockwork

>with the option to pay for shit

that would be great, when will OW put that in?

but comp is a trash heap containment area for bossy retarded faggots

>next hero is an otaku in a homemade Godzilla suit that has a working flamethrower in its mouth, and a functioning tail used to swipe people away, also has MechaGodzilla's finger missiles as its primary weapons
>he hates Winston with a vengeance because of the ending to King Kong vs Godzilla

Do it, Blizzard.

A campaign

Involving what?