We need to fix Sup Forums NOW!

We need to fix Sup Forums NOW!

>what are some games where
>_______ game when?
>what games let me

Delete every non videogame related thread or post and ban its poster for a month


Any twitters screencap Drama

wtf no no no no no I love denuvo, what happened?

Hiroyuki likes phone games
Its over we lost

Don't expect anything to be done about it though

Why is this filttered.

The piece of shit janny that keeps deleting lol threads needs to kill himself

Literally this, but these phrases shall be autosaged if detected in the original post in any way. Because if they are outright banned, the trolls and falseflaggers will just find ways to loophole it.

Just give us IDs holy shit

Bring back the option to report blatant advertising.

Mobile gaming should get an own board, that should fix all of Sup Forums problems since pcbros, microsoftbros and sonybros are all decent people.

I've always been a fan of shadowbans desu

>disallow new IPs during summer
>disallow users with Reddit cookies
>enforce r9k filters on shit like "what games let me X", "Y BTFO", "why aren't you playing Z" meme threads
>don't allow images of consoles or any console names or company names or well-known developers
Do this for about 1 year and we are good


Why are the mods such massive faggots?

Remove any post mentioning pol, remove all political bait theads.

Because it's very likely that half of all new janitors/moderators taken on in the last 2-3 years have only browsed the site for 2-3 years.

Remove frogposting


>Spoilered video game title in the middle of a quote

This is one of the most cancerous things I've seen in the recent years. Just fucking take it to /vg/.

>Give people IDs.
>Remove e-celeb posting
>Remove Sup Forums, anything that is porn baiting

Adding on to that, maybe the threads can be automoved to /trash/ or something if the system detects the phrases. This way, the blatant off topic threads won't clog up Sup Forums, and the trolls can still have their threads. This way, everyone wins.

Glad I'm not the only one annoyed by that.

Uhhh, what are some games where I can make a meta thread XDD

Mods should be having a fucking field day with
>rules say not to advertise
>lol hey guys advertise your stuff plz
>every single fucking day
Among the other 20ish threads that are literally copypasted onto this shitty fucking board. I feel like even Sup Forumstards are smarter than the people who frequent Sup Forums at this point.