GOG vs Steam

If a game is on both, which site would you buy from?

Why would you do this?

I get it on PSN

>Why would you do this?
Why would you do this?

Multiplayer online game = Steam
Singleplayer game = GoG

Not that complicated

GOG if it's cheaper, but GOG usually doesn't have that many good sales and I've often played and own many of the games they release on GOG.

I only buy stuff when it's absurdly cheap, that usually means steam keys.

GOG without question. Valve is a shitty company and I refuse to give them money ever again

Steam, Simply cause I prefer to have all my games in one place.

Game has native Linux version on GoG and Steam - buy from GoG
Game has native Linux on Steam, but not GoG - buy from Steam
Game has no Linux version / no hope of Linux version - buy windows version from GoG for Wine
Game not on GoG and has no Linux version - do not want

>buying pc games

pirate gog versions

I've bought some games I've really loved from both, but usually it's Steam for muh cheevos and easier multiplayer (if applicable).

I would choose GOG to support them and get more games I can pirate easily


This. Steam usually have better discounts as well
Showing off playtime to friends

steam because i can show off my rare cheevos to my friends

Steam because they let me pay in CAD

>Steam, Bnet, whatever

>Single player
>Pirate it who cares lol

Older games are definite GoG buys because they have a guarantee that the game will work on modern computers and if they can't get it working for you then you get a refund.
Steam games are sold as is, and while you can still get a refund for a nonworking game It's nice knowing that there's a higher chance the GoG game will work out of the "box".

But most of the time I go Steam.

Steam obviously.

Why would you give money to slavs that started their business charging money for language patch on a pirated copy, no licenses?


Steam is paying for a license, not to own the game. However GOG can also disable your account, but not prevent you from downloading the game. Is either really any good? What happened to actually owning games?

Pretty much all PC games since the start of 7th console gen are tied to Steam or any other online distribution service. Buying retail just makes your physical copy a hostage of any one of them, which also makes the physical copy valueless. Buying from GoG makes you actually "own" the game, but technically it's not any different from pirating as far as ownership goes.

The worst thing is there's no alternative on PC. If you want to own the games, you either look to the past or buy a console.

Hey guys,

The game "Squad" is currently on sale on Bumble Bundle, but I can't buy it. Could any generous soul gift it to me on Steam?



GOG, whenever possible.
No DRM has become a quality feature...

Can you buy me "Squad"? It's on sale right now on Humble Bundle.


GOG obviously

Always GOG...
Only GOG...
GOG is the only right answer...

Patrician: Pirate
Plebeian: Steam
Contrarian: GOG

If I have the option to get in on both, always GOG. That way I can boot up and play a game without having to start up a launcher first.
I used to be pretty big on Steam since all the community features were nice for managing your friends, but since everyone I play with also uses Telegram, Discord or Teamspeak, I don't really need the Steam friends list anymore. I barely log in anymore.

I usually do a cost/benefit analysis like any rational person. In this context, that means buying from whichever store offers a better price, but leaning toward the DRM-free option if the prices are the same.

But if the game is a sequel and I have all of the previous games on one account, I will buy the new game on that same account, so that all the games in the series are in one place, because I am autistic.

Unless the game is significantly cheaper on Steam or has some Steam-exclusive "content" (e.g. Spelunky's daily runs), I don't see why I would buy it on Steam.

You can even use the Steam Workshop with GOG-bought games.

Most PC games are linked with some kind of DRM now. Even if they aren't, physical copies can degrade, and GOG distributes are super easy to back up.

GOG's got a long way to go but the no-DRM thing is so fucking nice. I always buy there whenever its an option.

Depends on what it is, but usually it's GOG.

Bethesda.net instead of Steam because I know it's gonna get quality mod support.

I completely agree with him

This literally has never even crossed my mind. The fuck is with the doomsday prepper mentality about servers going down anyway? I buy where it's cheapest when I feel like buying.

>Pretty much all PC games since the start of 7th console gen are tied to Steam or any other online distribution service.
Why the fuck did this happen anyway?

>which site would you buy from?

GOG, easily. No DRM and no shitty bloated backend clients that might require always-online validation.

The only things I don't like about GOG is that they prepackage all the DLC with the game, whether or not said DLC is even worth having. And they tend to optimize games for newer systems, or actually emulate much older games through something like DOSBox. I prefer to tweak things under the hood myself, since GOG's "optimizations" actually just result in the game consuming even more resources on my somewhat legacy system.

So is gog the closest we can get to "owning" our PC games?

Does anyone else do drm-free?

Single player: GOG
Online: Steam



Steam probably because it's where my other games are.



I have never looked at anything my friends have done on steam
what is wrong with you

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.


I'd post the entire thing but apparently Sup Forums is full of Pajeets so the pasta is not allowed.

Newer games and multiplayer games I buy on steam when they're on sale and the sale is good enough (Usually 50% off or more and I'll consider it). Older games are GoG buys when they're on sale.

GoG because I live in a country where a game without protection means that you can give the game to your friends and you can make so much copies for yourself as you want.

I don't really use steam at all anymore and GOG is literally the same thing as steam if you don't have internet friends