Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age

SE posted samples of the entire remastered OST. It's fucking glorious.

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Preordered this earlier this week
Dont normally preorder games hut really hyped for some reason
I never played xii
What is the combat similar too?

Looks like I'll wait for the remaster to play it for the first time

>mfw Giza Plains remastered
Holy shit, it's so beautiful ;_;

>99. The Zodiac Age
New ending credits track or perhaps something else?

fucking so happy, my favourite game OAT is getting even better. thankyou user.

Programming command lines. I'm not joking.

I love it.

>What is the combat similar too?
Xenoblade Chronicles
Dragon Age: Inquisition

FFXII's combat is much better than those two games though.

Best song coming through.

Anyone else unironically thinks that FFXII has the best soundtrack of the entire franchise.

Not the best but among the best for sure.

It's very generic but I still like it. Suits the droning gameplay.

>Playing Revenant Wings and this track starts playing
Excellent taste

>the quality of VA in this game
I wish more developers hired stage actors.

I personally like FF8's soundtrack.
FF12 has my favorite battle system, though.

>get out Sochen Cave Palace
>this BGM starts playing
>3:16 starts at the exact moment the sea comes into view in Old Archades
One of my favorite moments in FF tbqh

Are we getting uncompressed voices or will they still sound like they're talking through a radio?

Good God, the boss battle theme is shit, especially at the 1 minute mark compared to original. He's smashing so many fucking instruments at strange volumes into one another with a lot of these remaster tracks that none of them has time to shine like they used to. Estersand is fine

have you guys decided what jobs you're gonna pick for each party member? i was close on finalizing, but now that each person can have two jobs i'm thrown off

Roll 2d12 for each member

Are we getting undub?

ive played all final fantasies and it is my favorite combat system.
cant even think of any similarities

time mage/machinist for vaan
red mage/samurai for basch

thats all i decided

>mystery of giruvegan
>great crystal
It's kicking in again. The ptsd.

One of the best things about this game is the dialogue. Look at other fantasy games, like Fire Emblem, the dialogue is far too modern.