About to play this. Are there any mods I should consider, or should I do my first runthrough vanilla?

About to play this. Are there any mods I should consider, or should I do my first runthrough vanilla?

Vanilla first.

And cross your fingers in hope that the game runs well.

I have about 23-34 FPS on the lowest settings possible, with no AA or Dynamic lights... and at freaking 720p.

Can you guess my rig?

Titan Xp (the latest Nvidia card), i7 4790k, 16gb ram. Drivers are up to date. I was playing on a GTX 970 before, and had the same problem.

I hope it works well for you.

Install ZRP
That's a fan patch that fixes bugs and stuff so the game works better

nice reddit spacing

Consult this Starting Guide,
then see the /vg/'s huge Stalker General for more tips and links: Play in the release order. Start with no mods - only latest patch, OR get the full "Starter Pack" first; these contain bug-fixers and light visual mods that can help performance as well.
Leave big overhauls for later playthrougs. Avoid the "Complete" -mods. Always play on MASTER difficulty for best realism and atmosphere, and disable crosshair.

Don't give up in the beginning! The starting gear sucks ass and first area can be a bit boring.

You again? Your system is clearly fucked up.
My ancient i5 + 560ti gets > 60fps at 1200p.

You sound like a pretty big loser

Thanks lads. I knew there were some hiccups in the game, but wasn't sure if they were worth modding for. I'm pretty excited to play it

most of the ""hiccups"" people mention are either:
A) 10 years old posts from the days before the game got patched, or
B) Consolikids trying to play it like your generic Cowadooteh, getting their asses handed by low-level bandits on the very first mission when they try to Rambo around all alone, head first.

Latest patch is all you need for all 3 games, and Steam & GOG both automatically provide those.
Master difficulty is VERY advised, because it literally makes the game better: everything dies quicker, you included, and the enemy AI becomes less idiotic. I'd switch off the crosshair as well, it's just in your way, as the exaggerated bullet physics mean you cannot just point & click on enemies, even when aiming down sights.

That being said, it might be a good idea to grab the "starter pack" mods, just in case. Keeps the game very much vanilla, but introduces some minor fixes + more options. Can also help performance WHILE also improving visuals a tiny bit.

Oh cool, thanks! I'll go check out the /vg/ thread in a jiff. I figured release order was right, too, though I know that Clear Sky is a prequel. I'll definitely take what you said in consideration, thanks again

Alright nice, I figured that was the case, but the confirmation helps. I'll go in master, wish me luck.

Attaboy. Remember to thread lightly, always with caution.

I'd try to find a few mods with some QOL enhancements. The way bullets behave is absolutely retarded, and hunting for dropped guns is a pain.

Don't get any repair mods though since that's too casual.

no son, you're the retarded here.
Vanilla is balanced out in a very specific manner. Upgrading your arsenal is THE form of progression you do in the game, and the shitty rookie gear are the only thing really keeping you from running from start to the Chernobyl NPP.

>hutning for dropped guns is a pain
ADHD much?
Ever heard of Holding F button? Or how about you BUY your shit instead?

Endgame weapons except for the gauss rifle still behave so retarded it's not worth dealing with. If I take the time to perfectly line up a shot, low crouch, and don't move, it should hit instead of flipping a coin.

Guns all over the floor clutter shit, and it's much easier to manage when they stay on a corpse. It happens in vanilla sometimes anyway.

What mod should I use for CoP? Just finished replaying SoC with complete. It was bad.

>Endgame weapons except for the gauss rifle still behave so retarded it's not worth dealing with
>If I take the time to perfectly line up a shot, low crouch, and don't move, it should hit instead of flipping a coin.
tl;dr: you're so ADHD that you literally cannot learn how weapons work and appreciate that sweet bullet drop, that makes long-distance kills feel satisfying as fuck, and also allow behind-cover kills if done right.

>Guns all over the floor clutter shit, and it's much easier to manage when they stay on a corpse
ah, you're a fucking Complete09 faggot too. That explains it.

>Just finished replaying SoC with complete. It was bad.
Why the living fuck did you even touch Complete in the first place? We've been saying it for almost a decade now: STAY. THE. FUCK. AWAY. FROM. COMPLETE!

See , grab Starter Pack / play pure vanilla.

Bullet drop is easy to gauge and adjust to. It's literally impossible to compensate for how vanilla handles bullet spray. It's worse than CS:GO and impossible to defend.

>Endgame weapons except for the gauss rifle still behave so retarded it's not worth dealing with
Git gud

I told you last thread, I had already played regular and wanted to try complete. Even if it was shit I wanted to see it for myself.
I'll check some of these out, thanks.

Play on master and disable the crosshair. Save big mods for your subsequent playthroughs. Soon you will become a man of the zone.

>Vanilla first.
I played SoC vanilla again after countless modded playthroughs and I am having the time of my life. The shooting mechanics are not as bad as in my memory.
t. 900 hours in all STALKER games

>It's literally impossible to compensate for how vanilla handles bullet spray.
it literally, absolutely, completely, and perfectly certainly is not.

Low-crouch, sit tight, get better guns & ammo, maybe get to a higher ground too, and the shots will hit within the area within your crosshair.

Once again, you're too retarded to try and MASTER the game, and thus you want to change the game itself .


Neither of those are long range.

the VSS footage is. And that's about the maximum distance you'll ever engage enemies in STALKER games.

Nope. Try sniping the Monolith dudes with RPGs in the stadium from the entrance and see what happens.

They dropped just nicely the last time I ran through vanilla in 2014 or so. And many times before that in AMK.

First playthrough should always be vanilla. If you encounter a bunch of glitches or performance issues, try installing the Zone Reclamation Project mod. It fixes lots of bugs with minimal changes to the game itself.

Not going to believe it without a video. I've emptied entire clips and didn't hit them.

it looks like you are just shit, the stadium encounter you barely have to use 2 lines up from the sight to take the shot with proper accuracy to counter the bullet drop its not even a lot of drop, it clearly shows that you are just shit at this

It's not bullet drop when the bullets hit to the side or above them with a shot perfectly lined up on their head.

holy shit, you can't possibly this bad

>not using the unique sniper TRs-301 to pop Monolith niggas

>using anything other than Kora for humans and knife for muties

>not using Big Ben on everything
guess you aren't a real hero after all

What's wrong with Complete? Never played with it, only played vanilla way back when it came out.

>Consolikids trying to play it like your generic Cowadooteh, getting their asses handed by low-level bandits on the very first mission when they try to Rambo around all alone, head first.
I've seen PRO PC GAYMERS do that too and then they complain about how broken and unbalanced everything is and tell you to install a bunch of mods to "fix" the gameplay.

I'm no hero.
Just a cheeki that has to breeki.

tl;dr it is being sold as a bugfix mod, but in reality it is a complete overhaul that makes the game easier

The creators lie about their complete mods leaving gameplay untouched and only fixing bugs and graphics.

Basically what complete does right, other mods do better, and what it does wrong (dumbing down gameplay) ruins the experience.

Always use the knife on Bloodsuckers, guns don't do shit against them.

Unless you're playing Call of Chernobyl mod. Bloodsuckers can stuck lock you up close, so you have to kite and shoot.

apply unofficial patch in order to avoid nasty bugs, like eternal radiation poisoning

I only have SoC and I always run up to them and stab them before they can attack.