Why is the Souls franchise such shit?
Why is the Souls franchise such shit?
Because it's been getting worse and worse with each game.
Demon's Souls was their magnum opus
DaS was a Walmart brand copy of DeS
DaS2 was random video game they slapped the title Dark Souls on
Dark Souls 3 was a Walgreens brand copy of DaS
Bloodborne isn't in the souls franchise, so naturally it's just as good as DeS
DeS, DaS and BB are the best.
Sequels were a mistake.
I loved Bloodborne a lot but holy shit, DaS was bad. Still haven't played DeS.
>haha dude this popular and well-liked thing is secretly bad. Do I fit in yet?
Imagine DaS, but not shit.
That's DeS.
Demon's Souls was pretty much a beta for Dark Souls. All of its features feel unpolished and half-assed.
>haha everyone's must conform to popular opinion or theyre a hipster xD
I'll be sure to pick it up when I have the chance. It looks pretty interesting.
You all say the souls community is shit, but the fucking worst of it comes from Sup Forums. Suprise suprise.
They don't learn from mistakes and phone it in each time. DaS was a fluke that's still mostly unfinished after Anor Londo.
I think one of the better examples is that DS2 included several base game arenas. But then it has fucking SM lol.
Meanwhile DS3 - like DS1 - charges players money for arenas as DLC. They remove SM, but then also introduced a host of other problems like castrating invasions again (no invasions after boss clear WITHOUT DS1's nonlinear map design to work around this) and as a result also castrating blue phantoms.
They're simply not made by people interested in creating the best game they can make. It isn't even an argument about dev time as even brain dead replay value additions like Champ covenant, rings for no death/no bonfire, and tossing a bunch of fucking red phantoms everywhere in NG+ was shit the DS2 devs managed.
Oh, well that's a shame because shitting on dark souls is the cool thing to do nowadays. That makes YOU the conformist.
How do you even argue against this? You may as well say "buhhhh, everything is shit nowadays"
What is with you fanboys always coming up in these threads and starting shit. Sup Forums is the only place where criticizing any game gets some fag like you in here calling the board shit or deflecting with ">but das2" or ">but DaS3"
Fuck off.
Right man criticizing anything makes you hipster, good job.
>dude generic bosses lmao
>such hard game
>i die a lot
>this makes me hardcore
>look at all the scary knight guys and spooky monsters
I haven't played any Souls games ever, but I'm assuming this is the gist of it, right?
Pretty much.
I'm gonna let you in on a little secret my dude: you aren't special for hating dark souls.
Souls games are a lot like The Beatles. Hating them is babies first contrarian opinion.
YOU'RE the one starting shit.
>criticizing a game is now the equivalent of hating on it
nu Sup Forums everyone
>i haven't played the game, so allow me to describe why the game is bad.
Also I really doubt you haven't played them, false flagger.
I think the fact that Sup Forums discusses all five of the games so damn often and in depth proves that they're great games and widely respected here.
>god these games are such shit
>i-its just criticism bro
You must have never played a real bad game if you think souls is shit.
discussions about the game vary a lot
DeS/DaS/BB threads usually go without hitch, BB threads usually get pcfags or >10 DAYS shitposter
DaS2 threads usually start off fine, but then DaS3fags shit it out.
DaS3 threads usually start off fine, but the moment ANYONE says ANYTHING negative about the game, it turns into a shitshow.
>respected here.
Absolutely not. That would be too mainstream for Sup Forums.
>Games that look and play differently cannot be both bad
I'm sorry, did you just have a stroke? What the fuck are you talking about?
The last good souls game came out in 2009
I enjoyed playing DaS3.
I didn't like it very much, but I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Yeah Yeah, le edgy contrarian meme. Opinion discarded. Also I doubt you'd still have that opinion if souls didn't become so popular with normies.
DS2 from Humble Monthly
So the argument of everyone defending DS in this thread is
>lel you just want to have a different opinion and be a special snowflake xddd
DaS3 is unironically the second best game in the series because of presentation, boss fights, combat in general and overall moments. Its the second because of linearity, a bunch of weak areas and some balancing retardedness, but the immense hate Sup Forums throws on it is largely completely unjustified.
>basing your opinions off what other people think and not your own
You're the problem with this board.
This is lioness story, you're not fooling anyone this time
DeS is utter garbage compared to DS1, don't fall for it.
>acquire soul ray to kill every boss first try
>magnum opus
But that's what you're doing though.
If souls games are so bad why does everyone but Sup Forums like them?
Not even this user but that's exactly what you're doing in this thread. If everyone like this game, then it be 100% rating on every review-type website. You're blindly riding the popularity and saying it has no flaws because people like it. Where people like me have our own personal opinions of each game and like to discuss what we like and what we don't like and you come in saying we're hipsters for not conforming to popular opinion. You're exactly what's wrong with this board.
Every game has something like this. DaS magic was so broken, that you could soft-lock the fucking game for killing a boss so quickly.
No, the argument is that souls games are fun despite their flaws. You people will try to emphasize those flaws and downplay the quality. It's not my problem if you're doing it solely because normies like it.
Sup Forums likes them but because the fanbase is one of the most cancerous to have ever existed, no one is capable of letting people have their opinions and every. single. thread. revolves around shitposting about subjective opinions.
I wonder how many people commenting in this thread in favor of DeS have actually played it.
It's a good game, but there's a reason it didn't go mainstream until DaS. DeS just wasn't polished enough.
And stop with the "DaS II was the worst game ever" shit. It's the worst Souls, but nowhere near a bad game.
DaS III is pretty good too. As is Bloodborne. They're all just good games, Sup Forums, give it a break.
Loved DaS1, completed it on Sl1, never interested in the multiplayer
PLayed BB, loved it even more than DaS1, I think, PvE only.
DaS3-thought it's better than the first one and almost as good as BB, maybe even better sometimes
Why is Sup Forums's taste so shit?
Or maybe
Now hear me out
Maybe Sup Forums is filled with hipsters who hate things solely for their popularity.
I get that AAA games are shit nowadays, but you're lying to yourself if you actually think souls games are bad.
DaS2 is the best for mages. Thus it's my favorite. DaS1 went backwards in magic compared to Fed.
>buuh, there are no games that ever improve in the sequels
user, Sup Forums doesn't understand the idea of ochams razor.
the dark souls trilogy only appeals to redditor and fake gamers to proof there ''gamer cred', true gamers play demon souls and bloodborne
>but you're lying to yourself if you actually think souls games are bad.
The only one saying this is you and the OP.
Everyone is criticizing the latter games and why they think the older games did it better.
It's a good thing gamers are dead
unironically correct
DaS2 is better than DaS.
You clearly haven't played Dark Souls 2 my man. It's brilliant.
why is my subjective opinion correct and yours wrong
You're right user, let's just ignore all of this
Bloodborne fan boys need to kill themselves
Too late user, the 14 year olds found the word "objectively" in the dictionary and they aren't afraid to turn that shit into a buzzword.
Well DaS2 is unironcally the best entry in the entire blood demon souls franchise as much as trogladites around here refuse to admit it.
None of those are saying all the games are bad because it's popular except 1 poster, which is the narrative you keep pushing
It's too late now.
DeS was the last game I played in the franchise, and its unironically my favorite game.
I am sorry to be the baron of bad news, but you seem buttered, so allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies, and are more than just ice king on the cake. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite.
So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality.
I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.
Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the fax, instead of making a half-harded effort. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it's a peach of cake.
Baby's first RPG (which applies very loosely to this game in the first place). Only got popular because of "muh difficulty" because everyone who played it played every other game on the lowest difficulty. Souls, Witcher and Nier are the unholy trinity of shitty overrated Sup Forums trash
Wow. Now THAT'S a stretch. Christ, Mr. Fantastic is envious on how much of a stretch that argument was.
>this game is awesome!
>it becomes popular
>ugh, this game is IMMEDIATELY shit now
>w-well they never SAID they hated it because it was popular.
This is probably the best post in this thread.
DeS: Legitimately good game
DaS: Good game, copies a bit too much from DeS, but has better combat
DaS 2: Good game, cashes in a bit too much on the "Dark souls is hard xd" meme due to advertising and community. Has a unique combat system which can be viewed as better depending on opinions
Bloodborne: Fromsoft going back to their roots of DeS "hard but fair" motto, Story/World/Lore building is important but shouldn't be the focus. Combat is the best in the series. Great game, likely the best in the series
DaS3: Good game, fully cashes in on the dark souls is hard meme, relies heavily on call backs and references from the first game. Really solid combat system and best bosses of the series
Saying shit is a bit extreme, but since this is Sup Forums, I know when you say shit you don't actually mean that the games are shit but w/e
You keep spouting everyone in this fucking thread is calling all the games shit because they're hipsters, when really its some people saying some of the games are shit. Go be a retard somewhere else.
>second best game in the series because of... boss fights
Stopped reading there.
I feel the same way, but be careful someone might call you a hipster because you're not blindly sucking the games dick
When Sup Forums, a website known for hating things for childish and autistic reasons, hates something for a childish and autistic reason then it's pretty safe to assume they have no idea what they're talking about.
Go shove your head a fucking lightyear up your own ass.
>Look at me! Give me attention!
>I am special because i do not like this mainstream franchise!
>Give me the contrarian points right now!
>I am however going to make thread after thread about this franchise i hate and argue about it on Sup Forums.
Actually just kill yourself. I'm not even a Souls shill, i just think that you and everyone like you is fucking pathetic.
What a shitty thread, theres legitimate discussion going on but you retards keep responding to bait
Still more to offer than DS2 an DeS.
You know what the worst part is? The idiots in this thread actually call this "criticism".
And yes, I know I accidentally called Sup Forums a website. Fuck off.
I'm not even going to bother reading the rest of this thread and am just going to bail out. But I want to say if you posted this or responded to any of the following posts above you're whats wrong with this board. Yes that includes me
stop falling for shit bait
>26 posters
>81 replies
Yes, I can tell this thread is going to be filled with legitimate discussion and not stale bait.
I feel like we may need a second holocaust at this point.
they really can be a challenge and feel pretty rewarding. if you let Sup Forums fags put you off games, there aren't gonna be many games for you to play.
What's more fun, continuing the dungeons, at level 4 I think
a ng+ with the burial blade
a completely new character
I completed the game only once and kind of don't remember where I have to go in the game. It's very cryptic
Game gets kind of samey though, especially in the beginning areas
Because it's popular, and you can't like popular things. This guy is mostly right though. I liked Dark Souls more than Demon's Souls, however.
Here's a (you)
>Because it's popular
why do people here think this?
Sure, it's popular on Sup Forums, but outside it's only popular in the sense that people know about it's existence really well
Dark souls sold like 3 million copies, Diablo 3 or Skyrim sold over 30 millions. Believe it or not but it's really an anti-casual game.
>why do people here think this?
Because a lot of people here are contrarians. It's when they can't or don't try to explain why they dislike something that sets of signals. I know that there are people who just happen to not like some popular things.
>but outside it's only popular in the sense that people know about it's existence really well
That's enough for the contrarians here to hate something.
>I haven't played any Souls games ever, but I'm assuming this is the gist of it, right?
That's what I thought too, and then I actually played them. Once I learned to play and got some decent equipment, I didn't die all that often, but still had fun. I just like the level design, the visuals, the builds, and such. It's just fun to me.
>only exclusives are good games
Alright Neogaf, go home!
This. Stop giving a shit what Sup Forums says about games. I've found some great games that Sup Forums has gushed over, but some games Sup Forums shits on are also great. Whether they're casual normie games or esoteric hardcore games, just play what you enjoy.
if dark souls 2 had brought back gwyn as the final boss and used the same music you would all have sperged out about the game being fanfiction yet it's okay when dark souls 3 does it because
Japan Studios were the reason they were so good, not because it was exclusive.
tgis is some good bait
It became a meme game after Demon's Souls