Why is it okay when From Software does it?
Why is it okay when From Software does it?
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what doth it do, unkindled ome?
because the game has a lot of creepy stuff so tranny freaks fit in perfectly
Does that mean Gwyndolin peed while sitting down?
Japan, old sunrise land put lipstick in dudes and women
Only when he sat on my face.
>Takes up a ring slot
Fuck that. Into the box it goes.
It's only become a political issue in recent years in only the west. When Japan has trans characters (people that break gender norms) there is no political agenda, it's either because it's funny, is a sexual novelty, or is an interesting idea for a character. They don't have to censor what they want to do or cater to any market with these characters.
Trans people have existed since the beginning of civilization or even before that. There's no reason not to include them, especially if you have no ulterior motive by doing so.
Gods don't need to urinate
does what?
japan isn't populated with christians or muslims, so sexuality as a whole isn't a big deal.
religion is literally the only reason that people care about who fucks who
>Trans people have existed since the beginning of time
Prove it faggot
transgender people juat started sprouting up ever since the internet came around and they could get in contact with other delusional crazies.
>trans people have existed since the beginning of civilization
You mean hermaphrodites? Cause that is a genetic rarity under 1%, faggot. They are born with mixed parts.
>He was described as having been "delighted to be called the mistress, the wife, the queen of Hierocles" and was reported to have offered vast sums of money to any physician who could equip him with female genitalia
Cuz Western devs are incapable and inept.
Are you retards 10 years old or something?
Don't bother arguing this, Sup Forumsfags are delusional and think that trans people are a massive jooz/libruls conspiracy to get men to cut their dicks off. Muh mental illness and all that. The only salvation is to leave this thread.
Western games usually feel like they have some sort of duty to represent trans people
Japan just panders to gays who like traps
>muh mental illnes
Yeah a guy thinking he's a women is totally sane.
Transexuals are nothing new. People back then were no different from us, do you honestly think there weren't crossdressers until recently?
>Sullen Brooding Trap Goddess
>Including a Japanese person when women were banned from stage plays in the 1600s because of daylight prostitution
Everybody on stage was a man, even the women.
In fact, I can guarantee all those people in that image are actors.
This is a pretty common sentiment, actually. Transsexuals are generally agreed upon as being mentally ill, it's the treatment for the illness that sparks discussion.
Either way you spin it, if someone volunteered themselves to live in their own delusion then they are beyond help once they've gone through surgery.
Are you providing an argument or just having a shitfit?
>that one on the left
Nice hips
Because it doesn't fucking matter what other people like, do or say
You're both fucking retarded. The number of them has increased a lot but they've been around forever.
Like really you basically have to have stopped caring about history at all outside of highschool to have never seen a reference to them in the past.
So yeah, you're ten years old.
>a guy thinking he's a woman
and just like that, the 15 year old Sup Forumstard fresh off the boat from reddit has already shown that he knows nothing about trans people.
HRT and SRS are accommodations, not treatment. The argument made by Sup Forumsfags is that instead of letting trans people be more happy with their bodies, there should be a hunt for some mystical anti GD drug that doesn't exist, or it should be treated with CBT. They will repeatedly spout "muh mental illness" because they don't understand the idea of destigmatizing mental conditions in the first place.
imagine if you were born with female brain chemistry but a male body
is that hard to imagine?
They've been around since civilization started, yes. I was asking if he meant hermaphrodites.
Either way, trannys are delusional freaks. They need serious help and the only reason that more people claim to bs trans is because this whole transexual rhetoric is being shoved in childrens faces and the idea of it is being paraded around in the media and on the internet.
What if I think both "sides" are a shitload of fuck?
Not an argument.
tight corset.
The only thing that's changed is that they're less likely to be immediately imprisoned or murdered for saying they're transgender.
Because you don't really care about what other people do that doesn't affect you and they both say you're horrible for not sharing their opinion.
you have to be 18 to post on this website
Have you ever seen male to female surgery?
Or FtM surgery for that matter?
Being a dumb asshole who thinks the internet invented everything you don't like is not a fact or argument either.
Doesn't make it any less sexy
Honestly, yes it is.
Male/Female says very little about your mind.
It refers to your body.
Are socially constructed, not something innate, even if they may be influenced by natural differences between sexes.
Trans people sometimes repeat this, that genders are a social construction, yet they chain themselves to that construction, it's crazy.
You have zero arguments.
Because you still don't understand that you should just fucking stop caring about gender shit. You keep complaining that SJWs only care about their gender politics. What's your response? Inverted and extrapolated gender politics shitposts that most people don't even believe in but help give them more reasons why gamers are not inclusive enough or whatever.
Just fucking stop caring. You are just as bad as them. Why do you give a rat's ass about which gender is where or what or whatever, just fucking chill man damn
its ok if the trannies are sexy
its not ok when they are inserted just to shreck your privilege
Honestly I'd expect that if you go far enough back they'd just be socially ostracized/relegated to brothels for people with weird tastes. They'd probably just get treated like the guy who claims he's a parrot or is paralyzed in half of his body.
It's okay when they do it because it's muh lore.
Do you have any idea how much impact the internet has had?
Do you have any idea how much information has accelerated?
Perfectly sane, moral, and healthy.
you have a zero in your age
protip: it's 10
you have to be 18 to post on Sup Forums
>ugly people shouldn't be allowed to breastfeed because eww
Beautiful, simply beautiful!
Traps are not Trannies
>because a bunch of people did it in the past, it's okay to do so now
I guess it's okay for me to marry an 8 year old girl and kill my offspring if they are daughters huh?
based as fuck
JESUS CHRIST, rip that kid when he grows up
So what are you doing here?
trannies should be sterilized.
Stunning and brave!
Would you wear it?
LGBT pride!
Actually child marriage like that was incredibly rare for most of human history.
Why would you have to change body's though...just be a fem dude it's cool
And so was trannies. It wasn't as common as you think it was.
not with muslims
>He doesnt pee while sitting down
What a fucking pleb. Is kinda understandable if you don't do it on public bathrooms, but in your own house? Peeing while sitting is one of the most coziest shits ever.
>all these faggots defending these abominations
Don't act like the media doesn't push it for political reasons..
Being socially ostracized if you had status is basically ruining your life.
hold on a second. is this a "board culture" thread?
So that makes it ok XDDDD
I'm going to marry children and slaughter in the name of Allah!
t. overweight fatass that can't even muster the strength to stand up
>one of the most coziest shits ever.
No, its peeing! hahah get it!
>losing an argument so you report the thread
How much of a loser can you be?
This thread is about the topic of genderbending in vidya, which turned into one about trannies.
I do when Miss has me locked up. Too much of a mess to piss regularly
I literally never said they were common, in fact I said the exact opposite by saying they were much rarer. I just said that they've been around for about as long as we have records.
Can't argue with that and don't really want to.
Well yes. I was just saying they most likely wouldn't be locked up or murdered.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
>acknowleging trans people existed before you were born is supporting them
>Enslaving a child is the same as a person changing their own sexual characteristics.
No wonder Drumpf is president.
Lmao delusional trannies are the worst
Reminder that there are only TWO genders and you can't denny it
You know who I'm talking about.
I can only think of one example before contemporary times
>People still don't know gender is the social construct of sexuality, and feel like its locked in place
Earth is flat lol
It's okay user, some day you'll try it and regret your words.
Btw I weight 75kg (and im not gonna bother putting it in 'muh freedom units')
But Sup Forumsyp you are a newfag
>t_d cuck
>calling others newfags
who gives a fuck about what some retards on the tv say? boomers? it has no relevance to actual trans people. not to mention that news media only mentions trans people when they're trying to virtue signal, like that jenner garbage.
I didn't want you to argue with it, I just wanted you to acknowledge that Muslims are child molesters.
Just because someone in the past did it does not make it suddenly okay for you to do it as well, faggot.
Virtually all transsexuals agree that there are only two genders because their own gender dysphoria supports that notion. You can't be the 'wrong' gender if there's unlimited options
>Damn, better send him back to the boogeyman board since he got me
Alright lads, guess I'll pick up my fedora and go : ^ )
>The number of them has increased a lot but they've been around forever.
On what basis?
Probably on the basis of greek men dressing up boys to be cute then fucking them in the ass, dubbing it as "teachings."
show me your freedom units
queer types still acknowledge the masculinity/femininity behavior scale user, which is what actually matters, not the names "man" and "woman"
>been here since 2006
>newfags think they're oldfags since they started browsing in 2010+
Don't kid yourself.
i shouldn't have to tell you twice
but during the stone age...