I am celebrating 4000 days since my branding...

I am celebrating 4000 days since my branding. Never touched a cheat since but is still being called a cheater when I win in games, all because of this brand.

You think it's reasonable to be branded for life? I would never advocate for them to remove my specific ban, but why do I need to showcase something that happend almost 11 years ago?

How does it feel like to be a retarded teenager?

>How does it feel like to be a retarded teenager?
It was 11 years ago user but he most certainly was a retarded teenager when he got this ban.

>You think it's reasonable to be branded for life?

yep, you're the one who decided to cheat, so you deserve it, faggot.

>get VAC ban before VAC was updated for orange box
>ban doesn't affect any games released after 2007

What's the point anymore?

Imagine if this had a real world equivalent.

What if jerking off to loli porn gets you permanently branded irl
What if voting trump got you branded?
what if watching anime get you branded

Once a cheater, always a cheater.

cheater, cheater, alcoholic wife beater

Wew now these are some hella false equivalencies. To be expected of Sup Forums.

It's almost as if you knowingly accept a EULA and sign an agreement when you download and use Steam. Hmmmmmmmm.

Your option to not opt into it. There's a reason why it doesnt play out in politics.

>What is a criminal record.

Yeah, I was 16 years old at that time. The VAC ban I got was for cheating in a fy_iceworld server on Counter Strike 1.6. It was retarded, sure, but is it really reasonable to have to "suffer" for it now?

it does have a real world equivalent

it's called being marked as a sex offender.

You should've just made another account if you care so much about a ban.

>Download Steam
>EULA and other details state what happens if you cheat. Details VAC usage.
>Cheat anyways.


>playing Dirty Bomb
>enemy sniper is pulling off shots too quick and too accurately then humanely possible
>check account
>VAC ban
I mean I think it's good to have them branded. It just helps prove they are cheating.

those get deleted after some years in my country (10 to be exact)

so user is treated worse than a criminal

Imagine if every single thing you ever got a boner to, even when you were a kid, was permanently branded on you? Even the things you don't remember popping a boner to.

You couldn't have had very many Steam games 10 years ago. Why didn't you just start another account?

Please tell me you didn't fill up a banned account with hundreds of games over the past decade.

not even op, im saying imagine if the scenario were true
those aren't publically available, im talking about what if i can see you in person and see you're a criminal just by a brand on your person
yes this is the scenario im trying to imagine

>You think it's reasonable to be branded for life?
Yeah, actually, at least on an online platform, plus public executions like yours help to disincentivize cheating. Make a new account if you don't like being called a cheater.

Don't be daft. Nearly all countries keep permanent records of all criminal acts.

What you're talking about is that a record check for a job or something won't bring up an irreverent act x years down the line.

If you raped a child in your teens that would still be there and would flag up if for some reason you wanted to be a teacher in your 50's
If you stole something at 16 and then again at 40 it would still count as a repeated offense. Regardless if it flagged up in a check or not.

>loonix has no VAC
>can't get VAC'd

make a new account faggot

I literally tried to use an aimbot on a CSS gungame server like 8 years ago.
It never even worked but I still got branded

There has been a few situations where VAC bans were straight up fucked wasn't there? Like with the Modern Warfare 2 lobbies that you could just get matched into and banned.

get fucked kid

Yeah actually.

I've never cheated, even when I was a stupid teenager. I'm not branded a cuck like you :^)

there wasn't even anything worth losing on steam eleven years ago. why didn't you just abandon the account.

They reversed almost all of those, and refunded people's purchases, too.

I didn't think much of it at the time, so yeah, I filled it up with games.
Well, I suppose that's a way to look at it.

once a cheater always a cheater, scum

>mfw Member for 12 years, 622 games and no bans

Ah, I didn't know that, still would be a terrifying day I bet.

Just wait 10 years and it'll disappear you fuck.

>user in charge of math

>cheat on DS1 so i can make my character THICC
>be extramly cautiouse
>didnt got banned

feels good

Make a new account, or live with your mistakes.
>unironically using steam in the year 2017

No DaS has VAC. At most you could get softbanned from their own servers

>branded for political beliefs

Wew lad, and they call us the fascists.

Because DS1 doesn't have vac. You don't have to be cautious, you can fucking curse people left and right in the Parish without consequences if you want to.
I liked it because it let me play around with kiddos that used inf HP trainers and such

the game doesnt have VAC
but you can get VAC banned for using cheat engine

you could cheat to your heart's content and not get any type of ban in DS1


If you believe in your politics enough to vote for them, why don't you believe in them enough to stand up to your ideals?

There's a difference between voluntarily representing someone and being forcefully branded.

The American portion of Sup Forums still doesn't understand that freedom of speech does not apply to a private businesses freedom to deny you service if you violate their terms.

>You think it's reasonable to be branded for life?
For cheating online, absolutely.

If there are social repercussions for people knowing who you voted for, maybe that person wasn't someone you should have voted for? just saying.

>tfw 8 years, 1200 games, 4800 hours no vac bans

what is a registered sex offender

For some reason people on Sup Forums shit on cheaters saying stuff like once a cheater always a cheater.

So what you are saying is that you should always confine your own beliefs to what the majority deems acceptable? Sounds dangerous to me.

And those social repurcussions are a form of fascism. How do leftists not understand that? I guess democracy is only good when your side wins.

No, stand up to your ideals.

"You see, we like our Nazis in uniform. That way we can spot 'em just like that. But you take off that uniform, ain't no one ever gonna know you were a Nazi. And that don't sit well with us. So, I'm gonna give you a little something you can't take off."

I've never cheated, even when I was I kid I already knew that only losers cheat.

Serves you well, loser.

>le trump voters are ebil nazis maymay

Neck yourself.

I never cheat online, but always cheat offline

I didn't agree with that because most people in the german army were forced to enlist and not something they were willingly standing up for.

But when you voted republican, you willingly voted for that. That was all you. There is no harm in people seeing who you voted for. There are still laws that exist to prevent anything to harm your person or property.

>its been 11 years since i raped a child
>shouldnt my crimes be forgotten and forgiven after a time?

>No, stand up to your ideals.
And get beheaded by those who don't agree with you. Must feel good to be on the "good side" and be able to say anything you want.

Yes, because raping a child and cheating in a video game carries the same weight when it comes to the result of the crime.

Noone is going to behead you for being anti-gay, anti-minority, anti-science, and anti-civil rights. We still have laws that protect you.

>hurr durr lets ostracize people for voting one of the 2 candidates

the "tolerant" left

one is ruining someone elses fun in life
the other one is ruining someone elses fun in life.

>Must feel good to be on the "good side" and be able to say anything you want.
it feels amazing :^)

Good you understand

>sleep with 17yo gf
>have your life ruined permanently by being branded together with rapists and fetishits
I dont defend criminals but your justice is bullshit
>people get less for murder than tax evasion

You 100% deserve it.

Criminal records aren't public.

>tfw 13 years and no vac

>commit a crime
>it's ok when I do it

VAC bans don't appear publically visible after a few years

You a lyin' ass nigga

>Getting branded for life
>No buying property
>No living in the nicest neighbourhoods
>Always carrying the stigma of what you did whenever you interact with people

What's stopping you from buying property?

who did you molest, user?

>vac banned when I was younger on a cs 1.6 server
>immediately made a new account
your fault for choosing to stick with that account

Are you advocating non-anonymous voting? Do I even need to talk about the insane problems with that?

Also OP, send in a support ticket to valve asking to get rid of it and tell us what they say.

>Do I even need to talk about the insane problems with that?
Yes, you do.
Please, what is the harm in having people know what you voted for. What you vote for has an impact on everyone, why shouldn't we know?

This is only a thing if you raped a kid.

He means a public register. If you had that, people could be hunted down for their opinions.

But its fine for people to reveal their voting disposition on their own, because then they run the risk of ostracisation themselves. But a public registry? Nah, fuck that.

If you seriously don't see a problem with making a public list with everyone's political ideas then you must have holes in your brain

>cheat in games sometimes to piss of retarded spergs
>when I play legit I still shit on everyone

How does it feel knowing a cheater is better than most of you scrubs? :^)

>people could be hunted down for their opinions.
We have laws preventing that.

When have laws ever stopped someone?

>just conform to the majority! its easy!

We have laws in place to prosecute people who do that. We have nothing preventing it, and this would only make it easier for people to target others

No, because that knowledge would influence who people would vote for. The vast majority would vote for whoever they think everyone else would vote. Also group think. The rest would fall in line under threat of violence or loss of job and property. This is literally how corrupt strong arm leaders stay in power. Or do I need to break it down to you Barney style with a pirate ship example?

not everyone is a nigger user

My friend cheated in a private server with just him and some bots to fuck around and got VAC banned
He can no longer play one of his favourite games and is permanently marked as a hacker

Gun and drugs are illegal in Mexico, murder is illegal in every country. I don't need to imply what you are saying is stupid any further.

You are a fucking troll, I'm done.

Prove it.

>STEAM was around when he was 11

Fuck off underage piece of shit

What laws stopped Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, Jeremy Christian, Dylan Roofe, James Holmes, Timothy McVeigh?

cool anecdotes

why didn't you just make a new steam acc when you got banned?

I was talking to him in a skype call while it happened, I think I'd know
But you won't believe me anyways, and there's not really anyway to give proof

Dude, steam launched in the early 2000's. It's been around over a decade.Somebody who was ~4 when it launched is probably not violating this sites policies now.

And if you think that makes you feel old, go fuck yourself kid, I played Shining Force and Valis 3 when they were brand new

Steam came out in 2003 retard

Then maybe we need to do a better job at preventing criminals from breaking the law?