

>INB4 Butt-hurt crackers

Eat shit and die, as far as I'm concerned if a major company like ubisoft believes it, its true


Does it really bother anyone here at all if they had to play a character that isn't the same skin color as you?

It's just never been a problem for me at all despite never having played anything that represented my people positively at all. The only two games I know of that even featured my people would be Hitman 2 and Just Cause 2, and they were stereotypical as fuck both times. Shit was hilarious.


It bothers me that I'm playing a fellow egyptian and he's not the same skin color as me.

We are not black people. We may be africans, but not negroes.

Dude, we already have t-shirts confirming it's called Assassins Creed Origins.
Why are obese people making up stuff to try to force le WE reddit memes about this game?

Is it Ubisoft marketeers, employing the same shilling tactics they are using with Far Cry 5?

Im not from Sup Forums but Egyptians weren't black I don't understand what's happening


Post screens of the protag please, I haven't seen it yet.

What I don't understand is why you are acting as if you know anything.

There's not.

No one fucking cares you retarded faggot
If it turns out the main character is black then how's it going to change you? You probably won't buy the fucking game anyways, but hey you have to be angry at SOMETHING right?
Yeah, then stop giving it free advertising. It isn't even confirmed that the protagonist is black, so you're only pushing the Egypt = nigger idea by giving it attention
Saged, kill yourself OP

Fucking whitey can't even comphrend the power of King Chickenbit Biglip.

>I cannot see OP's image and talk as if it was the case
Pffft, people. You need to stop being so literal, like, literally.

Nobody cares about you, or Ancient Egypt.
All civilizations that fall do so because they are weak, and weak civilizations deserve to be forgotten.
Congratulations, you built giant, 3D triangles with rocks, very impressive, now stay dead.

im indian and really only want to play white characters.

every game with char creation i play as the palest option(+white hair if available)

>Announcing your sage
Oh you of tender tushie.

Why would anyone do that?
Are you brain-damaged?

>weak civilizations deserve to be forgotten
I guess having a civilization with nothing worth remembering for is a relief for you, american fella?

>it bothers me I am playing as my nationality and he's not the same skin color as me
Wowee user it sounds like you're actually just a racist to me


are there even mummies of normal-ass people from ancient egypt?

pharaohs are nice and all but those fuckers were inbred as hell IIRC, not a very good indication of what the average Egyptian was made up of

Indeed, I am looking forward to the fall of western civilization because it has grown pathetically weak and hasn't done anything worthwhile since the moon landing.

>Are you brain-damaged?
Said the aspie

Wew lad

That's basically every single AC Origins thread to date, user. It gets tiring just shitposting all the time.

>There's not.
My point exactly. No one knows how the protag looks like at all yet but both sides are bending over backwards trying their hardest to get triggered.

Said the one who wants to pretend to be outraged at your own asspulls.

Only white people can be racist, you dingus

>You need to stop being so literal, like, literally.
You speak like a milenial, how about you fuck off and go pretend to be part of a political group because you think is cool elsewhere, kid?

So yes, this is a thread about obese "people" trying to trigger each other over pointless political garbage.



I'm impressed, indeed

Talk for yourself, m8y

I want people to explore sub-saharan african history more in story telling and video games, egypt and (american) slave trade are casting huge ass shadows over some fascinatingly isolated shit for certain


No, like you.
All people who partake in politics and aren't politicians themselves are all fat as fuck wastes of oxygen who contribute nothing to society or anything at all.
You go out of your way to be offended by trivial stuff like videogames and that's it.
That's what your entire, pointless existence revolves around, which is why i'll be looking forward to the fall of western civilization, let's see how all you fucks survive when your life becomes something that's more than being offended on the internet.

Videogames are a worthless storytelling medium, keep that shit out of it because it only produces drivel like TLOU, MGS or Mass Effect.
Pretty sad too if your last hope relies on this soon to be dead franchise.

>OW, THE EDGE: The Post
Why don't you get sum .45 caliber FREEDOM and end the school year with a blast, kiddo?

>tfw legitimately wanted to talk about the new AC
>such a shit thread that's already dissolving into sub par shitposting
It's not even the entertaining kind of shitposting. OP's such a fag, I swear to god.

Watching the fall of a civilization is something fascinating.
It would be like killing yourself a day before the launch of the Apollo 11.
It's you who will go out in the biggest bang in human history.

video games are a good launchpad for kindling a desire to know more

The real Egyptians weren't black or white, they were just typical brown people with black hair

I think you got your buzzwords mixed up my guy

I don't.
People should learn why their civilizations failed and then let them be forgotten.

Why do people keep repeating this over and over again in these threadS?
Fucking everyone knows, the ones who don't are a handful of niggers in Burgerland.
And even then, who the fuck cares about those people?
They died thousands of years ago and they didn't do anything worthwhile apart from giant piles of rocks and wall drawings like every other goddamn civilization.

Shill thread, report, sage, hide.

fuck drumpf and fuck wh*te people

>bunch of old rocks from dead people don't matter
>b-but my pixelated bullshit is important and my opinion is a solid way of thinking myself better than my ancestors who arranged a lot of complicated shit to show off their prestige like the dick wavers they were
>my speed run is more impressive than king tut's nut being better preserved than my great grandfather's name

not all people live in liberal shithole melting pots, in fact most states in the world are ethno states

I'm not saying what I do is important, i'm saying that failed civilizations deserve punishment for their weakness, and since they all died a long time ago, the only punishment they could get is being forgotten.

so what happened ? is the protagonist a kang ? i thought the leaked protagnoist shirt showed a regular arab/semitic egyptian ?

Pseudo-racist shitposters will type their fingers bloody and spout idiotic memes without actually caring about the game at all, so there's something to look forward to

>title is black egypt
>Egyptians weren't black I don't understand what's happening
Did you fall on your head?
>I don't understand, why is it called Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, he doesn't even have a PI license!

The main character though his skin is very dark his features are different from Negroids. He looks more like an Ethiopian or Carthaginian, or a very sunburned Egyptian.

Also, if they're buttmad about this wait until they find out about the Centurion DLC.

you don't really understand what you're talking about unless your interest lies solely in the (you) and a friendly reminder that by your own logic you are less significant than the so-called "failed" civilizations that prospered for centuries or whatever before getting their teeth kicked in by someone more successful that ultimately had the same happen to them over and over

enjoy summer while it lasts I guess, plenty of good games to play and look forward to like the one OP posted however accurate/inaccurate it may be in portraying the general populace of the area it depicts.

No, but Sup Forumseddit and Sup Forums NEED him to be black in order to push their victim complex further.

>i thought the leaked protagnoist shirt showed a regular arab/semitic egyptian ?
Why they question mark?
Are you asking if you thought the leaked protagonist shirt showed an arab guy?

> by your own logic you are less significant than the so-called "failed" civilizations
Indeed I am.

>plenty of good games to play
No, not really.

>look forward to like the one OP posted
Even less a goddamn AC game.
I'm only looking forward to seeing this franchise die like it should have back in 2012.

also forgot to mention, the egyptians were big on striking someone's face/name from records as a way to get back at them, to punish them for perceived slights or whatever, as immortality ain't worth shit if no one knows your name

ironic given the apparent lack of understanding of just how those hieroglyphics are supposed to be spoken

That pic is a cheap, fucking photoshop, autist.
Seriously, why does Sup Forums believe absolutely everything people say about anything?
Why are you so fucking naive and gullible?

Hey guys, here you have the actual cover of the next AC game.
Of course, you believe me, right?

What made you think I care about any of what you just said in that post?

And what do you hope to accomplish by not replying properly?
Do some people in this place unironically take the
>haha i have a le (you), and i le refer to le replies as le (you)s
maymay seriously?

You unironically think anybody cares?

that's a nice painting tbqh


Lmfao redditcucks mad that WE WUZ NAT KANGZ?

wtf I hate Egypt now

>Assassins Creed
There's nothing to discuss.