WipEout Omega Collection

>Von-Über and TEEgron are back
>2048 got a menu revamp
>Every team has their own unique announcer voice to go along with the classic lady warning voice and the male lap announcing voice
>New FX and SFX for ship engines and weapons

Let's go, AGbros. Where my FEISAR übermensch at?


Other urls found in this thread:


>all them barrerl rolls

>shitty team from fusion
Who gives a shit

You take that back right now mudak

>2 IPs

>MAXI dindu


Your thread is bad and you should feel bad.

>no original music

yeah no, fuck off

I already have the original versions of all these games. Is there any point in buying Omega?

I think the ps4 still lets you play your own music over vidya through an US

Buying it would show interest in ag racers and possibly make sony allow the develpment of a new game

Fusion was fucking awful, of you think otherwise you're a retard

To shill to the company that closed down the studio that made these games.

who /qirex/ here?

Sony stopped producing PS3's so HD/Fury are literally on the rope now.

I know it was bad user, I was joking.

Outta my way commie

Studio Liverpool was shuttered, so what's going on with this? A port by some sort of B-tier developer?

I want this to be good but I seriously doubt it will be at this point.

Qirex has the best Fury model. Was my favourite craft to fly around.

Lmao who cares about wipeout. Just give me zone mode on anulpha pass and synecopia

After being closed down, most of Liverpool went to Xdev, which is the developer behind Omega. They just remastered the games and fixed some bugs + added new ships basically.

I don't see them here?

subsidiary I guess

There is so much misinformation in one post. Omega involves 3 studios, XDev, Clever Beans, and EPOC. "Most of Liverpool went to XDev" is as truthful as Formula Fusion, a Wipeout "revival" (clone) being made by """ex-Wipeout devs""", which is just in fact Andrew Walker being a fucking weasel using his status. He's worked on Wipeout 3 as a Senior Artist, and uh, that's it. Even if WO3 is a good game, the game is the sum of all the parts. Everytime someone shills for Formula Fusion and mentions something about ex-Wipeout devs, it should be an immediate ban.


I want this so much but I ain't buying a PS4...
My PS3 taking the dust was enough.

I'm just going to wait for more gameplay videos and Sup Forums threads then.

Wait for what exactly? It's the same three games just at 1080p/4K HDR at 60fps with extra announcers and a uniform presentation. Based nordbro (links in OP) was streaming two days ago and it's made the wait for the game to come out all the more excruciating.

Wait to see how buggy it is.

God damn I can't wait to play 2048 on 60fps. I just hope online works well

2007 called, they want their meme back

A little salty they didn't add pure into the mix, it wasn't the best for graphics but had some neat as fuck tracks in it, especially with the DLCs

>le rip off qirex design and steal ideas company xDDD
Auricom is shit! SHIT!!!

I fucking need this game in my life.

People will bomb it with bad reviews if they port PSP games over even in 4K. It's the exact same situation GT5 and GT6 had when they included PS2 and PSP cars.

Friendly reminder that Mirage is a muzzie team, from muzzie manufacturer, for muzzie people. Those who use Mirage online will be immediately targeted by me with Goteki.

You have been warned.

>Van-Uber is back

It's being handled by XDev, which most of Liverpool migrated to.

Would be nice to have this game on PC, but alas.

>I rate Goteki-45


>Gotekifags showed up
fucks sake not the hawaiians again

goteki45? more like reddit45 lmao

unironically the worst posters on this board. being a gotecuck needs to be a bannable offense t b h

AssGuy masterrace here

piranha the fastest.

oi m8 go fuck yourself

Icaras reporting in

Look at this mad brit lmao
Go back to your pink paperthin """ship"""

Fuck off. Goteki 45 were feared and used scorch earth to accomplish their mission. They cucked everyone so hard that another team had to bomb their hq(probably Mirage niggers).

fuck off you dumb fat hawaiian

happily, unlike BRs, Icaras doesn't have to wallbang it's way to the finish line,

>Fuck one
>Mary one
>kill one


oi we won Pure's championship fair 'n' square, just because we had better technology doesn't mean it was illegal

why does this game have such good aesthetics



Harimau is pure wife material.

i fucking hate australia so much

The Designers Republic

kill goteki45

Old TDR, and the legacy their old work left with the series
their new stuff is, on their part admittedly, not as "TDR"y, but their old work is graphic design heaven

Fuck Qirex, she's a wild slut
Kill EGX, the dirty fucking chinks
Marry Auricom because Arial a cute

Talented artists + strong director = pure aesthetic

Qirex is pure!

>We played around with the idea of an interactive comic called Wipeout Chronicles, which would shed some light on the backstory of WipEout’s founder.

>Fun fact: WipEout 2048, for a short while, was going to have a zombie mode. It was a half-joke, a tongue-in-cheek nod to the endless ‘zombie’ modes in other games. We didn’t get time to perfect it though so we removed it.

>You start in darkness, alone on the track.
>Then you hear them in the distance, the digital scream of their engines filling you with dread.
>They start to show up on your Zombie radar, a handful at first in hot pursuit and full of ominous darkness.
>Then they’re on you, ramming you, destroying themselves if need be, but they’re taking you with them.
>You can pick up Cannons and the occasional (but very rare) Quake to defend yourself, but it’s only going to delay the inevitable – you will die.
>As time goes by, more and more Zombie ships appear, becoming more and more aggressive, until you are surrounded by a swarm of carbon-clad deliverers of Armageddon
>and that’s before a Zombie Mother-ship even shows up
This sounds fucking spooky as hell, reminds me of the later missions from Distance. I want to see what it's like, maybe they'll put it back in Omega?

>we will never have a comic written about a savant university dropout and young female politician that isn't written by cunts with an agenda
>TDR and Psygnosis will never show them how it's done

Wtf....Jesus, they better include a mode like this if a new wipeout is made...Fuck that was a missed opportunity.

More juicy reposts:
>The entire Wipeout 2048 campaign has been re-balanced for difficulty... the joypad, and frame rate made it far too easy.. We've made the A+ challenges even harder. ;)
Get that lube ready

>barel rolls
>this shitty handling
>only one superios thing is crafts design

God bless we have Formula Fusion now.


who /lenightdominator/ here?


FF's a disaster, faggot.

Did I just hear some fag talki shit about barrel rolls?

Is 2048 faster now? Lower time limits?

1v1 me. Sebenco Climb, Phantom, no weapons, non-Fury only. I'll wreck ya.

Post bangers or suffer

I'm guessing improved AI for races, and then just lower times needed for things like speed laps and time trials. Probably more zones needed for that too.

Replaying a little bit of 2048, I can see how it's probably necessary. At the highest speed it really seems more like the difficulty comes from the lower fps, smaller screen and less comfortable controls

>Sebenco Phantom
Oh, my favorite.
Already starting up my Feisar. Ur fukken ded kiddo

>Not posting X-Project


>no Surrender
>no Expander

decent taste

>Not posting THE best song

Tuned harder because 60 fps with Dualshock
If you were good enough to platinum 2048, you're still able to pull it off.
Sony's QA who have some actual Wipeout players helped with balancing
2048 Zico is now on Downtown instead of Altima because it was too easy on console
2048 Zico's time was determined by internal tournaments and then time added so it's not hopeless for new players
HD Zico untouched, still a pain

>I'm kinda nervous because I'm actually responsible for setting the difficulty of everything. I'd consider myself an "average" Wipeout player.... so you guys will probably find most things quite easy...

>except there's some stuff I can't come close to winning........... We did it very scientifically with all of Sony's QA department (who are...... well.. "above average" Wipeout players!) - as you'll see on the blank leaderboards on day 1 I expect.

>This Zico 2048 trophy was very carefully balanced so that "normal" players can achieve it after a lot of practise. The original Vita challenge (on Altima) was far far too easy and during development we felt that downtown was a better track for gameplay reasons. So we went with that, and over the months of development, we had a mini-time trial tournament to get the best time.

>Because we want to make sure the trophy is achievable for "normal" players, we then added some time onto the best time... I'd expect anyone who's played the WO2048 game on Vita to be able to get within 1 second of it pretty quickly, but a complete newb will struggle for a fair few hours. The original HD Beat Zico challenge is unchanged, (and in my opinion way too hard for "normal" players)

Be honest here
it's hard to make bad taste choices picking from Wipeout OSTs
Except Omega's, because while they're all pretty fun, some of them are a bit plebby


By the way if anyone follows drum & bass, Marcus Intalex of M.I.S.T - Smart Systems on Pulse (Marcus Intalex + S.T. Files = MIST), passed away on May 31st I think. He was one of the big players in the genre.



Post yfw

does this game have the original music tracks?

>The artist of my favourite song in Pulse
F u c k

Since this is the dedicated Wipeout thread, what do you guys think about BallisticNG?
It's free on Steam and panders a lot to the fans of WO3.


Fuck, really? Smart Systems is a great song


thanks for the fucking tunes

It's alright but it still needs work, Von Snake.

Only reason why no one is screaming shill is because it's $0

Some have stayed, but it's been mostly replace with new tracks.

>Nobody posted Chemical Brothers yet
Are you people fucking joshing me

Link not related I take it?

Not a shill, just a nostalgiafag purist who isn't a big fan of the new games.
It's not like there's much of a chance to bring up the game anyway since Wipeout threads are fairly far and few.

waiting for OST tracklist

Is this finally the renissance of AG racing after a lengthy drought? Omega, Redout, FAST, tons of lower profile indies, definitely more than in five years prior combined. Ninty should slap Sega to bring back FZGX, and we'll be set for years to come.


Oh thanks! Listening now. Though at first glance it looks shit. Swedish house mafia? Seriously?

Spoilers: 2048 and Omega is full of pleb shit and Pop & Bass. Mostly why I think 2048's intro is fucking shite but most people like it.

Hold the fuck up they actually put fucking Noisia in WipeOut ?
I mean look at this : youtu.be/SAO-lzl3vVQ

Noisia made Seven Stitches for Wipeout Pulse, a non-album edit of Machine Gun was in HD Fury, Regurgitate was in 2048, and Dead Limit is in Omega.