Is there really any difference? Money on either side isn't an issue, and my PC is a monster so both platforms are on equal grounds FPS wise. Is there ANY reason to choose one platform over the other?
Unless you play on playing the bases get PC
PC owner here.
PC version has some pluses, mainly higher resolution and visual options as well as custom soundtracks for your helicopter.
However, it is locked to 60 FPS no matter what and the PS4 version also runs at 60 FPS/1080p. It also has way more cheating with nuke count and infiltrating other bases, which does bring the experience down a little.
Honestly, if you can get MGSV for PS4 cheap (like $12-15 bucks, its been on sale a lot), go for it. Play Ground Zeroes first though.
Don't buy that shit game and buy me hitman season 1 for 25$ please
PC is the definitive edition with mods and everything single player is superior specially graphics. Some niggas bitch about bases.
The PC version is surprisingly well optimized. Maybe blowing the entire budget on the FOX engine will pay off someday.
Fucking get the PC version with Final heaven mod, it adds patrols to the overworld, allows you to take side missions without having to hop in and out of the helecopter, lets you bring your soldiers to fight alongside you, and more
PS4 has less cheaters
Pc has the basic things like better resolution etc etc
PC has some worthwhile mods and better graphics.
Aiming with a mouse or aiming with thumb stub, hmm. That engine is a fucking champ on PC, too. Ran it maxed with my 7970 HD and i5 2500k without feeling like it was sluggish. Not a moment where I ever thought, man this runs like shit.
PC version is pretty well optimized and has some mods.
You'll probably run into some cheaters, but FOBs are pretty shit anyways and MGO isn't worth playing.
PC version is one of the most well optimized ports I've ever seen. Doesn't even turn my graphics cards fans on at the highest settings and it looks amazing. It's a shame the Fox Engine is kill. It was actually magic.
What game?
OP here, thanks for the suggestions. Seems like PC is the way to go for me based on these responses. I don't care about online/cheaters whatsoever, just a good single-player experience. Thanks again guys!
I've played it on both, it takes a long time to get your crosshairs over someone head on console. On pc, it's so much easier to quickly noscope headshot. other then that, not much of a difference. it's just more difficult on console
get MGS5 on the PS4.
Hackers plague the FoB stuff online and you needs a damn good computer to run it
>lets you bring your soldiers to fight alongside you
nice lie
PC version is literally a perfect port, so obviously that one. Fuckhead.
What went right?
PC is superior just for Infinite Heaven which lets you modify almost every aspect of the gameplay. it also lets you skip those long ass helicopter rides and arrive directly at the mission landing zone.
>he doesn't know
>will pay off someday
the engines only used to make shitty soccer games now
The engine was made from the ground up with high framerate in mind.
PS4 unless you want to get invaded by hackers when you get to the FOB bullshit that's always online.
PC, you dont depend on once device for your gaming needs.
it's not possible, even with infinite heaven, what're you on about?
I own the game on both systems.
To sum it up, doesn't fucking matter. The PC port is great, the PS4 version looks almost exactly the same and maintains a solid 60 fps no matter what, atleast in my experience.
PC version may look better by a tiny amount and you can mod it, but the PS4 version definitely have a more active MP community for bases and MGO.
Get it on PC so you can unpatch it and play around with bizarre custom weapons, like silenced grenades or OP frankenguns