Why don't you have a Henkaku Vita yet?

Why don't you have a Henkaku Vita yet?

>95% of the Vita's library for free
>100% of the PSP's library for free
>100% of the PS1's library for free
>tons of emulators for all the old systems
>easy as fuck to hack, just visit a website
>can mod and customize the system and it's games, translation patches, plugins and tons of extra stuff you get from the hack

This is the best handheld ever.

1) What's the exploitable firmware?
2) What's the latest firmware?
3) How do I guarantee getting a Vita with the exploitable firmware?

Memory card options are complete overpriced ass.
Talk to me when they develop an adapter.

buy any sealed western model

PSTV can use USB as memory card
There's an adaptor being developed but that's going to take some time

Thanks for the info

>110 euros for a 64gb memory card
Y-yeah, hacking my ps vita right away...

I'm on the latest firmware, save for the Vita TV.


It's tempting, but I'm not dropping that much cash on storage

I need to get another memory card as my 64 keeps needing me to rebuild database. Is the 32 or 16 safest? I'm just tired of it doing this.

That was the cost of a 32GB card through the first year.

32GB is fine.

64 GB cards are made in two locations, Asia and Japan. The Japanese ones have slightly more storage and the Asia ones fail more often.

Mine is on 3.55, can I still run the exploit or do I need to update to 3.6x?

>tfw a huge weaboo
>Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1
>Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 2: Sisters Generation
>Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 3: V Generation
>Hyperdimension Neptunia: Producing Perfection
>Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart
>Hyperdimension Neptunia U: Action Unleashed
>MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies
>Superdimension Neptune vs Sega Hard Girls
>Atelier Rorona Plus: The Alchemist of Arland
>Atelier Totori Plus: The Adventurer of Arland
>Atelier Meruru Plus: The Apprentice of Arland
>Atelier Ayesha Plus: The Alchemist of Dusk
>Atelier Escha & Logy Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky
>Atelier Shallie Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea
>Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book
>Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey
>Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus
>Senran Kagura Bon Appétit!
>Senran Kagura: Estival Versus
>Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni
>Akiba's Trip
>Bullet Girls
>Bullet Girls 2
>Dungeon Travelers 2
>Moe Chronicle
>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
>Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
>God Eater Resurrection
>God Eater 2 Rage Burst
>Eiyuu Senki (english and 18+patch)
>Steins;Gate 0
>Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F
>Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd
>Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA X
>Taiko no Tatsujin: V Version
>The Idolm@ster Must Songs Blue
>The Idolm@ster Must Songs Red
>Monster Monpiece
>Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment
>Sword Art Online: Lost Song
>Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization
>Attack on Titan
>Ar Nosurge Plus: Ode to an Unborn Star
>Digimon World: Next Order
>Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
to name a few

You don't need a 64gb card, anything above a 16gb and you'll be hoarding games instead of playing them.

Henkaku only works on 3.60. Read /hbg/'s guide on how to update to 3.60.


Fuck off, most Japanese games and versions haven't even been dumped or dumped properly. Not to mention all of those >3.60 titles.

Cool thanks. Anything else I should look out for?
And yeah mine has 60 GB when it's free completely. I've even kept the free space over half because someone mentioned that can mess things up. Having it completely full that is. I'm no slouch when it comes to taking care of my stuff either. Just blows. But really thanks for the info. I just wanna play my games again
Feels so good man.
Yeah. It's how I felt about mine. Now it's constantly messing up.

Where is a good place to get 16 or 32 gb cards?

I was already past the right firmware by the time it came out.

I REALLY want one and nobody here is selling them new and I hate buying used.

The screen is just so beautiful and the console is comfy af.

Just how easy is it though? Are things like emulators and roms just drag and drop?

>buy any sealed western model
basically a 1000 model at $200

Which game hasn't been dumped? All the big and relevant games have already been dumped the only games left are shitty visual novels in japanese and trashy indie games.

Bullshit. Henkaku was released in july 29 2016, the 3.61 firmware that patched it was released in august 8 2016. That's a nearly two months window.

Yes, pretty much. Retroarch UI however can be a pain in the ass but that's Retroarch's fault not the vita or the hack itself.

Any western 1000/2000 and PSTV model will be at or bellow 3.60 as long as it's sealed. You don't need to buy a model 1000 specifically. Also, some japanese models will also be bellow or at 3.60 but it's not guaranteed.

I've bought pretty much everything I've wanted to play.
I have an old hacked PSP that I've used to play just about every PSP and PS1 game not available on the store that I want to play.
I've had my PSN account for 10 years now and don't see a point in risking it no matter how small the risk for games I've already purchased or don't care for.

Is it worth buying a Vita if I'm not a weeb?

Oh shit, has it actually come a long way?

Like a year ago the emulators were all fucking garbage and like 1 or 2 games were downloadable. Now I can pirate dungeon traveler without having to give them a single cent.

Depends. Not every japanese game is weeb but if you do consider them to be then it's not worth it. The Vita does have some good western games though like Wipeout 2048 and Killzone Mercenary.

But I do.
What are some games like story of seasons on it?

I'm playing Trails in the Sky FC Evolution english patch right now

My 32 GB is doing the same thing. These things are just fucking shit.

>ywn get a 3.65 exploit

Is there even a pep exploit or am I just fucked all over?

I put a 128GB USB drive on my Vita TV... but I don't know what to play on it.

Only psp homebrew through vhbl.

Can't you not play games that require a higher firmware, still? And do you still need to jump through a hoop or two to use Henkaku if you want to do it offline? I haven't touched my Vita in months, so I'm out of the loop.

Yes, you can't play newer games but there aren't many of them either and some you can get around by playing an english patched japanese version like toukiden 2. Henkaku offline is pretty easy and there's a permanent henkaku coming in a few months.

Friendly reminder that PSTV has mass USB storage and supports up to 4 dualshock 3/4 controllers. Really easy getting some CTR or Super Bomberman action going with family and friends.

How could I go about this? What can the mass storage be used for on pstv?
This is why I'm nervous about getting a new card.

>vita pastebin

I haven't been there in awhile. If it wasn't 3ds related they wouldn't even bother.

Check the pastebin or guides for it. It's through Vitashell, you use it just like a standard memory card so you can install all your games to it. My 64gb flashdrive is loaded with PSP, ps1, Vita, snes, Gameboy and genesis games.

What are some good non-JRPG vita games to pirate? I don't really care how weeb the games are.

for fucks sake im 3.61, what a cunt!

Wipeout 2048, Lumines Electronic Symphony, Killzone, Terraria.

Fuck well thanks user! I prefer using my vita tv anyhow

Any life sims?

Which model is the best to buy? Does this console have good non weeb games?

no, maybe persona 4 but I've never played it myself.

PSTV has mass USB storage but it's not portable and model 1000 has the best screen.

I do but only a 4GB card.

>Can't play 3.61~ games yet
Fuck you

Buy a model 1 and it has a decent amount of non weeb stuff but not tons. It has tons of indie ports though

Is there a working CPS3 emulator? I have one collecting dust and I feel like just playing some 3rd Strike while taking a dump you know?
I got bored from the Vita games.

P4G might as well be one

>I hate buying used.
Good luck buying an Atari 2600 then, faggot. The Vita is Legacy hardware, get it through your thick skull.

You guys recommend a good place to buy memory cards? I don't want the Asian ones that will fuck up

im already in henkaku mode but now i fear that i wont be able to play any newer games that may require or force an update to 3.65

>Updated for remote play P5
>Remote play is fucking ass
Deeply regret it, it was a sexy OLED vita too. Does 3.63 allow me to at least pirate psp stuff?


Lol its tempting but I'm not paying that much for storage

There's only one kind and that's the sony brand and they all suck especially the higher ones.

>Updated for remote play P5
Wat, why, you could have spoof it, it still works.

I do. Fan translation for jap only games when?

Well someone mentioned some were manufactured in Asia and others in Japan and that the Asian ones were not eprone to defects. Not sure how accurate it is.

Has there been any issue with 16 gb? I realise I don't need too much space between my vita tv and vita

3.61 vita for all the new games and games I own and remote play, online play

3.60 pstv for all my hacking needs

I updated for the 5%.

Just got a 64gb card last week. Already filled it up.

Hopefully it doesn't have the issues I have had. Wouldn't wish that on anyone.